Chapter 4

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(Maxon's POV)
Relief surged through my veins as I walked out if the hospital. If America had permanently lost her memory, I wouldn't have known what to do with myself. I don't really love any of the other girls, so if I was forced to marry one of them (besides America) I would not have a happy life. America is truly the one that makes me the happiest. I flew down the hallways toward the Ladies' Room in happiness. America, for the first time, had said she loved me. Now I don't really know if it was just because of the heat of the moment, or if she actually meant it. I hope it was the latter.
"Prince Maxon, sir...." A guard trails off as I head toward the Ladies' Room.
"Yes? What's the matter?"
"Well, uh, Miss Silvia is explaining a uh, project she is giving the girls, so I don't know if you're um, allowed to hear it." I shrug him off and push through the doors.
"-And this will be due the day of The Report next week. I'm sure the whole country is looking forward to your ideas of how to make the country a better place," I hear Silvia say. Suddenly, all of the girls notice my presence and start brushing off their dresses and fixing their hair. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. The only thing I really notice here is that America isn't present. They're probably still closely monitoring her at the hospital. When I left before, I heard them say something that all of her tests were fine, except for one thing. I hope she's ok. Gosh, what if something happened again?! I'd never forgive myself!!
"Dinner is in a few minutes, yes?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. Silvia just seemed surprised that I was here so early.
"Errmm, yeah, I guess." I take a seat at my spot and see a few girls trying to stare at me discreetly. They weren't doing a very good job. As Silvia finishes explaining the project, I think about the Selection so far.
I could end it. I really could. But would that really be for the best? And I am really sure America loves me. I mean, I know she said so earlier, but I kinda want her to say it again.
No, scratch that.
I do want her to say it again.
And again.
And again.
I couldn't help thinking about what my future would look like with America. A beautiful, but simple wedding, and maybe 2 kids. If she even wants kids. Why am I thinking about my future with America already?!? I don't even know if she wants to marry me yet. I'm snapped back to reality when I hear my father say,
"Hey, son." I look up and see my father beaming down at me.
"Hey dad." He sits down and looks at me expectantly.
"Well? Did you hear what Silvia was talking about?" I nod in response.
"Your mother and I have concluded that at the end of this project, we would like 2 girls eliminated. So you would have 3 girls left."
"Why can't I end the Selection now dad? I already know who I want to marry." The words unexpectedly pop out of my mouth. I wish I could just stuff them back in. My dad raises his eyebrows and says,
"And who would that be?"
"Never mind who it is," I say.
"Maxon, son, we are pushing this Selection as long as it possibly can go for a reason. Obviously, the first reason is suspense. But the second reason is so that you can find the girl who you love the most, but who will also make a great queen. This project will prove a great deal of that." I stay in silence. There's no point in trying to argue with my father if all he's going to do is spit out facts. Soon my mother arrives and we start dinner. I can't help but feel disappointment when I see that America isn't here. Dinner is delicious, but it's not as fun as it usually is. Usually I can sneak looks at America and tug my ear with her and try not to crack up at her. But today, everybody eats in silence. I guess the tension between the girls has suddenly built up again because of this new project. Marlee then stands up abruptly and says,
"Please excuse me. I would like to go see Lady America." I wonder what's going on. My father nods at her and she leaves. After dinner, about a half hour later, I run down to the hospital and see that America isn't there. Marlee isn't there either. I frantically search the castle looking for America, but I can't find her anywhere. On that matter, I can't find any of the other girls, either. Panic runs through me and I go to my parents' room. But before I get there, I stop a guard who is walking the corridors.
"Have you seen anything suspicious around the castle lately?" I ask desperately. He looks at me as if to say, are you crazy? then shakes his head. Then, I get to my parents' room and open the door. I am met with a shocking scene....

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