Chapter 1

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The day started like another. I woke up and checked my Instagram DM to see if my "friend" had replied to my messages to revive our friendship. It had ended before due to my then boyfriend, the one in the story, getting agitated and asking, more like demanding, that I cut off contact with said friend. When I saw that there were no new messages I went about my day as usual.

It was when I was getting to ready to fall asleep at, I think it was around 12 in the morning, when I finally got a reply asking why I was talking to him. When we caught up with each other over FaceTime and DM we decided to meet in the day.

I had talked to my stepfather and gotten him to agree to take me to Middleburg that day to meet said friend. Cody didn't know this was happening nor really cared to check up with me that day i.e he was busy with his friends.

When I got to Middleburg I met with my friend and we went to a cafe for a while. At the cafe he ordered a smoothie I think it was and we left. When we left the cafe we went through the back exit and took a stroll through a nearby neighborhood. It was small and sorta lovely. We walked. Throughout the walk he kept drinking something that I was sure wasn't water, and he gave me some of that "not water".

When half an hour maybe one had passed he took me to a park bench and we sat down and talked about numerous things. Personal things that were happening in our lives that no one else had bothered to ask about. It made me feel wanted and I loved that attention. It's not like I was going to get that from Cody because he had his own problems to deal with, and I didn't want to burden him with mine. He didn't even ask or listen to them, my problems, much less. It was like he lost interest in mine mind. (This all happened before he started his summer job).

During that time one the bench my friend kept looking over and me with a look that I could not place for the life of me. In one moment everything speed up and slowed down at once. His lips were on mine, and I knew this could not happen. I stopped him, and after I did so he saw the time and had to leave. I sat on the bench alone for a while. Thinking and contemplating on what I should do now.

After feeling dead wash over me I decided a cup of tea was an order. I got up and walked back to the cafe that my friend showed me before. Once I got there I ordered their iced tea and sat and waited.

Once my tea was almost done some person took it from me. It was my friend from before. My friend that kissed me. My friend that wasn't really my friend, but something else and I didn't know what.

He had a smirk on his face like he owned the world. And if he wanted to, he probably could. He sat down and in the most casual way said "Hey stranger," like nothing happened before. Or maybe everything happened before. After finishing my tea he set the cup down and proceeded to tell me what happened and why he was still here. He said his mother was no where to be seen and wasn't answering her phone.

We waited in that cafe more a few more moments before heading out. We went back to that bench and talked some more. It was more of the senseless stuff. What the kiss meant and didn't mean. Where we were as friends. Like anyone else I kept putting it off and he agreed, wanting to keep this a "happy memory". Which is was and still is, I guess. The memory in itself was fantastic, but it was the after math of the situation that killed me. Finally it was my turn to leave. My ride came and I left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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