Discoveries (Alternate Ending)

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Hi guys! Sorry this isn't a new story. I had to delete the story and repost this because when I edited it, it went a little crazy!!! 

Thanks to all the silent readers and for those who vote!

Sasha walks in the door to the home you two share, closing the door behind him. He releases a deep breath upon feeling the air conditioner on his skin. The summer heat this year was brutal. "Darling? I'm home," he calls out. Upon not hearing an answer, a frown crosses his face. Dropping his wallet, keys and purchases on the entry way table and hanging his jacket on the hook, he moves into the hallway, wondering where you could be. "Darling?" he calls out again.

He enters the living room and doesn't see you. He heads to the bedroom, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. You aren't in the bedroom. He heads to the ensuite bathroom to drop his shirt and tie into the hamper. His pants and socks follow. Heading back into the bedroom, he grabs some shorts. Donning the shorts, he heads back into the living room, and surveys the kitchen and the dining room. "Darling? Where are you?" he calls out.

He heads out into the backyard, where you two had built a pool, just last month. He was so grateful for that pool. Especially with the continual record breaking high temperatures. He scans the backyard and finally succeeds in spotting you. You are sleeping on the lawn chair in the shade under the trees. He smiles as he gazes at your prone form. Making his way to you, he reflects back on your request from earlier today. You had asked him to bring home some pistachio ice cream and jalapenos. You had been eating a lot of spicy food lately, he noted, maybe in a way to fend off the heat, like people from hot countries did. You had always had a love of spicy food, but it seemed to be increasing of late since the heat wave started.

Sitting down on the lush grass next to your chair, he gently strokes your arm, then your face. Feeling the touch, you open your eyes, groggily. "Hey, darling," Sasha greets you.

You smile sleepily at him. "Hey," you greet him. "Did you just get home?" He nods in the affirmative.

"How long have you been sleeping?" he asks.

Furrowing your brow in concentration, you think back. "I think shortly after our phone conversation? Why?"

"Just curious. You hungry?"

"Yeah. This heat wave is taking a lot out of me. I hate the heat so much. Makes me so sleepy."

Sasha gives you a smile and a lingering kiss. "Missed you. Brought your food. Want me to bring it out?"

Your eyes light up that he remembered to get you the food you requested. "Yes, please," you murmur. Sitting up, you stretch, yawning. Sasha watches you appreciatively. He grabs you in an unexpected hug, "I love you so much," he whispers in your ear.

Hugging him back, you return the sentiment. He pulls away, noticing your goofy grin. "Be right back."

You smile to yourself, watching the retreating back of your husband. He definitely was a looker your husband.

Sasha heads back into the house, moving through the dining room, then the kitchen into the hallway. Grabbing the bag of goods, he had purchased earlier in the day, he heads back through the kitchen, picking up two spoons and a fork, on his way through, back outside to where you are sitting waiting for him.

As you watch him approach you, you blow him a kiss. He sends you a lascivious grin, and sends you a kiss back. Placing the bag on the low table beside the chair, he sits beside you on the chair, now that you have moved sideways on the long lawn chair. Sasha grabs your face and kisses you breathless. Your lips moving over his, you two revel in being near each other again. Separating, you two breathing heavily, Sasha strokes his hand down your face. "I love you, darling."

Sasha Roiz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now