Weirder and weirder

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I had no idea how Monday was going to go. Kai didn't work on Sunday and I was too busy hanging out with Dad to really try and see him before or after. On the bright side the more I hung out with Dad and talked to him about his book, the happier he seemed to be.

The biggest problem with being in a big school was the fact that one didn't always see everyone that they wanted to see. Before school I looked all over Kai, but couldn't find him anywhere. Okay, so I really didn't look all over, but I still got lost when I went too far outside of my normal classroom area.

I really had a lot of fun with him and was almost afraid of what he thought. What if he was just being nice and didn't have any feelings for me? I didn't have too much time to think before the first period bell rang for Spanish class.

"Hola classe." Our teacher Senor Johnson yawned as she slouched in front of the dirty chalkboard.

He wasn't one of the new teachers, like Miss Winter. He was probably older than dirt and just really stopped caring what we did. In fact, this was supposed to be Spanish 4, but we were using the book that I had in Spanish 2 at my St. Christopher's. Needless to say, I didn't pay too much attention, usually.

"Alright class now you're going to pair up and go over conversational Spanish." Senor Johnson groaned before plopping back on his desk and hiding behind a copy of some science fiction novel.

"Hey are you Bentley Evans?" A slender girl with big emerald cat-like eyes, approached me.

"In Espanol!" Senor Johnson yelled over his book.

"Uh..yeah...tu Bentley?" She plopped down at the desk next to mine. Her short, fake leather skirt rode up her fishnet stockings and almost up to her hips as she sat.

She was actually supposed to say ustedes instead of tu, but I ignored that.

"Si, yo Bentley." Yes, I'm Bentley. I tilted my head a bit. How did this dreadlocked girl know who I was?

"Que tu hacer y mi chico." She had this cocky smirk painted on her way too overly powdered face. I also had no idea what she said since it didn't translate well. My best guess was that she said 'what are you doing with my man'.

"Que? No intiendo." What? I don't understand.

Her face scrunched up and her nostrils flared like a mad bull. Not only did I not understand what she was saying, but I think I also made fun of her Spanish at the same time.

She leaned in closer and whispered, "You know what the hell I'm talking about, so don't try and act dumb Miss catholic school girl."

I glanced back at Senor Johnson and then looked over at her. "I really have no idea what you are talking about or even who you are."

"Grant and Brody told me that they saw you on a date with Kai on Saturday and I'm here to tell you that aint gonna fly." She crossed her arms over her chest that was practically popping out of her black corset top.

Okay, so this was Brynne. Now I really wanted to have some fun.

"Kai no es tu novio. El tiene gusto solamente de muchachas que saben hablar realmente espanol." Kai is not your boyfriend. He only likes girls that can actually speak Spanish. Now it was my turn to be the one to smirk.

"What did you say to me?" She sprang from her chair and got right in my face.

"Senorita Brynne!" Senor Johnson actually got out of his chair.

"Man, she started it Senor!" She pointed a chewed up black fingernail right at me.

Senor Johnson sat back down and adjusted his glasses. "If you're not going to participate please go to the principal's office." He didn't even look at Brynne as he spoke.

Brynne glared at me and then stomped to the door, kicking over a trash can with her big red leather boots before she left.

Things at East High were just getting weirder and weirder



Kai was waiting for me after Spanish class. I couldn't believe it. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I tried not to smile too wide.


He walked right along stride with me toward my locker.

"So, I hear you got to meet Brynne." He twisted a studded bracelet on his wrist.

"Yeah and I heard the needle on my gaydar breaking once I saw that you were wearing a V neck." I smiled up at him once we stopped at my locker.

"You have no fear, you know that?" He leaned against the locker next to mine as I did the combination.

"I guess, so are you working tonight?" I wasn't sure where this conversation was headed, but I thought I'd try and at least make the next move and see if Brynne was really right and that he was hers.

"No I'm babysitting my little sisters." He scratched the back of his head, looking down at the floor and then back at me.

"Oh." My heart felt like it sank, knowing that I wouldn't be able to spend more time with him.

"But you can stop by after work and help if you want. I mean I know it's lame and whatever, but Mom is working tonight, so I gotta do what I gotta do." He shrugged and I closed my locker.

"Sure. I'll just ask Dad and try and be over around 7:30?" I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from grinning. I didn't want him to think that I was over eager.

"Sounds good." He smiled and this time I couldn't hold mine back either.

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