Chapter 16: Found You

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Elliot's POV

"Any luck?" Cody asked me as I sat down on the couch.

"Nope, he wouldn't talk," I said sadly.

"I'm sorry this isn't a quick process," Cody said.

"At least you're trying," I said quietly.

Suddenly, the office phone rings.

"Hello?" Cody answers.

"What? Okay, I'll send him down," Cody said hanging the phone up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"A little girl says she has some information on Skye and would like to talk to you. She's in the reception office waiting for you," Cody said.

I ran down to the nearest elevator and got in. I entered the lobby and looked around. I noticed a young girl sitting all along waiting in a chair.

What do I have to lose? Who knows, maybe she does actually know something about Skye, I thought to myself.

"Were you the young girl who would like to speak to me?" I asked as I walked up to the little girl.

"You're Elliot Kasper, right?" She asked.

"That's me," I replied.

"You're the one then," She said.

"My receptionist said you had some information on my girlfriend, is this true?" I asked.

"I can show you where she is if you follow me!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her.

What do I have to lose, Is what I kept telling myself.

"Lead the way," I said following her.

We started to get on a bus, but I asked her if she knew the address. She told me it and then we took my car instead. We pulled up in front of what looked like an old, abandoned jail cell. She got out of my car and ran up to it. I chased after her.

"Jackson won't be back till 3 so we have 2 hours," She said.

Wait, could this really be where Skye is? I thought to myself. She did seem to know a lot about my situation.

"Okay, let's go then," I said.

"Wait! The place is guarded, we need to sneak in through the back, follow me!" She told me.

"Okay," I said following closely behind her.

She led me towards a small hole that I barely fit through. We then sprinted quickly and quietly down the long hallway full of empty jail cells until we came to a set of stairs. I definitely wasn't prepared for what was at the bottom of the staircase. I opened the door at the bottom of the staircase to find Skye's body lying there surrounded by a pool of blood. I ran up to her and checked her pulse. It was very weak but at least she had one.

"If we don't get her out of here quick then she's going to die!" I said.

The little girl was about to open the door but she was pushed back as someone busted through it.

"Hey!" A man shouted.

We both looked up at the man as he charged at us.

"Drop the girl!" He screamed as he pushed me to the ground.

I quickly dodged his next attack and then got up. He tried to punch me, but I quickly dodged and was able to punch him in the face. He landed a couple good punches on me, but I quickly knocked him unconscious. I picked up Skye off the concrete floor and then we ran. I carefully put Skye in the back seat of my car, and the little girl and I sat up front. We drove to the nearest hospital.

Once we got Skye put into a room at the hospital, they told me they had to alert her family. They also took the little girl and began to stitch up some nasty wounds she had. Now, all I needed to do was alert the police so they can catch Jackson. I decided to double security around my building and house so Jackson wouldn't be able to get in if he tried. I sat down in the hallway and called Rebecca and Lily to let them know I found her. They decided to come down and stay with me.

Meeting Skye's family was weird. I had to tell them everything that happened to her. They couldn't believe that Jackson was capable of such awful things but luckily they believed everything I said. They were thankful that I was able to save her and they were happy Skye found her happiness in me. The doctors came out and told us that Skye was going to be okay which was a huge relief. A little while later, the police came and we had to give statements so they could catch Jackson.

We sat there in the hallway for the rest of the night waiting for Skye to wake up. I checked up on the little girl too, but she was still asleep. I was curious as to where her family was but it's none of my business. I also couldn't help but wonder why she knew where Skye was. I hope she wasn't a victim like Skye. I walked back out into the hallway and sat back down. Lily eventually fell asleep along with the rest of Skye's family. Now, it was just Rebecca and me sitting there talking to each other. We couldn't believe how much Skye had affected both of our lives. If we were ever sad she was always right there to help.

We missed her so much and couldn't wait for her to wake up. I couldn't wait to see her bright, beautiful smile. The doctors were unsure of when she would wake up, but I hope it's soon. They also told us that there is a chance that if she wakes up she may not remember us. I really hope that doesn't happen. If it does, I hope I can make her fall in love with me again. The hallway went quiet, and I realized that Rebecca had now fallen asleep. Now, it was just me and my thoughts. I watched other nurses and doctors walk by for the remainder of the night until I eventually fell asleep.

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