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"Urrgghh! Orientation really drained my entire energy" Alicia complained as we get out from my car.

Something caught my attention, an unknown man leaning on my house door with his gaze on us.

"Ali.." I tugged her shirt nervously . "Your friend?"

"Nope" She said and takes a lead and I hide behind her, holding my iPhone on my hand, ready to call 911 if it's a bad guy. I'm a coward, I know.

I felt his eyes on me which I'm not comfortable with it as it my stomach gave weird feeling. I quickly turn to look at Ali or on the floor, anywhere that I do not need to meet his captive stare.

"Hi Clover" he greeted casually as we approached him. Confusion plastered on both of our face, Alicia turn to look at me but I shake my head indicate I don't know

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Alicia said in stern voice but he ignored and took a step forward, spontaneously we took a step back in instant reflex. "Stay away from us" she warned but he smirked. He gave an uneasy vibe

"Damn, he's cute" Alicia whispered to my ear. Indeed he is handsome tall guy with well firm body build, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and slightly tan skin. When he smirked, his deep dimple makes him look more charming and irresistible. "Guy you hooked up during the party?" and I replied a firm no.

"Ice Blended Green Tea Latte and Ice Blended Caramel Macchiato" he spoke again.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!!" as memories flashes back instantly. "I'm so sorry, do you come for compensation? Is that shirt ruin? I'll pay. I'm so sorry" I spurted everything out in a rush and nervous, Alicia look at me asking for answer. "Look sir, I'm .."

"Rick" he cut off

"Sorry?" I blinked in confusion

"His name is Rick" Alicia repeated half whisper to me.

"Oh..Ahem.. Erm, Rick, I'm truly sorry, I'll compensate for your shirt"

"Don't need"

"Huh? So why are you here?" I asked bluntly

"Tomorrow be ready by 6pm." he smirked and walked away.

I sat there froze in puzzle while Alicia was shrieking happily and congratulate me. For what?

Ignoring Alicia blubbing happily as we enter the house, I kept recalling the incident that I encounter 2 days ago at Starbucks, I pretty sure that the shirt is not ruin, it was just a damp. But why he asked me to be ready by 6pm tomorrow and just left like that. Besides how do he know my name and home.


Walking as fast as I could in the hallway because annoyed with my friends buzzing my ears non stop like a bee, trying to persuade me to go for the date which they assumed that is a date invitation.

"NO! for the millionth times NO!" I nearly shouted

"Clo, you never find a boyfriend if you can't stop your male rejecting habit"

"He's total stranger Liz AND he did not mentioned a date. Shouldn't we concern more on what's going on?"

I don't even know who is he and I definitely won't go out with anyone that I barely even know. It's dangerous, I might get kidnap or killed. I would prefer to go out on a date with someone that I already knew or had a proper several times conversation beforehand. Precautions better than sorry later.

"Naive. New homework for your Liz, check whether this guy is from this uni" Samantha requested. Back in high school, Lizzie knew exactly everyone at the school and vice versa, she even know the latest gossip, getting an info like that won't be a problem for her. Popularity does have a lot of benefits.

"On my way my lady" she grinned and turn to left hallway as the four of us turn to the right.

I can't even focus on the lecture, thinking hard about the strange event yesterday with no help from my friend at all. Sighed.

"Is it that bad?" sudden voice whispered closed to my ear from behind which make me nearly jumped out from my seat. I turn to look at him in puzzled. "The lecture. You sighed so loud" which cause me blushed immediately and turn back to the front. Literally face palm myself in my mind.

"Hey, I'm Alex" he called out after the lecture end.

"Clover" I smiled back at him. Blond, blue eyes, playful face and bit skinny compare to Rick. Crap, why I use him to compare. I think that just proof that I have not much friend's cycle and not much of male friends.

"What's your next class?"


"Same, let's walk over together" he offered with a smile

"Erm.. Sure?" it came out more like a question and I felt a pinch on my arms, turn to look an unsatisfied Alicia next to me.

"But I'm with my friends, if you don't mind" pointing towards my back where the other girls waiting at the door. "By the way, this is Alicia" I introduced and make our way to the door to meet with the other girls.


I was lost at thought, my right index finger tapping the surface of my glass dining table making a sound like I was tapping Morse code while my left hand index finger on my lips, biting my finger in nervousness. Playing all the possible scene that might happen later and plan on what should I say or do.


I jumped a little as my doorbell rang, I look at the clock and it was sharp 6pm. I took a deep breath, gathered my courage and walk to the door.

"Rick, I'm sorry but I can't - frankly I don't even know you, so.." I blurted out instantly without delaying any second and without thinking, my heart was pumping fast, my hand were shaky and sweaty a bit. He didn't say anything, but his hazel eye turn darker.

"You'll do whatever I want. I owned you" he said it in dangerous tone which make me shivered in fear, immediately I slam the door close, locked it and gasping for air, felt like I just completed a 10km run. I do not know how to describe but this man always had a heavy aura or vibe on him which it's very intermediating to be around with.

Owned me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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