The Foreskin Bandits

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Soon after dinner, Gabby left. I was pretty mortified by the whole 'milk' talk and was happy to be getting out of the house. As I got dressed, the sound of Dad's hacking could be heard through the paper thin walls. Kai was supposed to be coming over around 6:45. Dad insisted that Kai come and pick me up at the door so he could meet this 'young gentleman that was taking his daughter out.' I hoped he wouldn't make any comments about how some other dairy product was good for boy parts.

Even though I was worried about Dad's cough, I still had to figure out what to wear. It was my first one and I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb .After much deliberation and deciding that most of my clothes definitely weren't 'punk rock show appropriate,' I came up with an outfit that seemed appropriate and would hopefully make Kai think that I looked good as well. It's not like I didn't know that he liked me, but I was just waiting for that Moment when he would see me and just have that 'wow face.'

I remember the first time that Jake got that face when he saw me. It was Junior prom and after spending hundreds of dollars to do my hair and nails and to buy a dress, I knew it was all worth it once I saw that look on his face. The one, where they make an 'O' with their mouth and just can't stop staring. Yeah, that has still never happened with Kai. I didn't know if he just didn't like my preppy chic look, or if he just thought I dressed bad. Either way I didn't want to dress like his ex. Corsets or fishnets just weren't my thing.

Instead I wore a pair of dark low rise jeans, a plain black scoop neck shirt, and since the only pair of tennis shoes I owned were my gym shoes, my black Steve Madden flats would have to do. I was just curling the last bit of my hair when I heard Dad answer the door with a huge hacking cough. This can't be good.

I quickly checked the mirror to make sure that my mascara hadn't smeared before running out to the living room. Kai was standing in the door way looking nervous as ever. I thought he might try to wear something to, you know, impress Dad the first time he met him, but no that wasn't Kai's thing. Instead he wore his usual tight jeans and Chuck Taylors, but I was pretty mortified when I saw his shirt.

"So what's a Foreskin Bandit?" Dad folded his arms across his chest and let out a big sniffle.

Kai's shirt was lime green and had a big black gorilla drawn on the front that was holding, what looked like, a giant penis.

"Uh, it's my friend's band, sir." Kai's face couldn't have gotten brighter.

"Dad..." I kissed his cheek. It was warm and clammy. I secretly hoped that Mom would get home soon and maybe talk him into getting to the doctor. "We have to head out or we're going to be late."

"Bent, are you really sure that you want to go and see a band called the Foreskin Bandits?" Dad let out a pretty loud cough as he covered his mouth.

I groaned. "DAD."

"Alright." He sighed. "You kids have fun."

"We will Dad, bye."

As soon as we were out of Dad's line of sight, Kai took my hand into his. "So do you usually get this dressed up for shows?"

"I've never been to a rock show, but I didn't think I dressed up." I swung our hands back and forth as we walked to his car.

"I guess it's good that you at least weren't wearing a shirt with a penis on it." He blushed as he opened the passenger door of his car for me.

"Yeah...kind of an interesting band name." I muttered while Kai slid into the driver's seat.

"You're face is kind of interesting." He said and backed out of the parking spot.

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