Chapter 1: First Day

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Run, I'm running as fast as I can. He's after me, and I don't know what to do anymore. I can't tell anyone or else he'll hurt them. He'll hurt them a lot worse than he hurt me. Just keep going, just keep running I tell myself, and then I fall. I lay there, in the dark staring at the ceiling. Something I do after every nightmare I have. I look around my room to find my alarm clock. Only three minutes left till it was actually supposed to go off.

Well, no point in trying to go back to sleep now. I stand up and walk towards my closet to find an outfit to wear to work today. It's actually my first day of work, and it's a shame it's starting out with a nightmare. After picking out an outfit, I walk down to my kitchen to fix some waffles for breakfast. I eat, clean up, and then take the bus off to work. I can't really afford a car right now; I'm to busy trying to keep up with my rent. I'm actually surprised I've been doing this well. Most of my jobs have been part time and weren't helping with my rent at all.

I was very happy to get this job considering the lack of experience I've had being a PA. I've had many jobs but being a PA was not one of them. I was also pretty lucky that my first day was today which means I'll get paid Friday, and then I will have to pay my rent Sunday. My interview was yesterday, and I was happy to get a call saying that I would be starting today. I sat on the bus and read the various news articles that were in today's paper. The bus stops a block away from the building my new job was in. I was lucky that it stopped this close. My last bus stopped about five blocks from my job, and since I was already tired, I never felt like walking that far.

I entered the tall building and was met with a beautiful lobby. The floor was made out of marble and was a tan color. There were white columns that surrounded the center of the lobby. In the center there were red velvet couches ans chairs sitting there. There were little touches of gold throughout the whole lobby making the room appear shiny. Chandeliers had also been hung from the ceiling. The whole room was just gorgeous. Who ever had designed the room did a very good job. I had always wanted to be an interior designer, but I never had the chance to pursue it.

I entered the elevator and pressed the 6th floor button. I walked down the hallways that looked similar to the lobby and entered my office. The first thing I saw when I entered the office was the window. It was a large window that basically covered most of the back wall. It had a beautiful view of the city, and it would probably be even more beautiful at night. Then I looked around at the rest of the office. The desk was a pristine white color as was the office chair. There was one that was painted a light blue color while the other walls were white. Most of the floor was colored with a fuzzy rug that was very soft. I absolutely was in love with the design of the office.


I quickly walked over to the computer sitting on the desk, and saw that I had an email. It was from my boss who I have actually never met. The person who did the interviews was actually the old PA. He was leaving so he could go back home to be closer to his family. Family, something I wished I had, but unfortunately mine has been ruined for me. I read the email which told me to fill out some forms for him and then to send them back to him when I was finished. After finishing that, I received another email form him which told me to make him coffee then bring it to him. I did as I was told and walked down to the coffee room.

I began making him some coffee and decided to make some for myself as well. I went back to my office, sat down the coffee, then walked back to his office. I stood outside of his door becoming very nervous. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself during the first time we met. I knocked on his door and was met with his voice telling me to come in. I entered the room to find him on the phone. At least I knew he probably wouldn't talk to me. He pointed to a spot on his desk which I assumed was where he wanted me to sit the coffee down. After putting the coffee on his desk, I turned and walked out the door.

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