Making Moves

Beginne am Anfang

Untouchable burningg brighter than the sun,

and when your close I feel like coming undone,

In the middle of th-"

"Your pretty good." Mike said breaking my concentration, I blushed.


"Well, there was a bit of a rumour." He winked.

I smiled Mark was much more open now that I had got to know him, he wasn't wearing a hoodie today instead going for the schools football jersy.

"Hey, I didn't know you played football!" I said playfully poking him in the stomach.

He mocked offended, "I'm the receiver!"

I smiled. "Oh."

"You have no idea what that is, do you?"

Nope." I replied laughing.

He explained his role and I pretended I got what he was talking about.

Mark fell silent and I stopped walking backwards, wiping the smile off my face I turned arond.

"Hey!" Kalbe greeted us smiling widley.

"Hi guys!" I smiled back.

" Yesterday was really fun eh, Amber." Kaleb smirked at me suggesting something that didn't happen.

"What happened yasterday?" Mark growled looking at the much taller Kaleb.

"Oh we just watched movies and the-" Keleb begun before I cut in.

"We, as in, Kalbe, Harry, Kaleb and I watched some movies on Sunday and then, they all went home." I said saying everything slowly and empasising the fact that the other guys were there.

"Oh." Mark said. "Okay" It was starting to get awakward. I bit my lip looking away.

I took my jacket off, it was my favourite, brown leather. I was feeling pretty hot.

"Are you coming to The Bonfire tomorrow night? it's at my place." Kaleb asked.

"I guess so." I thought for a second, I had something to ask him but I couldn't remeber.

"Well we better be going." Kaleb said before I wanted him to leave, I liked being with them. "Don't look so sad." Kalbe added putting his thunb under my chin and lifting it up to face him, my heart skipped a beat and I blushed.

:I'm not going to miss you." Seeing they're faces I quickly added, " I'm not like.. Happy your gone- and I'm not like obbsesive and- I don't care wether yo leave or not." I said closing my eyes.

"Kay, we'll leave." Kaleb smiled, "Nice shirt by the way." He winked and I looked down and looked at the print I hadn't bothered to notice before, it was a wolf.

I then remembered what I needed to ask him. How did he know my number?

But he was already gone.

"You shouldn't go." Mark said.

I frowned. Choosing to ignore his bad temper.

"Amber." something about his vioce was different. I looked at him.

He pushed me against the wall and my breath hitched.

He hid his eyes behind his long thick lashes."Amber, Promise me you won't go. Please." He looked up and ye heart flutterered for the second time today as his blue eyes burnt into mine. I had never known Mark to be this confident, this daring. It was bold.

"O- oh, okay." I said, my voice shaky. He reached hand up to touch my face before he disapeared. I slid down the brick wall, scraping my back, I didn't know what to think.

There was however one thought that kept popping into my mind.

Dustin. I loved him. I felt like I had jst betrayed him, even though I could say it was Mark, and we didn't even do anything the guilt still hung over me like a rainy day.

I could say that I didn't do anything. But that's the problem. I could've pushed him off me, or not felt like that.

I didn't know what to do. But I had to stand and go on with the rest of the day, I would deal with Mark later.


Hey! Sorry, bit of a boring chapter... What do yu think of Mark?

And I just wanted to say thankyou again! Without our fans we would not be able to write this, So Thankyou thankyou thankyu thankkyou!!!

Next chapter introduces new characters.. Hehe.

I added a cast? What do you think of em?

Remeber to vote comment and Fan if yu haven't! Please, it will make my day!!

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