Prologue I

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Where the story of global warming starts...::

3rd POV - humans

This is a story about 'the end of the world as we know it'.
Global warming DOES exist, the scientist weren't the ones that were crazy, the 'normal' people were the ones that couldn't see the bigger picture! The other 'weirdos' could slightly tell what was happening, as well!

Global warming as you were taught in the years of 2010 are true, in fact, there's even MORE to it...

The planets are slowly spiraling towards the sun.

That is why, NASA started making planned trips to send large masses of humans, people to different planets they could possibly sustain on. worked.
But not everyone could get on. And, almost animals were allowed. (Exceptions included pigs and cows and chickens. Food, yo.)

On Earth, the planet is getting warmer and warmer. Hotter and hotter...until it collides with the sun, and all life on it will cease.

See, NASA waited to send the masses until at least one planet collided, to prove their theory. But don't worry, tests went out before then, for in case it really WAS true. And heh, it was. People who were even still getting over Pluto... cried, and cried, and cried and cried because another planet was GONE.

But, many many people got to their new home planet, safely. NASA chose a planet far enough away people could live their lives, but now die once getting there.

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