"Y/N L/N" I replied.

"Beautiful name."

"And you beanie guy?" I asked handing him his drink to which he paid me.

"Hercules Mulligan." Hercules replied and handed the drink back to me.

I looked at him, confused.

"The drink's for you love." He said to which I blushed.

"Well, that's a new one. A+ for originality." I chuckled and took a sip of the wine.

"OooOO get em' Herc!" One of the guys from the table said from behind him.

I scoffed.

"Sorry for my friends back there Y/N." He turned around and flipped them off, "They've had too much to drink tonight."

I spit out the wine I had in my mouth and started laughing.

He found this amusing.

The night was one of the best one's I've ever had. The night went by and Hercules stayed and talked to me the entire time. I barely even worked, which pissed off my co workers but, I needed this.

Well of course the night was perfect until everyone else had left and I closed up the bar. Hercules had asked to walk me home.

"No, no it's okay I'll call a cab." I insisted. What if Sean was home? He'd kill me if he saw Hercules.

"But a pretty girl like you shouldn't be prowling New York City Streets alone at night." He persuaded.

"How do you think I get to work every day?" I asked him.

"You walk?"

I nodded.

"Love, you shouldn't be doing that. Who knows what could happen. Let me drive you to work tomorrow. What's your address?" Hercules continued.

"You still have my number I gave you earlier?" I asked him.

"Of course."

"Okay good, call me sometime." I winked and quickly walked away.

"Y/N!" He shouted and I walked faster toward my house. Hopefully he didn't find that rude, just Sean would hurt him and I if he walked me home.

I didn't bother with a cab and walked to my apartment complex and up the stairs to the top floor. I opened the door to see Sean there, bottle of beer in his hand. Other bottles were spread out on the couch behind him.

"Why are you late?" Sean sneered.

"I-um.. sorry. People refused to leave the bar, you know how men-"and

"Save it." He smacked my face and I fell to the ground. "Get inside." He grabbed me arm and tried pulling me in the apartment, in there, no one could hear my screams.

"No!" I yelled, trying to get someone's attention. He got right up to my face.

"Get inside whore." I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"No, no please." I whimpered and he kicked my side.

"INSIDE NOW." He screamed. Come on that had to get someone's attention!

"No!" I cried. I was terrified it was the first time I stood up to him. He threw his beer bottle at me.

He raised his hand to smack me again but was stopped.

"What's going on?" A voice boomed and Sean put his hand down.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding and looked up to see Hercules standing above me.

Oh no.

"Y/N?" He asked and helped me up.

"Sorry, my girlfriend tripped sir. I was only helping her inside." Sean put on a fake smile.

I glared at him with fury.

"That's not what it looked like." Hercules looked at me concerned and held me cheek that was previously slapped. It probably was already bruised. "Are you okay?"

I couldn't bring my feelings to words, so instead I nodded no.

"How do you know Y/N?" Sean questioned.

"We met at the bar." He rubbed my shoulders.

Sean couldn't hold in his anger, "That's where you were you lying twerp ." he said pushed me back to the ground."

Hercules bolted at him. "Do not touch her!" He held him by his throat against the wall.

Damn he was strong.

"You are never touching her again you asshole. You hear me? Never again." He tossed him to the ground a few feet away.

Hercules rushed to my side and helped me up.

"What did he do to you? Are you okay? What hurts?"

I couldn't reply, I was in shock.

Instead Hercules kissed me.

I was surprised at first but melted into the kiss. Before it started to get heated, we broke off.

"You're coming home with me." Herc whispered in my ear.

"Gladly beanie guy." I murmured back, happier then I'd ever been.

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