t w e n t y e i g h t

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jeff.atkins added dudeitsdev to a message

jeff.atkins: Are you really mad at me? 😭

dudeitsdev: ha, no

jeff.atkins: I really thought you were

dudeitsdev: all you did was correct me jeff 😂

dudeitsdev: if i got mad at everyone that's ever corrected me i wouldn't have any friends

jeff.atkins: Like none at all?

jeff.atkins: Do people correct you that often?

dudeitsdev: absolutely 😂

dudeitsdev: hold on i'm going to open another box to unpack, be right backkk

jeff.atkins: You're still unpacking? It's been like three weeks though.

dudeitsdev: i've got a lot of stuff and i procrastinate, is that a problem? 😂

jeff.atkins: No 😂

jeff.atkins: Do you want me to leave you alone to unpack?

dudeitsdev: god no, like i said i procrastinate and nobody wants to text me tonight

dudeitsdev: and by nobody i mean makenna

jeff.atkins: Where is she?

dudeitsdev: some party, which surprises me because usually the parties die down this time of year because schools about to start

jeff.atkins: You mean to tell me you didn't party all year round in Beverly Hills?

dudeitsdev: even party girls need a break sometimes jeff 🙄

jeff.atkins: So no?

dudeitsdev: no school nights were strictly a no-no for parties

dudeitsdev: but that doesn't stop some people

jeff.atkins: You're so confusing 😂

dudeitsdev: OMG HOW?

jeff.atkins: So you didn't party on weekdays?

dudeitsdev: no 😂

jeff.atkins: But other people did?

dudeitsdev: right

jeff.atkins: Did Makenna?

dudeitsdev: she said she didn't, but i know when she's hung over

jeff.atkins: What a good friend 😂

dudeitsdev: it's a skill i've acquired, if you're hung over i'll know

jeff.atkins: I don't really drink so I don't think you will

dudeitsdev: like ever?

jeff.atkins: Maybe like one or two beers but nothing more

dudeitsdev: dude i respect that

dudeitsdev: i'm a light weight, i can't promise more than one or two

jeff.atkins: I could tell at the party 😂

dudeitsdev: i wasn't that bad, i can remember the first two drinks

jeff.atkins: Sureee

dudeitsdev: jeff atkins don't do that to me 😭

jeff.atkins: Devon Alderman I'm not doing anything

dudeitsdev: okayyyy whateverrr

dudeitsdev: dude i'm boredddd

jeff.atkins: Play 20 questions with me

dudeitsdev: what is this junior high?

dudeitsdev: you go first 😂

jeff.atkins: Favorite movie?

dudeitsdev: definitely the perks of being a wallflower, you?

jeff.atkins: Have you even watched Mean Girls?

dudeitsdev: dude no i haven't 😂😂😂

jeff.atkins: UM WHAT?

dudeitsdev: like i know the important stuff, like fetch, but i've never like sat down and watched it

jeff.atkins: Well that needs to change

dudeitsdev: at least take me to diner first

jeff.atkin: Alright when?

dudeitsdev: wait seriously?

jeff.atkins: I'm being serious I'll take you to dinner and you can come over and watch the movie

jeff.atkins: Or I could go back to your house

jeff.atkins: Just whatever makes you more comfortable

dudeitsdev: awe jeff i was just kidding

jeff.atkins: Oh

dudeitsdev: but how about you pick me up at seven? tuesday sound good?

dudeitsdev: xxx-xxx-xxxx i'll send you my location

jeff.atkins: Tuesday it is 🙂

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