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How can i get this motivation..
This much motivation to keep going on and on and on and on and on
Why cant everything be blissful for once just the way we want it?
A moment of love, lived with myself!
A moment of memory, lived in a flashback!

Unforgiving lava on either side of the road
And vicious vultures ruled the abode
With haunting voices crowding your ear
"Welcome to the dark side"
As they instil fear.
The narrow path was covered with writings
Names of dreams given up upon
The struggle ahead flashed in the the sky
The pain to get what I want.

But the beam of white light
Just won't let me give up

Tearing through the dusk haze
Like the bat symbol in the night sky
The cruel thing let out of the box
By a girl, curious like a fox.
And as she opened Pandora's box,
And the cruelest thing escaped free

River in my HeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz