"Finn, right! That's actually a nice name compared to Logan, wouldn't you agree?", he grins before he drops his main attention back to his phone.

"He's all over the internet but nothing positive is being said about him, I mean, I can understand most people, he spread some really mean shit about some of them. Do you think what he said is true?", he asks, earning a silent grunt and a shrug.

"Yeah, I'm not sure either.", they fall into a moment of silence before Kenneth starts it up again.

"Oh yeah, you wanted a coffee right? Can you please get me one of their cupcakes?", he smiles up at him with pure innocence on his dark olive face.

"Chocolate, right?", Klein gets up from his seat, waiting for Logans response.

"Yup, thank you!", he cheers, reminding me a bit of a little child, not only the way his legs swing around under the chair but also the way he tends to look and treat other people. He's respectful, don't get me wrong but he tends to forget who's a friend and who isn't. Not a bad feature to have though. I relate quite a bit with him to be honest.

He looks up from his phone as the bell starts ringing again, this time actually revealing the twins. The open door lets a cold breeze slip in, causing me to shiver slightly.

"I didn't expect you here already.", Jenna grins, walking directly to the counter to wait for Logan to pack up and go. I get up from my seat and slip past Kenneth to greet my friends.

"Of course, duh! And as a reward you're going to buy me a cupcake.", I demand, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"You forgot your money, didn't you?", Hanna smirks as soon as I nod guiltily.

"Fine, but just this once or else you'll get used to it.", she cringes at the thought but lets a smile slip up right after.

"So, what I wanted to ask you, did you hear about that guy who killed himself?", Hanna brushes a strand of hair out of her face while switching between me, her sister and the person in front of her in line.

"Barely, his name was Finn, right?", I amaze with my obtained knowledge.

"Yeah, I'd say poor guy but he spread some insane shit over the past year, I'm surprised we got skipped or something.", Jenna adds, shaking her head. I've honestly never even heard of him, maybe if I see a picture I could remember one or two incidents in which we encountered each other. But I also can't imagine someone being such a bad person here at this college that everyone hates on him even after he killed himself.

"For example? What kind of rumors did he spread?", I ask, staring at the twins as they exchange a few glances but before they could answer, someone else does and it's none other than Logan. Not the one standing in front of us though.

"Well, one of the biggest ones was the one with the vice-principle. He had the balls to say that guy killed a student here even though she committed suicide. Pretty amazing, eh?", he grins from his seat, long legs wrapped around each other.

"I wouldn't call it amazing, Logan.", Klein replies, not even looking at him and instead placing a five dollar bill in front of Ava to cash out the two items before retreating with them and his change back to their table.

"Okay, maybe amazing is the wrong word but you needsome courage and a huge need for attention if you decide to tell people that. I mean of course, everyone went ape shit about it and it was number one topic here. How did you miss that?", Logan asks me, his dark brown eyes piercing through mine.

"Uhm, before I got together with Martin, I wasn't very sociable.", it's true, from the two years I've been here, I've only started talking to people a year ago when I met Martin, he practically forced me into meeting all of his bazillion friends.

"Right! You're Marty's guy! I think I never caught your name.", he breaks a piece off of his cupcake before sticking it into his mouth, gaze still fixated onto me.

"Adrian. Adrian Lauden.", I reply, biting my bottom lip.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Adrian Lauden. I'm Logan and that's Logan, we're practically twins.", he smiles sweetly at his friend who's eyebrows furrow together in a blink of an eye.

"No, we're not. You can just call me Klein if you want, it's basically a first name as well.", I smile and nod at his offer.

"Hey Ad, what kind of cupcake do you want?", I turn at the sound of Hanna's voice, staring at her for a split second before responding.

"Chocolate.", I mumble, slowly walking back to our table and sitting down, Kenneth watches me the entire way, smiling as soon as I notice him.


Heii! Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! If you did please leave a vote or comment to give me some feedback!

Logan Klein: Psychodeep
Logan Kenneth: @weirdself (das me)

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