Nightmares And Movies

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Bang Bang bang, My footsteps were ever so loud in the eerie darkness.

Green surrounded me, trees surrounded me, I couldn't see the sun, I could only run.

Bang Bang Bang.

But now I feel like throwing up when I hear another set o footsteps, a soft thudding, Ba boom. Ba boom, It was getting closer and with every stride I was tiring I felt my body stiffening, my muscles locking up like a rope had been tied around my knees.

I learnt against a tree, even though I knew I had to run.

Even though I knew whatever horrible beast was chasing me was approaching.

Something grabbed me. I shrieked.

A horrible howl filled the night silenced by my scream. Awwooo!

It was closer than I ever imagined possible.

"Amber it's me." My father said covering my mouth. I couldn't see him, but I knew it was him. I just knew.

A black figure leaped out of the forest and I saw my dad leap to strangle it, shocked the beast fell back.

My father kicked it in the gut and it turned to him with a vicious snarl, linking it's teeth around his arm. It ripped.

I screamed turning and running, but not before seeing the pain on my fathers face, a longing, a begging for me not to leave him here to the merciless wolf.

"Amber!" The sound vibrated through my scull, causing me to fall to the ground. I couldn't get up, it felt like everything was weighting me down, like my wrists were connected to endless roots somewhere close to hell.

I woke.

I was confused for a few minutes, I didn't know where I was.

It was then I realised that I couldn't breathe. My hands found my neck to be met with a bundle of sheets wrapped round it. Fumbling to get it off I took a long breathe trying to untangle the sheets from the rest of my body, I was lying on the wooden floor.

i lay for a few seconds, pondering my dream, it was probably from all the sadness at the funeral, taking a toll on my emotions.

Standing I dressed in some comfortable but warm clothes, I needed a walk.

Glancing at the clock it showed it was 5:00 am, so not that late, when I worked at the dairy 4;30 was my wake up time for a 5:00 start.

Pulling on some uggies I walked out and sat on the porch, the concrete steps were cold, but not wet like the dew-coated grass.

I stared at the forest that lay just across the street to me, despite my dream I felt like exploring, besides if I went straight for  500 metres it came out to a park, I could follow the road but it took longer and I felt like exploring a bit.

I entered the edge of the forest, the trees were spaced and thick trunked, making it easy to walk through the mossy jungle.

I felt as if the moment I had stepped in her I had walked into a dream, a fairytale dream. It was beautiful and mysterious and I sensed a presence of others, small animals. I could hear them fumbling about in the underbrush.

I felt alive, I felt one with all the animals I buzzed with energy they provided me and felt I could run further than any other, Lift the weight of any building or jump across the Sahara desert.

Breaking out in a run, I laughed, I hadm't run like this in so long, run for the joy of feeling my feet pound on the ground.

Tree's past me at a blur and my eyes began to water.

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