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Ricky nervously sat at the bar, waiting for someone named Vinny to come and show him what he needed to do. Ricky had never bartended a day in his life, so he really had no clue what the fuck he was gonna be doing.

After around fifteen minutes of waiting and watching dancers, a short, chestnut-haired man walked behind the counter. He looked Ricky up and down for a few moments, raising a brow. "You're the new fuck toy?"

Ricky went red in the cheeks, "Wh-What?! No, no! I-I only... Nevermind that. Are you Vinny?"

"Mhm. You're Ricky, I'm guessing. Ryan's been talking 'bout you. Says you're young." He grabbed a shot glass, then a bottle from under the counter. "You drink?"

"I-I'm underage." Ricky murmured, watching as Vinny poured himself a shot. "Ryan said he wanted me to work behind the bar until I'm eighteen. S-Said you would show me the ropes and stuff."

"First off, speak up. If you're gonna work here, you've gotta learn to be loud. Rude, if necessary." The man replied, running a hand through his hair before downing the shot. "It's simple, honestly. For right now, though, you're on dish duty,"

Ricky sighed and nodded, tugging a bit at his sleeves. Oddly, he'd rather be in Ryan's office than at the bar.

"How'd Ry find you? Where'd you come from?" Vinny asked. He looked Ricky up and down, biting his lip as he did so, examining the thin teen.

"H-H-He was, uhm, fr-friends with my... Friend?" He stammered shyly, really not wanting to admit that he was mistaken for a hooker.

"Which friend? Ryan doesn't have friends. He has partners and toys."

Ricky whimpered. He glanced to the stage, seeing Devin walking out again. Shortly after Devin began his show, Ryan stumbled from the hallway with his hair a mess and his eyes on Ricky. "Please come get me." Ricky muttered quietly, wanting nothing more than to get out of his conversation with Vinny.

To his luck, Ryan came over. He sat beside Ricky, wrapping an arm around his waist securely. "Hey, Pretty Boy. You make a friend?"

"Mhm," he replied quietly. He rested his head against Ryan's shoulder, trying to seem tired so he could maybe get away from the bar. "Missed you." He whispered into his ear honestly.

"I missed you too, Kitten." Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. "You wanna go lay down?"

Ricky nodded happily. "Yes, please, Ry..." He couldn't ask for anything better at the moment. "M-Maybe with you?"

Ricky couldn't explain it, but he had a strange feeling of attachment to Ryan. He hated to be away from him. Maybe it was because he trusted him, or maybe it was because he liked him, he didn't know. He couldn't deny that he did enjoy his presence when he wasn't being a creep. Ricky was straight, and thought he made that very clear.

"You wanna lay down with me, Kitten?" Ryan asked in surprise, raising a brow. "I thought you'd wanna be alone."

"Anything is better than being alone.."

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