Water Fight

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Just want to say a quick thank you to everyone for all the votes and reads! You've all been awesome. Thank you!!!

It was summer. And it was hot out. The air conditioner had broken the day before. It wouldn't get fixed until tomorrow. Your daughter and you were dying of heat. You were both languishing on the lounge chairs in the backyard. Your daughter, who was chewing on ice (something she had done since she was a toddler and still had not outgrown) suddenly sits up. "Mama! Let's have a water fight!!!"

You look over at her. "That's a great idea! Let's go get the super soakers and fill up some water balloons!"

"Hooray!" she shouts.

After making a huge stash of water balloons, and filling up the super soakers, you two outline the rules. Home base would be the lounge chairs. When the other was filling up their super soaker with water, the other couldn't spray them. Whoever reached twenty sprays first would win the game.

You two count off ten paces and face each other. You salute each other and then shout, "Begin!!"

You dash off around to the front of the house. There were some prime hiding spots out front where you could ambush your daughter.

You could hear her giggling as she followed you. You run faster, hoping to lose her, so she doesn't see where you hide.

You hide behind the rhododendron bush. Your daughter streaks past you, giggling. After you hear her make her way back to patio, you hear her come full circle as she comes out front again. "Mama! Where are you? I'm going to get you."

She comes within ten feet of you. You blast her with a shot of water. You giggle as she shouts, "Mama! I'm going to get you!" You streak out of the bush and run to the backyard. You hear your daughter giggling, but it fades as you move further into the backyard. Glancing over your shoulder, you realize she hasn't followed you.

You become wary. You head back towards the front, cautiously. You don't see your daughter anywhere and her telltale giggle is suspiciously absent. She could never play hide and seek well because she would always giggle giving away her location. Or become impatient and shout "I'm over here!"

So, her silence slightly worried you. You move cautiously from tree to tree looking every which way to see where she could possibly hide. Moving past the front porch, you feel your legs get sprayed. Moving out of the way, she manages to get you two more times, before she squirms out from under the porch.

"Good hiding spot!" you commend her.

"I got you, Mama! I got you!" she crows.

Running away from her, you book it to find a new hiding spot.

Sasha pulls up into the driveway after his day of work. Exiting the car, he looks at the side gate to see it open. Thinking it out of place, he heads over to the side gate, entering the backyard. It's completely silent and he doesn't see anyone in the backyard. Closing the gate behind him, he shrugs and enters the house through the backdoor, which is suspiciously open. Putting his briefcase down, and toeing off his shoes and socks, he calls out, "I'm home!"

He doesn't hear an answer. Wandering through the house, he sees that no one is home. Getting slightly alarmed now, he heads back out to the backyard. He sees the two lounge chairs out, with their melted ice water but no sign of life. Suddenly, he hears a shriek and a "Gotcha!!!" Then the pattering of feet. He hears the latch on the side gate open and sees his daughter and you streaking into the backyard armed with super soakers. His daughter was trying to spray you as she chases you around the backyard.

You both skid to a stop in front of Sasha as you spot him at the same time.

"Daddy!" his daughter shouts in greeting.

"Hey, honey!" you greet him.

Your daughter and you exchange a look. You aim your super soakers at him and blast him with all the water left. He sputters at you two, "No! Stop! Not fair!"

His tie, button down shirt and pants have become completely soaked and was clinging to his body like a second skin.

Sasha spots the big bucket of water balloons near him. Reaching for them, he grins evilly at you two. You and your daughter look at each other and drop the empty super soakers and make a run for it, giggling and shrieking. Knowing he has a bit of time, he puts the water balloons back down and strips off his tie and shirt, tossing them onto one of the lounge chairs. Picking up as many balloons as he can carry, he heads towards the front of the house, in search of you and his daughter.

All is silent. He knows you two must have found some hiding spots. Patiently and quietly, he studies the front yard. He spots his daughter hiding behind a bush. He silently walks up behind her and hurls two water balloons at her in rapid succession. "Ugh! Daddy! You got me!" she shrieks, dancing out of the shrubbery, and darting away. She runs towards the backyard.

Sasha surveys the yard again, narrowing down the possible places you could hide. Reading the expression on his face, you stealthily work your way out of your hiding spot. Sasha spotting you, picks up speed in heading towards you. Seeing that he's spotted you, you give up all pretense of being quiet and make a break for it. Shrieking in laughter, you run towards the backyard. He lobs a water balloon at you, catching you on your back. You jump, laughing, entering the backyard. Your daughter is brandishing the hose like a weapon. You stop in your tracks. You put your hands up in surrender, caught between your husband and your daughter. Laughing, you sputter, "No. Please. I surrender!"

Noticing the look that passes between your husband and your daughter, you make a dash for the remaining water balloons. Your daughter sprays the hose at you and your husband throws his remaining water balloons at you. Yelling in indignation, you grab the remaining water balloons and toss them at your daughter and husband. Sasha feints and closes in on you. He grabs you around the waist, tackling you to the ground. Your daughter sprays you and your husband, mercilessly. Laughing, you try to put your husband between you and the spray.

Sasha gets up and wrestles the hose away from your daughter. She screams and runs further into the backyard, with Sasha following her and spraying her with the hose. "Daddy! Daddy! Stop! Uncle! Uncle!"

Putting the hose down, he scoops up his daughter and hugging her to his bare chest, the two of them laughing together. Watching the display of affection between your daughter and Sasha, you admire your shirtless husband.

You watch as he makes his way towards you, carrying his daughter. Propped up on your elbows on the ground, you smile up at your husband and daughter. He reaches his hand down to help you up.

Grabbing it, he helps pull you up and into a hug. He nuzzles your neck, giving you a kiss. "Hey, darling."

Your daughter makes gagging sounds. "Enough with the kissy face," she exclaims.

Breaking the kiss, you laugh into his neck, grinning at your daughter. You lean over and pepper her face with kisses.

"No! Stop kissing me! It's embarrassing!" she shouts.

Giving her one last kiss, you grin at Sasha. He rolls his eyes at you, as if to say, when did our six-year-old start to find kisses embarrassing?

He hugs you closer to him. Sitting up straighter in her dad's embrace, she looks between the two of you and asks, "So, who won?"

 Sitting up straighter in her dad's embrace, she looks between the two of you and asks, "So, who won?"

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