Chapter 14 - FURY

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"A true secret is between oneself and their soul; family, blood ties, friendships have no place in it."

After her daughters left, Sunanda bent down and placed her hands on her leg which caused the limp and gave two quick twists, one on her knee and other on her ankle aligning her legs. She then kicked the air with her crippled leg;

"SNAP" her bones properly settled back and she got up and walked out of the room without a limp.

As she walked she let go of all her desires and attachments, today she was the sword and there would be no emotional attachments. Her face was serene and steps light and decisive; maya and chaya her shadow guards dropped behind her following her.

Maya and Chaya were identical twins who were mute from birth; they were well built and chaya's right ear was half missing. That was the only difference between them. They were rescued by Sunanda when she was young and were really loyal to her. They were real masters of stealth and assassination; they never left sunanda's side.

The bloodbath started with the two gate guard and the promiscuous maid of the king's hall. The lecherous guards had already decided to take turns and one of them was already groping the maid who was putting up a false fight. Light steps were not noticed by the guards or the woman until sunanda was in their face. The serpant swords drew with a light wishper and then the blood sprayed on the woman's startled face as the guard in her embrace lost his head. The woman started to scream but stopped short as half of her head slid down.

The other guard did not even have the time to scream. Pandemonium started from the next room as they faced ten guards.


The first four guards met their demise swiftly too. Last of the two guards had ran inside to alert the others. Soon blood flowed like river. The trio, were very efficient and these soldiers were not the best. Most of the properly trained soldiers and guards died while mansu's palace was laid waste.

Any maids or workers remaining behind were all spies so none were spared but neither did they chase after the fleeing people. The simply didn't have time to chase after rodents. Sunanda swiftly cleared the path and as she came closer to Parahan's palace the stench increased and the last line of defence for the king stood before the women.

These were loyal knights of the king and their allegiance was to the king alone and they were no laughing matter. Maya flicked her sword and the blood on the sword splashed on the walls making a streak; chaya calmly lifted a dart gun slung on her waist and shot four quick shots as, chaya charged. In such close combat field, the blow darts smeared with toxic venom was a disadvantage; but being venom smeared it leveled the playing field as the paralyzing venom took effect immediately. It was very easy to carry, but the precision was achieved in the hands of a true archer based on the availability of space to position one's body to angle the shot. Moreover, the person's reloading capacity should be very fast; after all one never had time to reload when the enemy was standing next to you. It was an assassins' tool, but the perfect weapon when operating in a group, especially when you have a strong offense and defense. The loyal soldiers were all dead.... And then Sunanda kicked open the door and looked in to see a naked parahan trying to chase her girls.

"PARAHAN!" She shouted. "Our account ends today" and leapt towards him.

The titans clashed. Even with his years of wasted living, parahan was a warrior and enjoyed fighting and killing. Even with the hallucinogens, his lust for fight increased and easily threw a backward hit at sunanda. The hit was packed with strength but she did not dodge but took the hit head on. Then she smiled when she realized that it did not hurt her badly. She had grown strong since the day he had broke her nose and legs as he raped her; she was free. She kicked him back, and sent him flying towards the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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