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Coulson looked up from his computer screen as he heard a faint ding come from an intercom that was lying on his desk.

Reaching over and holding down one of the buttons Coulson asked, “What is it, Maria?”

“The Vindicators have arrived, sir,” Maria answered.

Coulson heaved a sigh and ran a weary hand over his face.

“Want me to tell them you need a second?”

“No, send them up,”

Coulson shut down his computer and leaned back in his chair. Then,with a sigh, he stood up and walked around to the front of the desk.

As he began to lean on it he could hear the faint arguing of Connor and Riv.

Coulson felt a smile creep across his face as the door to his office opened.

Once The Vindicators were standing in front of him in a line he said, “I'm sure you're all wondering why I asked you to come here.”

“Well duh! It's not everyday we get summoned to the White House. Let alone the Oval Office!” Riv exclaimed.

“Riv, please try to contain yourself, “ Dick sighed.

“I have invited you all here to talk about a prophecy.”

As Coulson said this, he could see Jean suddenly stiffen.

So the Phoenix Force has already shown her.

“Prophecy? What prophecy?” Logan asked.

“A prophecy the previous Jean Grey gave us before she sacrificed herself,” Coulson explained.

“So what does this prophecy say exactly?” Connor asked as he grabbed ahold of Jeans hand in an effort to comfort her.

Clearing his throat Coulson said, “In the final days of this world a new band of heroes shall emerge to fight a past evil. Of those heroes, two shall have the powers of spiders,”

As they heard this Connor and Gwyneth both exchanged a knowing look.

“One shall have the power of The Phoenix,”

Flame sparked through Jeans hair.

“Two will have the powers of a long dead alien race.”

Dylan looked up, a confused expression on his face.

“One will have the ability to control his immense rage,”

Riv elbowed Logan in the ribs who smiled at her.

“Another shall have the powers of The Devil.”

“Yeesh,” Connor muttered.

One will possess the abilities of the bat.”

Dick winked at Riv.

“One will wield the power of will with one hand.One shall have the powers of a dying mutant. And finally one shall possess the ability to run faster than both light and sound.”

“That’s 11 people!” Connor exclaimed.

“Do we even have enough room for that?” Dylan asked.

“I think so,” Riv said, rubbing her chim in thought.

“Really? I just told you guys that you're gonna fight a past evil with only 11 people and all you can think about is whether or not you have enough room?” Coulson asked.

“Well we've saved the world with only 8 people before.”Logan pointed out.

“This is more than just saving the world from a few replicas!” Coulson shouted.

Suddenly Connor froze as he put two and two together.

“You don't mean-”

“Darkseid and Thanos are coming back,” Jean said.

*A/N* And with that we have reached the end of book one of The Vindicators series. What do you guys think of the plot twist? Anyway, Book 2 will be out soon so stay tuned for that. It will be from the perspective of Logan and I must warn you… it's a tearjerker!

Spider-Man: The New Age- Book 1 in The Vindicators SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now