15. Decision

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"So what up with the Jazzy situation?" I ask Jason.

"I mean gotta get rid of it." He shrugs. "Even though I would really want the baby, Roland will kill me."

"Oh I'm going to." Roland comes out of nowhere attacking Jason.

"Roland No!" I exclaims grabbing him but he knocks me back as I bump into the wall.

" What the fuck were you really thinking, let me know?" Roland says.

"Fuck I couldn't hold him back." Luck comes into view with Jazzy with tears in her eyes.

"Roland please." I tell him.

"Don't Roland please me. Is it because Brook would never give it up? You been sleeping in the same bed with her for years and you ever got a taste of forbidden fruit so you go after someone else's?"

We all sit there shocked at what Roland says. I feel as if I'm about to throw up after what he said.

"Are you fucking insane?" Jason pushes him. "You know what happen to Brook and how she's like a sister to me."

" I'm sure." Roland spats.

"Well I'm sure."  Jason glares. "Maybe if you treat Jasmine better she wouldn't come crying to me."

"Excuse me?" Roland growls.

"Oh, you thought this was the first." Jason smirks at him as Roland attacks him again but Brody stood him.

"Enough." He says.

"I'm done. I'm over this shit. You can have her." Roland shakes Brody off him and walks away.

"I-uh" I just watch everyone's face as they don't know what to say or do. I glance at Brody but he was talking to Jason.

"I know what I have to do." I say.

"What?" Faith ask. She rest her hand on my shoulder as I feel a chill run through my body.

"I know what I have to do." I wipe the tears away.

"With what?"

"I have to go to my father."


"We can form a plan." Brody says. We were currently in his office after a the whole incident that happen a couple hours ago.

"No. It's my problem. I realize after the whole Jasmine and Roland thing that I have to deal with my own problems by myself." I explain to him.

"You aren't doing it alone. I get what you're saying but everyone has put their lives on the line for you and they don't plan on stopping now." Brody explains. "And what about Daisy?"

"I see you have truly found my weakness." I give him a sad smile as he wraps his arms around me.

"I've been knew." He laughs "You treat her like your own daughter."

"Because I know what it feels like to not have your mom in your life." I sigh. "I don't want her to go through what I did. Even if that means sheltering her her whole life."

"Yeah but one day she will step into the world of danger and you have to let her figure it out, just like you had to." He explains.

"Hate it when you're right." I laugh as he kisses my neck.

"Of course I am." He smiles down at me. "So what's the plan?"

"Well he wants me right? Well that's exactly what he's going to get."


"Hey." I turn to Roland. "I'm sorry what I said. I was just so pissed. Why would they do that to me?"

"It's okay." I hug him tightly as he hugs me back. "As much as I love them I'm disappointed in them. I told them to tell you as soon as it happen but it gotten to far."

"I'm leaving, but I'm not leaving until we get our revenge on your father." He smiles at me.

"You sure?" I ask him sadly.

"Yeah. I mean she might be her second chance mate and they feel it stronger than me and her."

"I hate it had to be like that." I tell him as he just shrugs.

"You know, it's life. One day at a time." He smiles walking away to his room. I walk back to my room where I see Daisy sprawled on my bed.

"And what business do you have here young lady?" I ask her.

"Nothing. I'm tired." Daisy whines.

"Is my room the sleeping place?" I ask sitting on the edge of my bed.


"Go back to bed smartass." I say making her giggle.

"I didn't know it was going to go done like that" Jason says coming into the room.

"Yeah I know."

"I hope you know I don't feel like that, what he said. I love you and respect you as a sister and nothing more. I don't want us to be awkward." He explains.

"I know. I think if you did like me you would've made moves a long time ago." I laugh.

"Yeah he think I'm lame or something, should of put the paws on his ass." Jason grumbles which makes me laugh more.

"Shut up idiot." I laugh as he hugs me.

"Seriously. I would lose my mind if I ever lost you."

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