Slowly Jin's feet was move backward, step by step with shaking legs. He is back to his room.

His head was look down, make the tears falling so fast.

End of flashback ......


The next day in class.

"Jin!! You have to regret for being absent yesterday!" Hoseok shout.

"What is the matter of that?" Jin said calmly.

"There's new student in the class next door, she is beautiful. But a little rude.... Like......" Namjoon said and then smirk at Stephanie.

"What? Do you mean I am rude? How dare you!" Stephanie hit Namjoon shoulders.

"Look how rude you are now" Namjoon reply.

"Jin, don't we need to give her our rule, we have a tradition for new student , right?" Jungkook said.

"Dude, she is a girl. You want to beat a girl?" Taehyung said.

"But rule is rule, and of course we are not going beat her. We have another way to show her our rule since she is a girl." Jungkok said and point on the girl that they are talking about, she passed their class.

Name: Vilia

Family Background : Poor,Parents work as farmer at the village. She is rent a small house in Seoul alone and have part timer job. She got scholarship in this school

Attitude: Brave,Rude, But kind and have a bright smile.

It's break time. All students running to the cafeteria to get their lunch. As usual, bangtan sit at the corner of cafeteria.

Jin still in class with Stephanie.

"Let's go baby, I'm really hungry" Stephanie said to Jin and grab his hand.

"Wait..... Steph..." Jin call Stephanie's name.

"What's wrong Jin? Your face look not good"

Jin was stop for moment. He like want to say something to Stephanie, but still thinking that should he tell her or not.

"Hmmm.. nothing. Go first, I want to go to toilet. See you at cafeteria." Jin said and then leaving her.

Jin was walking to the toilet, but suddenly he bumped to someone.

He realize that his clothes are all wet by orange juice. He start annoying and cursed.

"What the hell!" Jin shout.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The girl bowed to Jin.

"I'm really sorry for that, but we don't see each other, that's why you bumped to me" She continued.

"What? Do you mean this is my fault too? How dare you!" Jin said in high voice.

"Hey don't shout, I apologized and I'm not the one who take the blame. You should look straight too when you walking." The girl said.

Suddenly the bangtan come to near Jin who still debating with a girl.

"Look what we get here...." Jungkook said.

"Hey new student, why you are so pretty today" Namjon said and try to touch her hair, but the girl slap Namjoon.

"Don't touch me!" The girl shout.

"Rude bitch...." Jungkook murmured.

"My name is Vilia, and I'm not a bitch! " Vilia said.

"Just let's go...." Jin said and leaving the place.

"Hey Jin, we are not done already!" Hoseok said and then follow Jin to leave.

The bangtan leave the place, but before that Jungkook come closer to Vilia.

"It's not over yet, we'll see you again..." Jungkook whisper to her and leave.


The bangtan was at the playing room.

"Jin, why you don't give Vilia a lesson and just leave like that?" Jungkook ask.

"I don't want to bullying student anymore, I promised to my older brother" Jin explain.

"whoww..... a big change bro?" Taehyung said.

"Do you mean, you'll break one of our rule?" Jungkok ask.

"Just .... Stop okay.... I don't want to continue this." Jin leave the room.

"Steph, what make him change like that?" Hoseok ask to Stephanie.

Stephanie just smile. She knew that Yin really can change Jin's attitude. It's not a bad think. Stephanie glad that Yin take a positive thing to Jin.

Stephanie get out from the room and take out her phone.

"Yin, what are you doing?" Stephanie said.

"Just want to cook something, I was bored all day alone in this big house" Yin reply.

"Yeah, you will go to school tomorrow tough, and today you have fully take a rest."

"I'm fine already........because of you......."

Stephanie was blushed for what Yin said.

"Really? Is Jin home yet?"

"No, are you not with him?"

"He leave first 5 minutes ago, he'll be there soon"

The call suddenly become silent.

"Yin, can you go out? I want to see you, but not in home." Stephanie said.

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