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cheerstojess added dudeitsdev to a groupchat with 10 others

cheerstojess: devon you've been like really quite in the past week and we miss you so here's your first official Crestmont group chat

itshannahbaker: there's been nothing to talk about since you've been so quite 🙁

seen by dudeitsdev

alex.standall: Devon we're like crazy about you, what's wrong?

clayjenson0713: You and Makenna seem like you never shut up or leave anyone alone, now there's nothing.

mount.gomery_: Makenna's been weird lately too, neither of you have been the same she she freak texted me that night

seen by dudeitsdev

sheribabeee: Devon come on, where's my girl at?

itsfoley: this isn't the future-cousin-in-law that i've seen over the past two weeks

dempzee: you and Makenna are always so happy, neither of you have been posting and clearly something's up

seen by dudeitsdev

tony.padilla: if there's something wrong you can tell us, or just jess, we just want to know you're okay

dudeitsdev: i'm fine don't worry about me.

alex.standall: she's alive!

dempzee: not very

dudeitsdev: i'm alive

itsfoley: are we going to pretend you're not different now or?

cheerstojess: you haven't been the same since your last post
seen by dudeitsdev

clayjenson0713: pretty sure something happened

itshannahbaker: oh my god if it's about those comments don't worry about people like Bryce and Marcus and whoever that other guy was, they're pigs.

jeff.atkins: I don't really know you all that well but I know that people like Bryce Walker are awful, not everyone is going to disrespect women like he does.

cheerstojess: there's jeff to steal the show 🙄

jeff.atkins: I had baseball practice 🙄

jeff.atkins: Anyways, Devon you're super pretty and don't deserve to be treated that way so we won't let it happen.

clayjenson0713: why is Jeff so good at talking to people about problems, it's like he's emotionally smart and not book smart

itsfoley: jenson i've never heard anyone say emotionally smart

sheribabeee: Jeff should honestly look into being a therapist or something

itsfoley: i'm pretty sure you made that up Jenson

jeff.atkins: Yeah I am too, but you're not wrong

dudeitsdev:  i'm fine, maybe i just have stuff going on

dudeitsdev: has it occur to anyone that maybe i don't want to talk to any of you?

dudeitsdev: maybe i don't even like any of you.

dudeitsdev: maybe i don't want to be friends with any of you

dudeitsdev left the group

sheribabeeee: so what just happened?

dempzee: yeah okay something's definitely wrong

jeff.atkins: Jess you know her better than any of us, what was that?

cheerstojess: I don't know.

cheerstojess: she's never got like that before.

mount.gomery_ added makennaleighhhh to the groupchat

mount.gomery_: Makenna, what's wrong with Devon?

clayjenson0713: she totally just lashes out on all of us

tony.padilla: were just trying to help her

makennaleighhhh: I don't know.

makennaleighhhh left the group chat

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