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Putting your keys and purse on the entryway table, you breathe a sigh, slipping off your shoes

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Putting your keys and purse on the entryway table, you breathe a sigh, slipping off your shoes. It had been quite the day. Work had been hectic, followed by a harrowing night class. You had to do a group project and you hated group projects. Work had been full of back to back meetings. Not your favourite, but bearable. Heading to your daughter's room, you open the door slightly to check in on her. She was sleeping as any six-year-old should be at the late hour of you getting home. Walking into her room, you adjust her blanket and give her a kiss on her hair. Whispering an "I love you," you give her another kiss and exit the room.

Heading towards the kitchen, you open the fridge, perusing the contents. An arm snakes around your waist and a kiss is felt on the top of your head. You smile and lean into the person behind you. "Hey," your husband, Sasha, greets you.

"Hey," you greet back.

"How was your day?" he inquires.

You blow out a breath, "Long. How was your day?"

"Not quite so long."

"How was she tonight?"

"She was good. Missed you."

You sigh, resting the back of your head on his shoulder. "I know. I miss her too."

"Hey," he starts, "there's no judgment here. Not from me and not from her. We are proud of you for going back to school and bettering yourself. She's very proud of you and so am I. Sure it sucks that we don't get to see you as much, but she and I still love you very much." He nips your ear.

Closing the fridge, you turn around in his arms and wrap your arms around his back. You smile, a little wobbly into his chest. "It's just so hard sometimes. I hate that I don't get to see her or you as much. This work/life/school balance really sucks. I didn't think school would be so hard. I know I'm smart, just didn't expect it to be as it was. So much information in such a short amount of time and all the studying. I'm grateful you both help me study, but sometimes I wish we had more times to just be, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. Look you have a reading week coming up before your midterms, why don't we take a day just for us? You, me and our daughter."

Looking up at your husband, you give him a genuine smile, "I would love that."

Hugging you, Sasha says, "Good, then that's what we'll do. You hungry?"

"Yes. Starving. We had meetings all day and then the bus was late today, so I haven't had much of a chance to eat. Thanks for getting her to bed," you say giving him a kiss.

"Your welcome. Go sit down, I'll make you something to eat."

You protest, "No, it's okay. You've had a long enough day yourself and then having to take care of our daughter -"

Your husband cuts you off by laughing. "Sweetheart, it's fine. We live in the 21st Century. Men can take care of their kids too. We're parents. It's what we do. Sure, we have a very precocious child, but that's what makes it even more fun. Besides, you know I love cooking for you."

You lay your head on his chest. "I'm really lucky to have you. Why are you so awesome?"

Leaning back a bit, he frames your face with his long hands and smiles at you. "I love you," he says, leaning down to kiss you. Reveling in his kiss for a few moments, he breaks it by pushing you towards the breakfast nook. "Now, sit. Let me cook for you."

He grabs a bottle of wine from the fridge and grabs a wine glass. Pouring a glass, he hands it to you. You look askance at him.

Quirking an eyebrow at you, Sasha says, "It is just one glass. Our daughter is asleep and you don't have to work tomorrow. Relax. Tell me about your day."

You give him a tiny smile, and take a sip of your favourite wine. Slowly you tell him about your day as you watch him cook dinner for you.

He was making your favourite dish, which thankfully didn't take too long to prepare. Plating it and placing it in front of you, he hands you a fork. Noticing he has a fork of his own, you grin at him. "Stealing my food, are you?"

Giving you a slow, sexy smile, he states, "No, we are sharing our food." You melt a little inside, reminded of one of your dates from the early days, before marriage and before having a child.

He spoons a little onto the utensil and feeds it to you. You close your eyes and sigh happily, the flavours of your favourite dish, exploding on your tongue. Taking a bit of food on to your utensil, you feed it to him. He grins at you, chewing and swallowing the food.

"Tell me about your day," you request.

Over the shared meal, he tells you about his day at work. You laugh at the funny story he tells you about a coworker, animating it, in his own unique way. Grabbing the empty plate, he rinses it and puts in the dishwasher. Closing it, he grabs your hand, he says, "Dance with me." His other hand grabs the remote to the stereo system he set up in the living room for just these occasions.

He turns the stereo on, to one of your favourite CDs. Holding you close, you two sway to the music, your head nestled on his chest. "What prompted all of this tonight?" you inquire, curiously.

"Just wanted a night where I had you to myself. You deserve a date night with all the hard work you have been doing. I understand the work/life/school balance sucks. I've missed you. I'm helping you find that balance."

You snuggle closer to your husband. "I'm so lucky you picked me," you murmur.

Squeezing your hand, he says softly, "No, I was the lucky one when you said yes."


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