Chapter two

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I felt it was mean for my mother to send me to school the next morning, it was a Monday the worst day of the week and I had a hangover. We had arrived back at home about three in the morning and the pain of waking up with hardly any sleep again made me want to dive off a cliff. This time my mother or ‘walking on sunshine’ didn’t wake me up, it was my personal guard Adonis, seeing him there sat on the chair opposite my bed stirred up many mixed emotions within me, love, lust, need, hate, they were all there, pushing them out of my body and mind I study him, he hadn’t realised I had woken up a rare thing as everything that happened around him he noticed, he was always on guard. His brown wavy hair ended at the end of his stubbly chin, his warm chocolate eyes were focused on something in his hand, a small box of sorts.

“So what do I owe this great pleasure?” He rarely made contact with me anymore, unless he had to of course. Once upon time we developed feelings for each other, we had both pressed on the matter and had ended up in a sort of relationship, we both knew it was wrong he knew it was wrong but he couldn’t fight his desire and love, though in the end he did he ended it saying that he was sorry for leading me on – he did love me – but everything we did was against everything he stood by. He was seven years older than myself and that caused him great pain, he was also scared that if he was too busy hooking up with me on a romantic interlude that he could endanger me. Ever since then he had tried to avoid me and so far he was doing good. Looking up his eyes glint with a smile that I loved and a small smile plays on his lips, something unusual since the break-up. “I wasn’t able to give you this yesterday.” Standing up he comes and sits at the far edge of my bed, though it was enough for me to catch the smell that intoxicated me so much, mint and something that smelled vaguely like apple. He drops the small box on my lap, it was black leather and a perfectly neat red bow sat on top, he hadn’t done the bow I knew it without even reading his mind, it was also one of the rare occurrence’s, he didn’t know I was a witch but at sometimes it was as if he shielded his thoughts from me. No, he had gotten Lorain to do it for him, as usual she had jumped in to offer aid, she was like that always wanting, needing almost to help anybody she could it was what made her.

Opening the box I see a small black wooden necklace that resembled rosemary beads, lifting it up I see it is but looking at the crest it wasn’t off Mary and Jesus, no instead a single black feather was burnt from a bolt of lightning. Running my hand over the strange crest I wonder why he had given me this. I was catholic but I wasn’t a religious freak, on a rare occasion I would go to church and that was only when my mother forced me and when I meant force I mean she would take my loving beauty of me, my mustang. “What is it?” I hadn’t asked him what I was on about but as usual he knew, he knew me to well just as I knew him. “Where I come from many believe Jesus was an angel, the first angel. When he was crucified we believed it was an act of the Devil, he manipulated Caiaphas and the Roman Government into doing his dirty work, when they crucified him we believed the Devil casted down a bolt of lightning stripping away Jesus wings. The symbol symbolises this. Looking it over I see it, the single feather burnt by the Devils lightning however I still didn’t understand why he gave this to me. Before I even opened my mouth he cuts me off a knowing grin on his face, another unusual thing for him. “Why have I given it to you?” My mouth turns up into a small smile; he could read me like a book. “Many people believe that it keeps dark and evil spirits from you, a protection of sorts.” I think about what I saw last night wondering if the beads would keep me from harming myself. “When you say many people, you mean your people right from Romania?” His eyes droop and I feel guilt for making him feel this way, he always missed his home and his family. “I’m sorry.” The warm chocolate brown look up into mine and understanding runs through us. “There’s no need to apologise, anyways I should get going otherwise I will be late for the meeting with your father.” My eyes snap up at this a weird feeling in my stomach. “Wait what? You’re not guarding me at school today? No scratch that why does my dad want to see you?” He was with me every day, it wasn’t that I was scared about my protection without him, we both knew I was capable of defending myself and I had proved it when I had beaten up one of my classmates. No what bothered with me was the withdrawal of not having him near me, he mostly had weekends off and two days were enough to drive me crazy. Yes, we had broken up but that didn’t mean I accepted it or liked it, nor did it mean I had moved on.

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