Chapter Five - so going to regret this later

Începe de la început

I stop walking when I see a small grey bunny, facing away from me, only about three metres away. I lower myself into a position ready to pounce, silently, creeping closer, smirking when I'm not noticed by the oblivious bunny. It appears to be a female and snacking on something. Probably grass, or whatever rabbits like to eat. I would say carrots but I'm not four and carrots don't grow here. When I decide I'm close enough. I pounce. I take pleasure in the squeal it makes as my teeth sink into its neck. Then the guilt hits me like a train. It was pregnant. My deep inhale proves it. I suddenly find myself not wanting to eat it. Even if it's dead, now so it would be a waste to just leave it. Guilt getting the best of me, I decide to leave it. My appetite, like everything else, decides to leave me.

Third person

A certain vampire groans in frustration as she heads towards where she thinks the stupid wolfs territory is. The blonde had decided to deal the threat herself considering that neither Nik or Elijah could get it right. Typical the blonde thinks to herself. If you want something to be done, you're better off doing it by yourself. When her vampire hearing picks up a squeal of sorts, from a couple of miles away. she finds herself rushing over there. However, it Takes a couple of minutes though, considering that it was a couple of miles and not just across the room. But when the vampire arrives she finds a dead rabbit, with no sign of what killed it. An animal would never just leave it without eating it. And they wouldn't kill it for the sake of it, they're not like humans. 

When she sees the teeth marks she knows it was a wolf. But there wasn't a full moon last night. Then she understands. The wolf. smirking to herself whilst knowing that it can't be too far from here. Upon noticing the paw prints, she vamp-speed in the direction that the wolf must have gone. Finally, the boys will be able to focus on things other than this stupid wolf she thinks to herself whilst smirking.

However, at the compound, there aren't any smirks.

"Please tell she wasn't that stupid" An angry hybrid spits towards his older brother after being told that Rebekkah had left a note suggesting that she's gone to Nathalia's territory. When Elijah doesn't reply, Klaus speeds off, to catch up with Rebekkah before she finds the wolf. 

Talia's POV

Upon sensing a person in my territory, I internally groan. Can I not just be left in peace? Like seriously, I've had so many people come into my territory lately, are they that stupid. It's a vampire, female I believe. Sitting down, I wait. Five. Here we go.

Four. Should I think of a witty comment to say for when she arrives?

Three. Nah, I don't need a witty comment, I'll just kill her.

Two. The rustling of leaves causes me to smirk. I love vampires. They're so damn reckless. Hence why most of the vampires I've met I've killed. Most.

One. Upon seeing a tallish blonde person, I internally curse myself. I knew I should have thought of a witty comment. Wait, how can I make a witty comment in wolf form. I'm so dumb at times it's great. I stare at her expectantly, is she gonna say something, or is she just going to stand there....

Upon seeing that she isn't saying anything, I roll my eyes. See? This is why so many vampires die, they're too reckless. They never think anything though. If I was her, I would have thought of a witty comment to say before arriving. People like witty comments. It happens in all the films. I should really stop talking about witty comments.

 I sniff the air, to get her scent a bit better but become highly confused when I catch a whiff of Niklaus and Elijah on her. Do they know each other? Actually, her scent is sort of similar in a way to them. Looking closely, I recognise some of the features. Sister? Maybe. Great. That means I can't kill her, feeling rather bored now. It's then that I sense Niklaus entering my territory. Ugh, can none of them like leave me alone. Not particularly wanting to deal with either of them, I blink towards Rebekkah, causing her neck to snap and her body to drop. And of course just to be dramatic, Niklaus chooses that moment to turn up. I hate that I can't actually speak in wolf form. Actually, that's a good idea for a spell. I'll work on that later. I decide to shift.

It only takes me about two seconds to shift, causing shock to be evident on Niklaus's face. Shifting comes naturally to me, it always has done. Well, other than my very first shift, that hurt like hell. But after that, it just became second nature. I walk up to Niklaus, and I notice how he positions his feet, ready to attack if need be. I shake my head slightly. So bloody reckless. I take his jacket and begin to pull at it to take it of him. I was expecting him to be a gentle man and let me, but no the git shoves me off him.

"Prick" I mutter, as I stumble backwards slightly. But his glare proves that he heard me. He then growls and takes a step forward when I crouch down to his sister. But when I just grab her jacket and slide it on, I see his shoulders relax slightly. But only slightly.

"Oh, relax would you, she's fine," I say with a roll of my eyes. But I secretly can't help but find it cute at how protective he his.

"You snapped her neck" he states angrily

"And she came into my territory, I'd say were even" I respond to him, seriously what is this guys problem.

"What are you?" He questions. Trust me if knew then I'd tell you. Let's leave him guessing, it might be quite amusing.

"What are you?" I question him. I know that he's vampire and werewolf. But I want to hear his answer.

"I'm the hybrid, love" He answers cockily, causing me to roll my eyes

"Correction 'a'" I reply, causing him to look confused.

"You're a hybrid," I say, debating whether to break his neck or not. Then I decide to continue talking. " Hybrids are just combinations of different species, there are lots of hybrids on this planet" He looks angry at my comment, I'm just stating the truth. Is that what I am, a hybrid. I guess I am of sorts. 

"I can assure you, I am the original hybrid" He replies, he always has to be so sure of himself doesn't he. It's almost like he's trying to convince himself as well as other people. I shake my head with a sigh, knowing I'm not going to win this one. "Is that what you are, a hybrid?" He questions, of course, he's trying to get information off of me.

"How come you're siblings aren't half wolf yet you are?" He seems slightly shocked at my question for some reason. Is there something I'm missing?

"How about, you come back to the compound with me, and I'll answer any questions you have" Yeah, I'm not falling for that one. I'm not stupid. Well, not entirely anyway.

"I think I'll pass" I respond causing his jaw to clench. Did he actually think I'd agree to it? Wow, I knew vampires were stupid but....

"It wasn't a question" He states and starts to walk towards me in a threatening manner. I think he keeps forgetting that I can just-

"There" I state satisfied as his body just falls. Now what? I have two bodies that are going to wake up eventually. Then an idea pops into my head. Oh, I'm so going to regret this...


With a huff, I let go and the lifeless body just flops onto the floor. I left blondie back there, couldn't be bothered with her to be honest. She seemed a bit too.... Pathetic for my liking. But you never know, I might grow to like her. Who am I kidding? I don't like anyone, for some reason my eyes seem to travel to Niklaus's head. At that moment he wakes up with a large groan, holding onto the side of his neck with his hand.

"Where the bloody hell am I?" I smirk slightly. I may regret this later, but it sure as hell will be amusing in the mean time.

My secret wolf (Niklaus Mikealson) AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum