Fish out of water

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I never thought that a person could relate so much to a character in a book. Especially when that character was a pig. I got to the part in Animal Farm where Napoleon chases the other ruling pig, Snowball, out of the farm and starts using him as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong. As it turns out the book had a lot more about human relations than animal relations and could easily even fit into my own life.

I felt like I was the pig that was chased out of the farm and that my lack of funds was definitely a cause for my friends to stop calling me. I hadn't heard from Taylor since sushi night and started to get a little paranoid. I wondered if everyone was talking about me at St. Christopher's and if they were what they were saying. I was just happy that it was Friday and that I had English with Gabby last period.

"So has Brett said anything about me to you?" I tried to ask as nonchalantly as I could while we sat in our desks. She shook her head making her Carmel ponytail bounce back and forth.

"This may come as a shock, but not everyone is talking bad about you, Bee. Well not to me at least."

"Right, I mean I guess it's not like I'm the subject of all your conversations....even though I should be." I laughed tossing my hair back.

"Everyone is supposed to be coming to the game tonight, so you should see them all then." Gabby smiled weakly as she smoothed out the skirt on her uniform.

"I won't be there. I have to work." Before I could feel sorry for myself Miss Winter walked in with that overly enthused look still painted on her freckled face.

I felt so bad for Miss Winter. It was like she didn't have any idea what she was getting herself into when she signed up for this job. With her red hair and always matching outfits it was as if she thought she was going to be teaching a bunch of perfect students and not a class full of boys in red bandanas shouting obscenities.

I think we were both a fish out of water at East High.


Not only was I stuck working on a Friday night, but when Burgers'R'Us is right across from the school it's pure chaos. I was on the front register and messed up at least a dozen orders before the dinner rush even started. You would think that the manager, Jason, would have tried to help me out, but he kept acting like my very presence was an inconvenience to him, and would just sigh and roll his eyes every time he had to fix something. Lucky the game started at seven and we were pretty dead, or else I would have been in a lot of trouble.

"Are you getting the hang of it yet?" Kai slid over to my register.

We didn't really talk much and I still wasn't sure what to think about him. It was super nice of him to get my purse back, but other than that he was just a big sarcastic jerk most of the time. I let out a big over exaggerated sigh. "Kind of."

"You know if you wouldn't have taken off on Wednesday you could have had some more practice before tonight." He tapped his black painted fingernails on the counter as he spoke.

"Why do you do that?" I stared right into his deep set brown eyes; even though his eyes seemed small he had the longest eyelashes I had ever seen on a boy. I was kind of jealous and wondered if he used false eyelashes.

"Do what?" He stammered, blinking really hard like I had just caught him off guard.

"Have to bother me with those sarcastic comments. It's not very nice you know." I put one hand on my hips and I looked up at him.

"It's because he wants in your pants!" Clint, one of the fryer guys, yelled from the back area.

"Shut up Clint!" Kai yelled back, completely ignoring my question.

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