the meet

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jisoo waited until saturday finally came. she waited patiently in her living room for that knock that signals the arrival of her best friend. she couldn't wait any longer. but, to tell you the truth, she was very scared. scared that maybe her sudden confession will change everything. she cherished their friendship very much that she would do anything. even if it means that, he can't accept her love. or even, be that best friend, standing in a corner, while watching the love of her life, with another girl.

a knock interrupted her thoughts. this is it. the moment she had been waiting for over 3 years. she opened the door only to see the unexpected visitor, jimin.

"w-what are you doing here, jimin?" she asked the lad. obviously shocked.

"i-i came h-here to talk t-to you about s-something." the boy stuttered. he too was afraid. afraid of what was going to happen next. after he had tell her the thing he has been keeping for about a year.

"oh umm... sure sure. come in." jisoo let jimin in. curious of what he was going to say that is so 'important'. they sat in the couch. jimin was so nervous. his palms were sweaty, and cold. wishing for the warmth of the girl beside her.

after their talk, she still waited. waited for her best friend. it was already 5 in the afternoon. jimin left at 3. she was beginning to get bored. so she turned on the tv to find something interesting. she came upon the news channel, saying that a van swerved in the highway and hit a tree. she changed the channel cause she wasn't all that interested in news.

7pm. still waiting for him. she was beginning to lose hope, but a tiny voice inside her was saying, "he'll come! just wait a little longer." and so she waited.

"jisoo, it's time to eat dinner!" her mom called her from the kitchen. she shook her head and still waited. after that, her mom didn't call her anymore, for her mom knew that jisoo wasn't going to go anywhere. she smiled at the cuteness of her daughter. sorta reminded her of her childhood. she left some food for jisoo and went upstairs to continue her work.

9pm. by now, jisoo is really hungry. but jisoo didn't mind. it's always Hobi over everything. even herself.

11pm. jisoo is now starving, and frustrated. jisoo got up and went to the kitchen only to find some food and a little sticky note. "Don't worry. He'll come :) - mom" it said. i sure hope he does, she thought. she reheated the food in the microwave and started eating the food. for some reason, she lost her appetite. it's like, she can't eat. like, she's not allowed to. not unless her best friend comes. she put the leftovers in the refrigerator and went back to the lonely, dark living room.

1am. she was tired. but, she was still persistent on waiting. her eyes were droopy. she could sleep anytime. in a few moments she finally closes her eyes, while tears were falling endlessly on her cheeks.

morning. she woke up in her bed. having a slight stomach ache. probably because she didn't eat that much yesterday. for a moment, she actually forgot about the certain person she has been waiting last night.

she went to the bathroom to do her morning rituals. she looked at her reflection to see her eyes puffy and red. then it finally hit her. her eyes were filled with tears again.

he never came....

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