Someone's In Trouble

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Lucas left the next morning. I was sad to see him go but I know that he will be back soon.

There's a knock on the door as I work in my office.

"Yes?" I ask, still staying at the papers.

"Hey babygirl. I have some bad news." Tate says.

I frown as he comes over to me.

"What's going on?"

"Well you see my father has friends that live up north, and they are having so huge problems with rogues right now. My father wants Tate and I to come help. But of course I told him no. We have you. He begged for at least one of us to go, and I've decided to go. I know that we are suppose to have our ceremony in a few days, but I promise to be back in time for it." He rushes out.

I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Baby, don't worry! It's fine! And I completely understand. When do you leave?"

"Soon, maybe an hour or two?"

"Okay, well then you should go get ready."

 He nods his head and gives me a quick kiss and then leaves.

 I finish up in my office later that day. Tate left about 30 minutes ago, so It's just Hayden and I for a few days.

"Hey babe," He says when I walk into the kitchen. He's eyes are glued to his phone. I lean on his back, kissing the back of his neck.

"So we've got the house alone for a few days, hm what to do?"

"I have a few ideas..." Hayden trails off with a  smirk.

"You build the fort? And I'll make snacks?" I ask him with a smile. He smiles back and agrees to my plan. Just as he's about to run off to the living room, the ring of my phone stops him.

I look at the caller ID. "It's my mom." I say with a nervous swallow. I haven't told her about my marriage yet...oops. Most of slipped my mind.

I answer my phone and put it up to my ear. "Get over here right now."

"Mom! Just let me explain," I tell her for the 10th time. Dad has resorted to sitting the corner, while Hayden is rubbing my back.


I just roll my eyes. "Mom. I'm almost 18, and I'm almost Alpha. I am old enough to make these kinds of decidtions! I'm not a child anymore. I have 2 mates, well 2 husbands! I'm ready to start a family of my own."

She huffs. "You aren't old enough Sweetie!"

"Mom, this is pretty normal for young werewolf mates. Espeically alphas." I tell her. It's true too.

"Honey, I think we are in no postion to judge our daughter when we almost did the same thing."

What came next, I'm not sure. "I was in such a state of shock. I completely blacked out. I don't remember a thing."

But seriously though. We were all shocked. Apparently my parents were going to run off one night and get married (Like I did) but their parents found out and stopped them before they could. I bet my mom was just jealous.

"Mom? You never told me that!"

She puts a hand on her forehead. "Yeah, well. It's something I didn't really want to share. You're father and I were so in love we decided that we were going to run off and get married one day but my mother, being the noisy person she is, found out and stopped us. I suppose it was for the better since we were only 16." She finshes with a chuckle and Dad joins her. He kisses her on the forehead, and whispers sweet nothings into her ear.

I spent half of my life watching this take place everyday and it was one of the best memories of my parents that I had. I want the same thing for my kids. Well I did.....

"Now. Is there anything else you would like to tell us JJ? What else are you hiding from us?"

I make eye contact with my Dad and then Derek. Is now the time to tell Mom the sercret we've been keeping from her since I first came here? My dad says and does nothing, just stares back at me. Derek gives me a look says "Not right now."

"Um, well one time when I was 15...I snuck out of the house to go swimming with my friends in the middle of the night."                   

Mom just chuckles. "I'm aware Sweetie,"

 I give her a confused face.

"Mom knows everything." She says with a smirk. Dad chuckle

"Yeah you do!" Dad says with a smirk. All us kids just cringe and fake puke.

"Okay, who wants supper?"

I turn to Hayden, silently asking what he wanted to do. We decided to stay for supper.

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