Chapter 16

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Connor grit his teeth as he dodged another ball. His chest was burning as he gasped for air. Glancing over at Logan and Jean, Connor saw that they weren't doing great either. They were breathing heavily and sweat was pouring down their faces.

Dodging a ball, Logan quickly ran over to Connor.

"Connor we need to end this. My heart rate is already elevated and if I keep this up soon you will have a hulk on your team," Logan said.

Connor looked into Logan's eyes and saw them flash green.

"Get behind me and Jean,we'll try to draw their fire away from you," Connor said.

Logan nodded and ran over to the back of the gym.

"Logan needs time to get his heart rate under control,we need to keep him safe," Connor said.

"Fantastic," Jean sighed.

Before Connor could respond a dodgeball slammed into Jeans stomach. He watched as she fell to her knees, her eyes streaming. He ran over to her and began to rub her back.

"You ok?" Connor asked.

"I just got hit in the stomach with a dodgeball by someone who has super strength. Yeah, I'm perfectly fine," Jean said.

"You don't need to get snippy," Connor said as he stood up and walked over to Logan.

"I'm guessing my break is over," Logan sighed.

"Sadly yes, both of our girlfriends are knocked out. We must avenge them," Connor said.

"I see torture didn't do anything to dull your sense of drama," Logan said.

Connor and Logan turned around and faced Dylan's team.

Dylan, Maia, and Dick all launched their dodgeballs. Connor and Logan ran forward and caught two of them, the third one narrowly missing Connor.

"You're out," Logan said with a grin.

Dick and Maia rolled their eyes and walked off the gym floor and climbed into the bleachers next to Jean, Riv, and Dawn.

"Wanna surrender?" Dylan asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Connor said.

Dylan grinned and pulled his arm, throwing the ball with all his strength.

Connor raised his arms, as the ball slammed into his hands a thunder clap resounded throughout the gym.

The gym was dead silent for a moment as everyone registered exactly what had just happened. Suddenly the room erupted into various shouts and cheers as students jumped out of the bleachers and began swarming Connor and Logan.

"Kid, I don't know what you did while you were gone but you came back with some serious skills," Mr. Odran said, giving Connor a couple pats on the back.

"Thanks," Connor said slyly.


Connor woke from his nap with a start as Krypto jumped onto his stomach and curled up. Within seconds he was asleep. With a smile he began to run his fingers through Kryptos fur.

"You're so fluffy...," Connor whispered.

"Connor, we have a mission," Riv said as she ran past his room.

"Fantastic. Come on boy, we have work to do," Connor said, shaking Krypto awake.

They both walked out of the room and into the main HUB to see the team already assembled in front of Peter.

Spider-Man: The New Age- Book 1 in The Vindicators SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now