Chapter 25

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Two Days Later

Connor glanced nervously at Peter as they walked down a street that was filled with houses packed together almost like sardines.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, she obviously doesn't like me,” Connor said, nervously fidgeting with the straps of the bag he was holding.

Peter let out a small laugh and placed a comforting hand on Connor's shoulder.

“Are you kidding me? She loves you!” Peter exclaimed.

Connor stopped walking and stared at Peter who also stopped and stared back.

After a few seconds of silence they both burst out laughing.

Once they were finished Peter said, “Yeah, no. She definitely hates you.”

“How am I supposed to train someone who hates me?” Connor asked.

“The same way you train someone who loves you. Just without the banter.” Peter said with a shrug.

Connor sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

As they continued walking Connor couldn't help but notice Peter glancing at him repeatedly.

“What?” Connor asked.

“It’s one o'clock in the afternoon and you’re dressed like it's one o'clock in the afternoon!” Peter exclaimed.

Connor glanced down at his clothes.

He was wearing a white shirt with a pizza logo on it and on top of it he wore a blue jacket.

He was also wearing converse shoes that had definitely seen better days as well as dark blue jeans.

“So?” Connor asked.

“This isn’t how a hero should dress!” Peter yelled.

“Oh, so there’s a rulebook now on how I’m supposed to dress?”

“Ugh, never mind.” Peter grunted.

After walking a few more blocks Peter spoke up and said “And here we are.”

Connor and Peter looked up at the building that was directly in front of them.

“Before we go in there, you should know some things.” Peter said.

“And what would those things be?” Connor questioned.

“First off, my aunt looks younger than she actually is so don’t be caught off guard. Also I didn't tell Gwyneth that we were coming.” Peter explained.

“This is gonna suck,” Connor sighed.

Peter chuckled to himself as he began to walk up the stairs leading to the house.


Connor fought to keep his leg from bouncing but every time he looked up at Gwyneth, who sat opposite him on the couch, it would start bouncing again.

“Would you like some walnut date loafs?”  Aunt May asked.

Connor looked up at her hopeful face and felt himself relax.

Connor looked up at her hopeful face and felt himself relax

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Spider-Man: The New Age- Book 1 in The Vindicators SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now