Prologue II

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Maria POV

I looked down at my children as they slept for the first time in this world... they looked at peace. Though, none in this world have been peaceful in a while, the grown try to shield the young from the truth of our world. Once they are old enough to learn of what happened, though, they are shocked and refuse to believe. But eventually, they do learn to understand. I will protect my youth until then. I picked their names wisely. One or the other will be the next ruler. They are the heirs of this pack.

I looked at my young boy, he had one blue one green eye, and fiery orange hair. I named him Flare Evan Heartbloom-Jacksonburgh. After his hair, and his great grandfather from his fathers side. It was quite unfortunate when my husband passed, but the world moves on.

Then I looked at my daughter, she might not rule, but she does have royal blood. Her brother was born half an hour before she. Thus, he will rule when I pass.
She has bright purple eyes and midnight blue hair. I named her Nadine Beryl Heartbloom-Jacksonburgh. After her grandmother and the blueness about her. I bet if she were older, she would grow to be a wonderful Queen. But she most likely won't. But she will be a wondrous Princess. Possibly a better soldier. We'll see, her destiny has not been sealed as of yet.

Oh, I missed my husband very much. Our son had his hair, our daughter has his eyes. The same eyes as the powerful female leader she was named after. Nadine was a great mother to me. I didn't want to take on the role as alpha yet, as she died when I was young.
Too young. I hope the same won't happen to my children. I'll protect them more than my self, and I'll have a guard on me 24/7. Oh, I hope they become amazing grown beings once they are grown up.

3rd POV

Maria Abigail-Rosaline Heartbloom-Jacksonburgh, (she liked, and wanted to keep her maiden name) was a wonderful leader for many years. Before and after her children were born. But her fear didn't happen, as she was still alive when her youth were the age she was, when she had become a leader. And that time has been long gone now. She may finally rest knowing if she were to die the next day, it would not be in vain.

More, Extra Information for you!:

When her children reached the age of  18, in human years, she was sadly murdered. In the throne is never really a safe place to hold for long. Instead of the killer becoming the next alpha, her son Flare was next in line. I won't go into detail as most writers would, in her unfortunate passing.

I'll let you know though, she had another child before then. When her other two were six, she had another son named Noah Ethan Heartbloom-Jacksonburgh. He was born with red hair and green eyes when he was born, but they faded to a purple. She wasn't feeling well at the time, and had his godparents chose for her. He was named after his godfather, Noah, who was Maria's brother. Their uncle. His middle name was inspired by his godmother's son, Ethan Isaac Marvel. Isaac was born a couple months before. (Ethan is the twin of Brody, fwi) His godmother is Maria's best friend, Eveline Marcella (Lace-veil, is her maiden name) James. When they were younger, they were inseparable. Everyone was supposed they didn't think of marrying each other! But, the alpha was indeed straight. But not Eveline! She jumped around. No one was quite sure what she was. For a while, anyways. Ha!

Well, that wraps up the information I'm giving at this moment. Soon, the official first chapter shall be published! :D
Until then...


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