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Driving to Brett's was bittersweet. His house was down the street from my old one. Driving that same familiar street with its sidewalks and large brick homes brought me back to another time. Instead of going home to my beautiful home with the white picket fence and blooming flowers, I get to go back to an old apartment that stinks like feet.

"Bee you survived!" My best friend Taylor practically screeched and ran toward my car. The content of her red plastic cup spilled all down the cobblestone driveway.

"I think I barely did." I grimaced, shutting the door of my car behind me and praying that I didn't have any burger bits stuck in my hair.

"Oh em gee, I am so glad that you finally got here." Taylor looped her arm through mine and we headed toward the backyard. "That Gabby skank is the only other girl here and I just can't stand to be around her!"

I didn't really understand why she disliked Gabby so much. Years ago, Taylor had a crush on Brett, but he'd been dating Gabby for over a year, so Taylor really should be over it.

"She is like such trash. I mean who does she think she is? She freaking goes to one of the worst schools in Blackford!" Taylor took a threw down a big swig of her drink before throwing it to the side.

"Hey, watch what you say, I'm going to be going to the same school as her!" I curved a finger through my belt loop and put one hand on my hip.

"Oh..." Taylor looked down. "Sorry Bee I forgot about that."

We stayed silent for what seemed like forever, until we finally reached the back yard party. Brett really out does himself for his end of the year bashes, complete with a theme and everything. Our freshman year it was a luau with a pig roasting on a spit. Sophomore year it was Hollywood with a red carpet and mocktails, and last year it was a hippie theme. For our senior year I guess Brett decided that he had to really pull out all of the stops. The theme was 'Grease Lightning' and everyone was dressed in 50's gear, and a band that looked like they should have been on some old TV show was playing on the deck.

"I loooove this song!" Taylor squealed and she pulled me toward the makeshift dance floor. I had never even heard it and I'm sure she just wanted to stop the awkward silence. Taylor's tiny body slid up against me and moved up and down. Her way-too-short-to-be-appropriate poodle skirt moved with her.

"Hey you made it." A very wet whisper hit my ear and turned around to see my ex-boyfriend, Jake, standing there.

"What do you want, Jake?" I put my hands on my hips and stared up at him.

"Can't I say hi to my favorite East High senior?" He laughed running a hand through his blond faux hawk.

"Very funny Jake," I said with a smirk. "I'm going to get a drink —Tay, come with me." I pulled Taylor toward the old fashion soda fountain, complete with a guy dressed all in white behind the counter.

"Diet whatever, please." I almost spat at the poor guy.

"Whoa look at you on the wagon. I think that's the first time I've seen you order soda since we were like, in middle school." Jake joked as he adjusted his ridiculous looking leather jacket.

"Some of us have to drive home." I took a big swig of my drink and headed back out toward the party, not really caring if Jake or Taylor followed.

"Hey, wait up!" The thud of Jake's shoed pounded on the deck as he leaped off after me.

"What, Jake? I know you want more than just to say 'hi' to me, and I'm sorry but that's definitely not going to happen." I was hoping that maybe my evil glare would get to him, but no such luck.

"Oh come on Bee." He tried to slide an arm around me. "My little bumble bee..." he nuzzled my hair.

I wished it was that simple. I wished we could go back to being the crown jewels of St. Christopher's, but that didn't look like it would ever happen again and it was for more reasons than just Dad's lay off.

"Look at you two getting all cozy again." Brett sauntered over with Gabby on his arm.

They always went all out on their costumes as well as the party. This year was no exception. He was in full Danny Zucco attire with the black leather jacket and even a black pompadour wig to cover up his usually brown curly hair. And Gabby, well, let's just say that no other girl there could fill out a Cha Cha costume as well as she could.

"Ugh, he wishes." I pushed Jake off of me and adjusted the scarf around my neck.

"Dang Bee, I missed your spite. How's about you just move into your old house? I'm sure no one is going to buy it for awhile and I've got plenty of air mattresses." Brett added.

"Now that's something I really do wish for." I looked down, unsure of what to say next.

"So I hear your going to be going to East this year?" Her voice was scratchy, like an old southern rock star. I'd never really paid too much attention to Gabby before, but it couldn't hurt to know someone in my new school.

"Yep, not exactly looking forward to it, but who knows." I shrugged, "It could be interesting."

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