Chapter 8: This Is My Life

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When I do wake up, the light outside is shine at it brightest. I squint my eyes, looking at the windows.

God! What time is it?

I look over at the night stand; turning the alarm clock so I can see the time.


Not, that bad! I think. Then I realize that I went to bed at

OH MY GOD! What day is it?

I quickly flip off the covers and run to my door.

Wait what am I wearing?

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I am still wearing the same thing as yesterday. My hair is a little messy but I put it up in a ponytail. I walk back out into the bedroom and out the door.

I walk down stairs and hear noises coming from the living room. I walk close and see Hayden, Tate, and a pack member named Kyton. 

"Dude they are so going to win! They need too!" Kyton says. They are watching a march madness game. Duke and Kentucky.

"I know, but Kentucky is really good too. Plus I like Kentucky more." Hayden says.

"I really don't care about this game!" Tate states.

"I love Duke, their one of my favorites!" I say and all three of them whip around and look at them. They all look surprised. I smile at them and then walk into the kitchen.

I walk over to the fridge and grab a Starbucks Frappuccino. I open it right away and start drinking. I LOVE coffee. I can live on it and can't live without it.

I walk into the living room again, and sit next to Tate. He wraps an arm around me, I pull a blanket onto us. Tate leans over and kisses my temple.

"I thought that you were never going to wake up!" Tate whispers into my ear.

"Sorry, I haven't slept that good for like 6 years." I whisper back.

"Don't be sorry! I am just glad that you are alright!" I smile at his comment.

"Hey, JJ! Its pack night!" Kyton says.

Pack night is a night we have every few months. The whole pack gets together and eats, plays games, have a bomb fire, and just hanging out! It is so much fun.

"I have known for months Kyton!" I state.

"Right, I forgot!" he says and I smile.

They go back too watching the game.

"Where is Margaret?" I ask Tate.

"We told her to go home. She need to rest and relax. Plus I think she is bringing her boyfriend to pack night."

"Oh, thanks!"

"For what?"

"Everything!" I say and lean up and kiss him.

"You two are gross!" Kyton says. Kyton is 15 and apparently not into girls yet.

"Kyton," I say and he turns to look at me. "Where are you parents?"

"I believe Forester! They left last night." Kyton's parents work for the Alpha, they travel around to different packs making sure that our ties are good. They travel all the time.

"Oh, and they just left you here by yourself?"

"Fine, you got me! Luna sent me to check on you! Then I met these too," he says pointing to Hayden and Tate. "And we started watching this game."

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