Homecoming Court

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"Do we really have to be here? Can't we just go make out under the bleachers or something instead?" Kai poked me in the sides as we sat, in the high school gym.

The gym definitely wasn't as nice as St. Christopher's. While the cheerleaders bounced up and down it looked like the wooden floor was moving with them.

"Pep assemblies are fine, right?" I looked from Kai to his friends that sat around us. I still stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the boys in their tight jeans and guyliner, but I was at least starting to get used to it.

"I think I'm going to go out for a smoke," Brody mumbled and jumped down from the bleachers with Grant following him.

"Have fun pep squad," Grant yelled.

"Please," Kai tugged at my skirt.

"No. We have to at least stay and watch Gabby perform." I pushed Kai's hand to the side.

Gabby practically begged me to stay for the pep assembly. I mean it's not like I would have just sat around in sixth period without anyone there anyways, but she made a really big deal that I be there to see her perform with the pom squad.

"Come on Bee it's the pep assembly to kick off Homecoming week!" She squealed while we were at lunch.

If Kai's friends were annoyed with me, they were twice as annoyed with Gabby. She definitely had the whole school spirit and bubbly personality going for her. I envied her. I wished I could be that positive. Why she could stay so upbeat was beyong me. Her boyfriend was gay, her parents had recently gotten divorced, and she had the biggest zit in all of her Homecoming pictures from St. Christopher's. I hoped that she got announced to be on Homecoming court, she really deserved it.

Most of the gym really wasn't paying attention to what was going at the pep assembly. There were a few jocks and cheerleaders, but mostly it was rival gangs glaring at each other or people sneaking out to go smoke or do other things underneath the bleachers.

"Welcome East High students!" Our principal, Mrs. Grover, stepped in front of the microphone, blasting a lot of static in people's ears.

"Oops, sorry about that." She pulled the microphone farther from her face with her long cocoa colored hands. "How is everyone doing today?" She yelled.

Obviously Mrs. Grover couldn't have been more than thirty with her spunk and sparkle still left in her. Not like most principals that didn't even do pep assemblies anymore. I don't know how she stayed so positive either. I heard through the grapevine that Mr. Grover was definitely a player, but she still showed up to school every day in her pastel colored suits and meticulously braided hair with that big smile painted on her face.

"So next weekend Mom and sisters are going to be at the woman's overnighter at church," Kai whispered in my ear.

I nodded. Secretly I was hoping that they would call my name for Homecoming court. Okay so pre-lay off, when I was the student council president at St. Christopher's, I would basically have been a shoe in for Homecoming Queen. The new girl working at the fast food joint wasn't exactly on the top of everyone's list to even benominated for Homecoming court at East. I also remembered Kai saying that if I made court that he would go to Homecoming. Don't get me wrong it would be awesome to spend a night alone with him, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to wear a dress and dance and take pictures for the yearbook.

"And now your senior class president, Macy Laveran, will announce this year's Homecoming court." Mrs. Grover announced as the small crowd of people paying attention, who no doubt would be nominated, cheered Macy on.

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