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"You're such a party killer Clo!" Lizzie snapped

"I'm not going to spend my entire day to clean the house the next day"

"Party without an alcohol it's NOT a party!" she complained.

Last night, we decided to throw a small party tonight, celebrating our first year of university. I've suggested having an alcohol free party due to the unimaginable drunken people would do to my precious new house.

"FYI, It's a gathering party" I reasoned, not going to give up on Lizzie.

"OH MY!" she slapped her forehead while shaking her head "You're such naive" Lizzie frustrated

"Gathering sound like I'm senior citizen going for a party" Wendy chuckled, she seems to have fun watching us debating.

"Geez girls, I can hear your voice from afar" Alicia hushed carrying a tray of drinks with her and Samantha on her side with tray of burgers and fries.

We're having a quick lunch at McDonald before hunting down for our items on our party list.

"We're an adult and we discuss like one" Samantha said in her mature attitude. "Clo, we can have alcohol with a bearable amount; I believed it won't cause anyone drunk. Party end sharp at midnight Liz, we won't want to cause complains from the neighbors or police appearing. Wen, music at the bearable volume please, and Ali the upstairs bedroom locked and secure properly, party down stairs and back yard only. CLAWS will be throwing the most epic and classy party that this uni ever had!"

Four of us stared at Samantha in expressionless while she bubbling. She always surprised us in her spontaneous with win-win situation plan. She's genius, that what I can conclude. Definitely vote her as the next future president.

"And all of us will do the cleaning the next morning" she add on with a grinned. I hate cleaning. urrgghh


Me and Alicia rushed our way to Walmart to buy plastic plates, cup and other party necessities, while Lizzie volunteered to get the drinks accompanied by Samantha, to make sure she will not overdo it. Wendy in charge of the food ordering, she knows where to get the best food at this area with the help of her aunt business contact; Her aunt operate a Chinese Restaurant and it was quite well known. Her generous aunt offered to give us a large amount of her signature dumplings for our party.

"Plastic plates for a classy party huh?" Alicia sneered

"Get the gold color" I chuckled "Hopefully it won't be overcrowded?"

"Lizzie does the invitation, you could guess from there" she paused "but for her first uni party, to get the impression and reputation, I think she will meant by her words"

Last night, during discussion Lizzie created a private Facebook Event 'CLASSY CLAWS PARTY' and send an invite to our previous high school mates that got accepted into the same university as us and also to her new dorm friends. Being firm and to make the party sound cooler, she specifically put a description on the event page with capital letters 'CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY TO BE CLAWS TOP 50 COOLEST INVITEES OF THE NIGHT' The respond was awesome, within seconds; those got invited respond by clicking 'join', she even got inbox by other people requesting to join the party. She's the popular girl after all throughout junior and high school.

We make a few rounds at the party supplies section, make sure we got everything before head off to the cashier. We pretty sure we got everything already and make our way home to do the setup for tonight's party.

"Stop stop STOP!" Alicia shouted out of sudden, I hit an emergency break in panic.

"WHAT!" i exclaimed

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