Chapter 1

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Hoseok POV:

I was fooling around trying to get Yoongi hyung to smile. But whatever I tried, he had to pretend to be the cool guy who never shows his feelings.

I came to Yoongi's house after work. I visit him every day and since we were a little bored today we asked Namjoon to come over. We weren't doing much. Just talking and listening to music.

But Hyung told us how stressed he had been lately. This man needs to have more fun in his life. I don't want him to become one of these boring adults - in my opinion most adults are boring because they all forgot how to have fun and enjoy life... So I decided to try to get him to laugh with my bubbly personality.

So here I was standing in front of Yoongi randomly dancing crazily to whatever song came on and pulling faces. When I started to dance to SISTAR's 'Touch My Body' he couldn't hold it anymore. He broke down laughing and even Namjoon was laughing.

It felt good to hear him laugh after such a long time. His laugh really is special! I walked over to the sofa to sit next to Namjoon to change the song which was playing from my phone. When I wanted to unlock it, I read the time - 7:40pm. My eyes widened.

"SHIT!" I cursed. "Guys, I totally forgot the time. It's already 7:40 and I missed my bus..." "Don't worry, Hoseok! The next bus comes in 20 minutes." Namjoon told me. "Oh, thank God!!!" I exclaimed. "I'll leave now, so I can't miss the bus again. I can't afford being home even more late than I'll be anyway because I have to get up at 5am. Bye Namjoon! I'll see you tomorrow hyung!"

After that I took my jacket and left the house. The walk to the bus stop usually only takes me 2 minutes but since I wasn't in a hurry because I still had 15 minutes left until the bus arrived I walked so slow that I arrived at the bus stop at 7:55. Maybe another reason for my slow pace was that I was looking down at my phone all the time. I was listening to music, typing text messages to friends and everytime I got a notification from instagram I opened it immediately. I only looked up after I realised I had already reached my destination.

As I checked my surroundings I saw a girl around my age sitting at the bus stop. I slightly smiled to myself. But that small smile faded after 3 seconds. The girl had her legs pulled close to her chest and hugged her knees and it looked as if she was shaking. Maybe she's cold...? No wonder with these October temperatures! I thought.

I decided to get closer to her and offer her my jacket until I saw she wasn't shaking from the cold - she was crying. My heart broke at the sight even though I didn't even know that girl - yet. I walked up to her and sat on the empty seat next to her.

"Hi" I said. She looked up at my face and rose her left eyebrow. "What the hell do you want?!" Woah, why is she being so rude I just said hi. "I just wanted to ask if you're cold..." She looked at me a little surprised and then smiled for about half a second. But hey: at least she smiled - even if it wasn't for long.

"That's nice of you. But no, I'm fine. It's not that cold." "Are you sure? You're shaking. I could give you my jacket for as long as I sit here if you'd like me to." She looked away and sighed. "As I already told you, I'm not cold. And if you would give me your jacket then you would be cold!" she mumbled.

I smirked to myself. Okay Hoseok, time to let your inner playboy out.

"So you care about me being cold?" I asked while rising my eyebrow and smirking at her. She put her legs down on the ground and looked me in the eyes. "No, I just don't want to accept a stranger's jacket."

Oh, she's savage, I thought. She could be a female version of Yoongi hyung. But I liked her attitude. And I somehow had a feeling she isn't really like this. Maybe she actually is a nice girl. I won't stop trying, I promised myself and thought about what to say next for a second.

"Okay, so if you're not shaking because you're cold then tell me why you were crying?" I said it more like a question because I didn't want to seem rude. I'm just a human who cares a lot for others - even if they're strangers. "That's none of your business." She answered coldly while fiddling with the pocket in her jacket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I sighed while she lit the cigarette. I unzipped my jacket, stood up and laid it around her shoulders. After a moment of thinking, I knelt down in front of her and carefully took the burning cigarette from her hand.

"You shouldn't do this. I know you probably have your reasons to do it but please rethink them, okay? It's not good for you. And I know I don't know you but I want you to be healthy." I let the cigarette fall to the ground and stomped on it with my left foot. Once again she was kind of shocked. "Do you know how expensive cigarettes are these days?!" She said angrily through gritted teeth.

I ignored her question and carefully grasped her chin with my thumb and pointer finger to force her to look at me. "A girl as beautiful as you are shouldn't be crying." I whispered to her. "And if you have reasons to cry, then please talk about them with someone." I loosened my grip on her chin a little and she nodded lightly. "Promise me to talk about it with a close friend or family member!" I said, holding out my pinky finger. Her eyes went to the ground. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I can't talk about this with someone who's close to me..." Tears started to form in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. She probably didn't want to seem weak, I assumed. I put my hand down again - forget about the pinky swear. She said she can't. But why though? But I can't ask her for such information. I have no right to do that. Well that's what I was reminding myself of in my head. But my dumb mouth decided otherwise.

"Then... Talk about it with me...?" God damn it, Jung Hoseok! How stupid can you be?! Why do you offer such a thing. She closed her eyes for a while, as if she was thinking about my offer. We stayed like this for what felt like hours. "... Okay." It was a whisper, almost inaudible. "What?" "I said: okay. I'll tell you why I'm crying. I don't know you, I never saw you before and I probably won't even ever see you again, so why not?"

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