Chapter 14: Creation

Start from the beginning

“What is it, tenshi?”

“I'm going to have to get married,” Shiro grumbled, pouting her lips again.

Ichiro let out a light laugh.

“Men aren't so bad you know, Shiro.”

“Boys are gross.”

“You can think that...for now,” Ichiro chuckled, bringing his daughter to a tight hug.

His eyes though, stared at the multiple silvery blades that lay before him. He let out a deep sigh, kissing his daughter's head once more.

“Let me finish my wrappings,” he explained to the young girl. “And then I'll show you some magic.”

“Magic?!” the girl shrieked, giggling. “There's no such thing as magic!”

“That's what you say now,” Ichiro laughed. “Now let me finish so I can prove magic is real.”

“Okay!” The little girl climbed off of her father's lap, collapsing onto her bottom whilst holding her bunny closely to her lips. She stared up in wonder at her father, watching him intently as he swiftly but nimbly wound the white fabric around the blade's hilt. With such precision in mind, he finished the intricate bindings in only half an hour. An impatient Shiro interrupted him as he just set the hilt down, finished.

“Where's the magic, Tousan?”

“Come here.” The man beckoned her up, lifting her up onto his lap once more. Shiro bounced excitedly on his legs, a massive grin stretching across her pale face. “Now, watch closely...”

Ichiro held out his hands in front of him, cupping them in the air. Confused, Shiro opened her mouth to ask what was supposed to happen. Instead, an orb of wispy gas-like substance, the size of her four-year-old head, formed its shape inside her father's palms. Gasping in awe, the girl widened her dark eyes and gazed at the aura intently, eager for what will happen next.

A grunt from her father and the orb split in two, the blue gas-like energy swirling in two tear-drop-like shapes; one merged into a glowing white, while the other darkened into a deep black. All the while, a tiny circle of the opposite color floated in the each of the drops. Ichiro separated his hands, dragging one drop of aura in each palm. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in his nose, and crushed the two auras simultaneously in each separate hand, smashing the energy into crystal wisps.

Shiro flinched from the sudden movement.

The shimmering particles collided into one another, creating a blinding light. The light was so bright the girl had to cover her eyes with her bunny, shutting her lids tightly as she clamped her tense jaws together in fear.

The light dissipated, leaving the girl to timidly peek past her stuffed bunny. Both father and daughter gasped at what lay before them.

Three of the many silvery blades stood out; two blades glimmered a shimmering snow white, while one gleamed a black dark as the raging ocean waves at night. The color of their hilts corresponded to the new hues of the blades.

Shiro gripped her bunny, which crunched like new cloth. Surprised by the sudden change of texture, the child spun the bunny around to see a new rabbit. Its lost button eye was now replaced with a white one, clashing with the black button that was still there. The pink nose's unwinding thread had been cut and a new larger nose, a blood red one, replaced it. The uneven fabric of the bunny was now a smooth gray that of a storm cloud.

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