11. New

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"Rooooookie." Daisy comes jumping on top of me making me laugh.

"Hey my beautiful flower." I smile at her.

"Hello." She laughs. "Come eat with me."

"Okay." I sigh getting out putting her on my back as I walk down the stairs.

"Come on you walking too slow. By the time we get there I'll be 30." Daisy exclaims.

"Ok oh my god. You hang around me to much." I laugh.

I make it to the kitchen where the men were plotting. As I entered they stopped and looked at them, I rolled my eyes making my way around them. "You can continue." I snapped as I put Daisy down.

"It's already made, just put it on the plate." Daisy says as I turn and there is food already.

"Did you eat yet?" I ask.

"No I was waiting for you." She smiles.

"Alright I'll make your food." I smile back piling both our plates up. That was the one thing I really love about being with Brody's pack. They weren't always looking over their shoulders and they could actually enjoy a meal three times a day, an actual home cooked meal, where we didn't have that luxury and I'm glad that Daisy is experiencing it and truly loving it.

I put our plate on the table right next to the males as they glance at me. "Is there something you need?" One of them ask me.

"No just going to eat my breakfast." I say sitting down with Daisy next to me. She looks at him with wide eyes like he has lost his mind but she doesn't say anything.

"Breakfast was over an hour ago, you have to go somewhere else to eat." He states as I turn to him.

"I'm going to need you to back the fuck off me honestly because you going to really piss me off." I tell him. He looks shocked before glaring at me and putting the paper he had in his hands down and walk closer to me.

"Watch who the fuck you're talking to." He spats.

"Watch your mouth around my daughter and you better watch who you're fucking talking to because I'll fuck you up right here and now."

"You filthy bi-"

"Don't finish that sentence Jim. Respect my mate before I fuck you up myself." I turn and smirk at the boys mostly Jim as his eyes widen and he drops his head in submission.

"Now pretty please find somewhere else to eat." Daisy ask smiling. "You made  my mommy and I upset."

"Yes ma'am" one of the guys say as they take their stuff and go outside.

"Thanks." I tell Brody as he comes over and plants a kiss on my forehead and pinching Daisys cheek making her laugh.

"Of course." He says as I hear him making noise in the kitchen. "So what are you lovely ladies up to today?"

"Nothing." Daisy answers. "Probably sleep all day again."

"We will not sleep all day again." I laugh.

"Do you want to go to the zoo.?" Brody ask sitting next to me with his own plate.

"Oh my gosh." Daisy jumps up almost dropping her plate from the table. "Can we, can we can we can we pleasaaaaaasseeee?"

She gives me puppy dog eyes making me groan. "You know I can't deny you when you give me that look." I pouts

"Yay, can we go now?" She ask.

"Eat all your food, bath and get dressed and then we can go." Brody smiles at her. She rushes to eat her food and runs up the stairs.

"You just opened a bag of craziness you wouldn't even know." I tell him taking up my plate and hers.

"That's fine. As long as I get to spend the day with both of you." He says as I put the plates in the sink.

I go back around and to Brody sitting back next to him. "Well it will be fun. She has never been to the zoo, only seen it on television."

"Have y'all ever did anything fun?" He ask.

"Not really. Daisy and a few other children stayed in our pack. They mostly watched tv or played outside." I explain to him.

"Well, she will be having fun today. Since you guys are here I'll make the best of it."

"That's all I ask." I smile kissing him on his cheek.

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