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dudeitsdev: as long as Makenna's by my side nothing else matters

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dudeitsdev: as long as Makenna's by my side nothing else matters

Liked by mount.gomery_, cheerstojess, and 798 others | 15 comments | tagged makennaleighhhh

cheerstojess: it's rediculous how many parties you guys go to

itsfoley: ^

dempzee: I think it's probably not as bad as they think

dempzee: looks fucking lit

clayjenson0713: you'll be in for a culture shock when you get here and don't have a party every night 😂😂😂

makennaleighhhh: was I just wild or wasted? crestmont kids will never know.

makennaleighhhh: parties are all we know 😭😭😭 @clayjenson0713 @itsfoley @cheerstojess

dudeitsdev: i will forever be party deprived 😞

mount.gomery_: you could always bring makenna with you and throw parties 🤷🏻‍♂️

jeff.atkins: There's the comment I was waiting for 😂^

dudeitsdev: @jeff.atkins dude same

makennaleighhhh: you guys just don't appreciate how sweet he is 🙄 @dudeitsdev @jeff.atkins

alex.standall: Montgomery sweet, yeah right @makennaleighhhh

dempzee: wonder what kind of drugs they have you on at that party to think that 🤔 @makennaleighhhh

makennaleighhhh: jokes on you I guys was probably just high as fuck

makennaleighhhh: jokes on you I guys was probably just high as fuck

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makennaleighhhh: i don't remember going home last night 🤷🏻‍♀️

Liked by sheribabeee, alex.standall, and 3,581 others | 23 comments | tagged: dudeitsdev

itshannahbaker: you guys party a lot

itshannahbaker: please be safe

jeff.atkins: ^

clayjenson0713: ^^

cheerstojess: ^^^

mount.gomery_: ^^^^

makennaleighhhh: clam down we are always safe @mount.gomery_ @cheerstojess @clayjenson0713 @jeff.atkins @itshannahbaker

dudeitsdev: that's a lie^

dudeitsdev: we'll kind of cool it with the parties, last night was a bit much

itsfoley: you're just trying to get as many parties in as possible aren't you? @dudeitsdev

dudeitsdev: 100% correct @itsfoley

cheerstojess: hate to disappoint you but Crestmont is safe and does throw ragers like the hills @dudeitsdev

brycemoney23: my parties are pretty close, hmu 😏 @dudeitsdev @makennaleighhhh

alex.standall: you wish your parties were as lit as they are in the hill @brycemoney23

dempzee: couldn't have said it better @alex.standall

jeff.atkins: oh and pretty sure she will not be hitting you up @brycemoney23

itsfoley: haven't you heard makenna's montgomery's girl @brycemoney23

cheerstojess: highly likely, cannot confirm ^

makennaleighhhh: I should say true or something, but then i would just confirm suspicions and we're not here for that 😉🤷🏻‍♀️ @cheerstojess @itsfoley

alex.standall: MONKENNA CONFIRMED?

dudeitsdev: monkenna 😂😂😂^^^


makennaleighhhh: 🤐 @cheerstojess

makennaleighhhh: 🤐 @cheerstojess

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clintoncave: BEACH DAYZ 🌴

liked by mitchelcave, thechristiananthony, and 1,539 others liked | 4 comments | tagged: http.stacy

http.stacy: loveeee you ♥️

clintoncave: 😘😘😘 @http.stacy

dudeitsdev: "fuckkkk 👅"

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dudeitsdev: "you're still my desert princess 😍"

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