Chapter 14

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You've all been incredibly patient for the smut.




Josh stares at me, a look of pure disgruntlement on his face. His signature bitch face, honestly.  I try to ignore the bite behind his words as he grumbles at me.

"You're going to the game, and then what? Gonna cheer for them? Fuck sakes, you hate those guys."

I stare at him for a full minute, trying to hide my bafflement. But goddamn, what is Josh's problem today? "Plenty of the guys on the team go to their games, I don't see the problem in me going to one. "

"But you're Aisley, dude. You're the captain." I squint at him until he elaborates, instead he just continues, "you hate them."

And for a second I think he's trying to persuade me into hating the rugby team.

I sigh, shake my head and take a swig of water. "Whatever, dude, I'm still gonna go."  Getting up from the bench, I turn to walk out on the court, ready to start practice and get rid of the weird ass feeling this conversation has left me with. I hear Josh talk again, to himself, no doubt.

"He told me this was going to happen."

I turn to glare back at him. What the hell is he on about now? I swear, this dude and his mood swings.

I shake my head, effectively clearing any weird energy from the conversation before I start toward the centre of the court. "ALRIGHT BOYS," I yell as the adrenaline starts to kick in, "LET'S START THIS PRACTICE OFF RIGHT WITH A FEW SUICIDES."

A collective groan can be heard. I grin.


I'm just sitting down beside Patrick in the bleachers when he coughs, and it isn't the kind of cough an actual sick person might have. No, it's one of those hem hem (I've got something awkward to talk to you about) kind of coughs. Yeah, you could say it's a pretty specific cough.


He lays his sweater down, sits, and hesitantly looks to me. "So you're, uh, at Connell's game."

"Yes, you're very observant aren't you."

"The other day you guys were upstairs together..." Pat states slowly, and I can feel as a blush rises to my neck but he doesn't need to know that.

I lean forward, elbow resting on my knee and hand going around my neck. So stealthy. "So?"

Patrick lights up at this, and I groan. "Well okay, I have two theories," he begins excitedly. "Either Bonnie was right the other day and you are both going after Sarah..." He pauses again, and it takes me a full 10 seconds to realize that I'm supposed to agree when his eyebrow raises as he smirks, "Or there's something going on between you and --"

"Hey baby," Bonnie interrupts as she sits down between us, she shoots me a look as she leans over to kiss him. While I've never particularly thought of Bonnie as a close friend, I thank the gods that bitch exists. "So did I miss anything?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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