"Where are you from?" She asks, almost curious. 

"Chicago" I muttered before walking back into the bathroom. 

I changed quietly as she washed up, I noticed that she didn't wear any makeup. Not that she needs to. 

The skirt was a tad short for my liking, I was tall so everything looked shorter on me anyhow. It came at mid thigh and was a dark plaid blue and black with a slight ruffle. The shirt was a long sleeve white button down with the school's navy and silver crest on it, it felt silky on my skin. My white skin looked strange against it, and I rolled up the sleeves trying to make it more casual. I tucked the shirt into my skirt and looped the black tie around my neck with a silver pin that read Thornhill Academy. Blythe came back wearing cherry red lipstick and nothing else on her face, she smiled when she saw my face and gave a little snicker.

"You look like someone killed your dog. Are you scared or something?" She asks. 

I nod, "Well obviously".

 She comes closer to me and straightens pieces of my hair that stuck out, once she was satisfied she stepped back. "You look fine" she shrugs her shoulders, I tug on the short skirt self-consciously. 

"Let's go to breakfast, oh and bring your timetable" She said. 

I slip on my dirty Chuck Taylors that was miraculously returned to me from the night before and grabbed my backpack before following her out the door with the timetable in hand. As we walked through the common room, I received curious stares yet again from some of the other girls. Blythe would occasionally say hello to someone as we passed, but as we walked down the stairs, we fell into an easy conversation. 

"So you have History first, but you're in the applied level so I won't be with you. I guess they put you in applied because you don't really know anything. We don't have combat class together which is fine, you'll meet people, it's where you learn self defence without using your gift" She takes a look at my timetable as we walk down the halls. 

I look around as she talks, peeking at Thornhill's old architecture style. It looked like Hogwarts, and I felt like I was Hermione Granger or something on my first day of school. Seeing the students at this school made me nervous, some I found were unusual looking and the others would huddle in corners in intimate conversations. It seemed like an average high school but I knew it was further from the fact than it may seem. 

"Politics is a fun class, I'm in that one with you next term. And Calculus, well, that class speaks for itself. I can't believe they put you in that, are you any good at math?" She asks as we reach the dining hall. Blythe flips a piece of silky dark hair behind her shoulder, she had a careless attitude and emotionless mask on her face, her lips sticking out in a pout. 

I nod, "Somewhat".

In the dining hall, it was obnoxiously loud and filled with tired students munching on their breakfast. There were four long tables with a buffet style table at the very front. "Each year sits at a table, we're third so we sit over there. It's an unspoken rule around here" Blythe guides me around the tables as we move to the left. Students would turn to stare at me as I walked past, my hands felt slightly tingly as we walked and I tugged down at my skirt. Suddenly I was very aware that I was five feet eleven inches and that my skirt was very short, one wrong move may show the entire cafeteria my goods. 

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