t w e n t y f o u r

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"Okay but don't forget to snapchat me everyday because we'll loose our streak." I continue my rambling hoping it'll stall them from leaving.

"Makenna I'm not going to forget to snapchat you everyday." Devon says holding a box bigger than her which shocks me. "How many more boxes mom?"

"I think just a few more, Devon take a break and let the movers do their job." Ms. Smith, no longer Mrs. Alderman, says from the old rocking chair we left on the porch. "Girls come sit up here with me."

We do as she says as I once again check my under eyes in the reflection on the door, I wasn't risking any type of fall out from all the tears I cried today. I take a seat on the front porch step below Devon and I watch as the men moved some of their final boxes into the truck.

"This is it Dev." I frowned. "I've dreaded this moment for months."

"I'm going to leave you two alone." Ms. Smith says standing up realizing we needed privacy for our goodbyes. "Makenna Leigh, I love you like you're my own. You'll do big things I know it, you're welcome to come visit us whenever you can."

"Ms. Alderman, I mean Smith, you were always my second mom." I said pulling her into a hug. "I'll see you around mama."

"Goodbye Makenna." She says smiling one last time as she gets down the steps and goes and talks to the movers.

"So this is really it?" Devon says stepping forward towards the house and pushing open the door. "The end?"

"Don't say that Dev."

"Do you remember when you snuck me out through the window and I pulled all the roofing off with me." She laughing looking out the back door.

"Do you remember when you got your pool remodeled and you told me no running and I busting my chin on the sidewalk."

"I asked if the concrete was okay and not you." Devon laughed, her mood lightening up. "Makenna, nothing will ever be the same after this."

"No, it won't. But it'll get better." I try to compensate for her. "Devon Marie look at me, you already have all these new friends in Crestmont you will be perfectly fine."

"What if I'm not what the expected."

"If they don't like you that's their loss because you're fucking amazing."

"And what about you? Will you be okay?"

"Devon, I'm going to be fine." I faked a smile although I would eventually be fine. "I'll miss you like hell and nobody will ever replace you, but I can sure try to fill in the gap."

"Nobody will ever be Makenna Darby."

"Not even Jeff Atkins?"

"Shut up," she teased elbowing me, "he's cute but that's it." I rolled my eyes smiling. "Makenna you'll always be my person."

"You'll always be the Meredith Grey to my Christina Yang, the Peyton Sawyer to my Brooke Davis, the Dwight to my Jim."

"But Jim and Dwight kind of hate each other."

"I was just trying to make an comparison to The Office since I know its your show."

"I love you like Stanley loves pretzel day."

"If only I understood that you dork." I said pulling her into a hug.

"I know this isn't the end, we keep telling each other it isn't, but what if we fall apart." She said tears falling down her face. "What if we really are okay and we find someone better to be friends with, what if we stop talking."

"We won't stop talking, quit worrying." I said crying too.

The car horn sounds from our front, queuing us that it was finally time for the final goodbye.

"Devon Marie it's been a hell of ride."

"Makenna Leigh, you've got me through so much shit."

"And now this is it?"

"Lets agree to be cheesy because it's not goodbye."

"It's a see you later?"

"Definitely." I said pushing my curls behind my ear. "I'll catch you around Dev."

"See you Kenny."

We hugged one last time as a single tear slid down my face. She got in the passenger side and Ms. Smith and Devon waved one last time.

And like that they were gone.

Rage filled my body, she was gone and I couldn't do anything about it. I threw my fist into the siding of the house and began to hyperventilate.

"Fuck this." I cried sinking to the ground and pulling my head in my hands, still wheezing. "Why did you leave me Devon, I don't want this but you need this."

"So she's gone?" I heard a familiarly thick accent say from behind the front corner of the house. "She's really gone?"

"Mitchel what are you doing here?" I say standing up and fixing myself as if nothing had just happened.

"We came to say goodbye to Devon, I guess we just missed her." He says revealing that Clinton and Christian were behind him.

"Yeah, you did."

"Come here, you look pitiful." Mitchel offer his arms out to me. "It's hard I really do get it, we hated leaving everyone behind in Australia."

"I want to fucking scream." I say pulling him into a tighter hug. "She's gone guys, and there isn't anything I can say or do to bring her back."

"You'll be okay Makenna, come hang out with us it'll take your mind off things."

And despite the feelings I had for these boys the last few month, I got into Clinton's car without a second thought.

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