Chapter 6

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Pidge's POV (◕‿◕✿)

I woke up I could feel myself fall the air flowing through my face it felt nice I feel my self fall into a pair of comfy arms I look up to see Shiro smiling I stand I look at all of them their eyes seem puffy and red but their eyes look sad but happy 'were they crying over me? Those big softies' I try to speak but all that came out was scratchy weird throat sound she was appalled at what she was hearing the rest of the team was sad they already knew.

"Pidge...." Shiro started " the Galra when they gave you the shot it infected your vocal cords and the pod was not able to get rid of your infection " I was crying I realized i can never sing or scream here comes dat boi or shout Klance ever again.

Normal pov

"The Galra are here they invaded us it looks like theft have hacked into our system " Allura said looking at the BLIP tech she had in front of her. Pidge softly pushed Shiro aside and ran towards green but it was too late she met up with the Galra at the doors of her lions room. They Galra shot at her she didn't have anything to fight with since she was still in the white leotard that allura changed her in so she could be in the pod. Dammit she tried to say but of course just scratchy noises came out.
She was shot in the leg and like any other human being she fell and of course they hand cuffed her and knocked her out
" silly little human " a Galra giggled

Back with Shiro of the team
Shiro was running to get pidge after she ran off 'she must of head to her lion' Shiro thought to himself but when he arrived he couldn't see her she was nowhere to be found when he took a closer inspection of the green lion he saw a slip of paper stuck in the cracks of the metal lion
He read it and he was mortified from it

We took her don't worry we will get rid of the infection but we won't return her that was just to let you know she is still alive we will have a little fun with her if you know what I mean if you don't here's a couple hints on what we plan to use her

•Chains and gags
• blisters and sweat
• blood and gore
• needles and pain

Got a good idea good
Zarkon <3

Shiro was crying how could this happen again and she will suffer from him not fulfilling his promise to matt.

Omg guys I'm sorry what have I done. chapter 7 will happen sometime soon I hope 🤞🏿

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