We died!!

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""narissa" he said she smirked "hello mitku" hse aid his head hsot to me I was nulign him he smiled and nuzledme us embraced 'where is she she has been disobei me to" he siad 'he doent folow rules she aled our o frie a pedophile nd kiled his son the first itme over her mate that she hasmated with 2 times" she sid 'NO' he roared out in a barky ay like it wa ayng ust hel no uck no fukc that! "yes hmph thye are quite hay engaged married in febuary" hse iad 'U LET THAT LOW TOUCH MY- "U DO NOT AYUH THIGNS OF- "USHUT UP' my sitr roared out "this is where i step in" dante said "and me" it taking ti down they kneeld I walked up 'reort flare' is iad she walke dup tleing me "ur to- "noodys to young to win a battle we have xpirnce tat yestrday when we took a rogue pack house ddowna nd thier rbranchss with one swoop" dante said "hmph who are u why are u DAUGHTER he siad when heknewit was em by the marker "yay" iiad in a sarcsti tone his mom laughed out like hsi dad narissa did to "daughter why do u- 'hut up" is iad ocldlyy he butoned it he gasped out in shock i smiled "i stays hre alphina of this pack" iaid "U STAYS NO WHERE U STAY WITH US' my brother siad 'I TAY WITH MY TUE LVOE MYMATE DANTE" i growle out nuzzing into his neeck he smiled "hey faher in law" he sad he nuzled me he lked yotpot i looed up he smile I msile we pecke sweety his parents embraced narissa dd to with our ad I looked i saw steelyness "come is ur bags- 'U MU NOT HAVE HEARD OUR LUNA' lvoe roared out 'SHE STAYS WIHT US" flare growled out leting her animal side rip up tearing his guy to shreds it shocke h ehel outa thier isbling he was kisin onem humming it girl me wayig nd nulign im dad beyond pised 'NEVER BRING HIM' he siad thr stoo dmy past love sebastion the one who climd i wasnt luan enough he looked at me na him "helo again" hes iad smiling tht smil for me he lit ti rip husehieng him my dante so hot! she wlked up his old luan she poitnedd to dante i looked at his mom and him "may i" i iad "u may just like ill tear awa my comepton he si "o shes- "never' he sia d"ur ass better siay tht' i a durning at her 'MINE' i roaredo ut lunign at hr throin her hse grew i grew huger and huger then her she grew it was a ba foight them usign wepons but wwathng me alot he used it he took dante down 'NO MY DANTE! i raored she flew bak and shifftd humna I prowled up he smiled "but my love i won" he iad I threw him and healed him he oened his eyes as ni nueld his neck sit hue i grew lite he shifted nuzzing mien btiing in 'NO' my dad roare out lie sabetion she shurgged and wadle away hahahahha i dont see why i disiked her! i was now only his I hugged onto him "IM HIS DADDY HWO BAOUT THAT' i siad he fumed "i shall- "u ekep us awayu hurt ur daughter' he ia dksing on me  he dispaering "my love hwy" sebastion cie out "man ur anothr lawyer geek"i siad "why di id ate u" i aske him in ihsffce he cried out "hats weak dante nevr does that u suck dan-kun  wanna snuggle" iw hiend out nand wadled to him "no its nto done" brothr bgorled out but we finshe it we re finshig it all day  jut oculdnt et enough of his enwer kina body i needed ore I ripedhis lcohes o and luned again he kissed me and threw em onto the wlall i was ufly his it showed lal ofer I looked up "daddys ocming back' i chrped out he hcukle dd'with" he i dlickinsitl "an army" hei siad "mmm we fight" hes iad "m we do' i sad hsoig him in i woke up the next moring i ot up he yanke me down "baby we got  ameeing ur siblings are back" is iad "so what screw em kenz" he siad i gigled blwoignn his ear he pined me i looked "plz aer he weding imma enjoy my ways with u ALphina" he growled out walking to the hower iw a paning form what seem lie hours i need hi the teamlet out i looked at him staring he smirke nad wale ot get bxe on we oculd uhs tay a bit" is id "no" he iad 'no" he growled letig tirip i pouted he kised it there was polite kkciig then it banged i looked "what jet" i roared outi wnt jet i backedd away form sebasiton dante was ifnront of me 'UR MIE LUNA ITS NOT FINSIHED IT CAN- 'hahaha ti an go to me hes iad hwoign ti was fnshied "No HE SCREAMD "OOO U KWO UR MROE EXYER HN RU MAD' i iad igglign he huckled "ome on baby il handle him" he siad "fine" i siad i wadled in the fught i got out i peeked out i go n iea i waek out i eyed him dante took im out he howle ldouly the pack knew he claimed he wa strongr over me now i chibi ooked i loke at him nake cuz of owlf form i chiib eyd ht eor it stpedhim ygn it eyng me i shut hesirked welugned and went at it I aped out they mised anohe meeting cu he cant get enough fo damn kenzie" his istr siaddd "haha alphina awesoem thats hy they iad on their backs they dispaered thye nkcooke di awnsered in my racig outfit him in his with his crew eva them in i noded ini they wadled in i hut it "u should be in bed" alpha growled out iing up pissed "u hsold be to" flare said tired 'WHAT' he roared out "she tired baby" i aid seeing it i sggihed 'why u come here" i id 'we no see u we  sees u now lets go" xera siad nad opened it nd hsut it leaing "what ht eufkc" nickie and his guy chroused i was to buys lahgin with dante aout it "oi that hsit wa idna funny" he said i alguhed out noding nuzlingin into him "ur dad would be furious" we bth wok nrsa stadning there i chibi looked undr dman ee naked a a j bird! I looked up "uhhh" he iad "dman were naeda s fuckign j bi udner her helo d bird" i iad "LUNILIA' she yeled out i got islent hahahha ddko hah so ur syaing i can uskc his- "WATCH UR TONGUE'' hse ia d"i was ust gona say dko hah u guy get it right" i siad him lahgi uhe nspaed e wee dree i stood up "ocme on ma be pracical it was gona hapen we had to fi- 'U COULDA- "HER DAD WAS GONA MATE HER FORCEFBLY" dante raoredo ut she got sieltn hse eyed em i as feelig his as him pinchig at mine us lain at hr ismackedit isentlly he smakce mne na smirked at my mother le i di it! thier jaws droped at him "hes ot a spike lets go NASON THEM ISR EADY TO TAR UR CHIKS OWN' hse iad i dispaered i shove him fof 'ALPHINA' they hcorused in joy "KEEP FO MY DAMN GIRLS BITCH" i siad thier jas droped his eye widened he groled dante was infont of me gowling so maningly it hut yet tunred me on it rumbled shwin he wasnt hapy it roled in geting to dark and then i saw her chibi eye him htne me thne him i get jealous it struck near her me cotnolingit "WHOA MAN WHOA MAN' she yele out I struk her she laid thre I looekd away "dont look at my alpha" i siad to her possesivly "tits her turn yay" jacey mouthed walking up she had been up i hr moms kingdom "hahah we heard u becaem Luna" kala said "yeahs meet my thr wheres lvoe" i siad "lvoes hosue has been ramsacte Luna" she siad i dapred dante di to I an in i smelt aorund i flet her scet i shiftd and tore ff my dad had her i tore thogh grabed love them i tore throgh them i wa riclign dad love eyed me "alphina" she got out before pasing out i roared leig it rip he gaspe out seing i had another gene in me I looked at dad as thye la ran in his mom it urrounded I looke thye stope i hsocked dantei had ust as much i looked at him "before we do this daddy one motio to u an sebastion"i gorled out I lfited my paw and lfiep dhte bird 'HOW THE HELL" nason yelled out in his wolf form sebastion looked down but lugned dnatelauche nad tore his ass up 'MINE' i growled out at a she wolf hse eyed me snifed and wlak ot ante licing his cheek i look  and smirke he sok it when i took a sep i shook it to violently flare them tayed planted his guy fell 'TRAIIING' i rroared out he nodded kneleing down i hook it he ddroped dante lookd aound chibi loking in wolf form he kcikc dir t on her nad licked my chek standing by y side i mrie "now lets relay il u"i roare out and did kil her i snpaed her neck i prowle off "he slut" i growled out in human form ina wrap i eyed dad as abeauty he asped out 'so beautfl" a wolfy tear flel i looke at him "dad" i groled out he turne din hokc eye slit up "meeting tommrow" i goledout "wil u- "i wll be there as luna dad so yes its bout improtant things" i siad prowling up dante flcikd his paw i ran off he  got uhispaw thumb out cheeng as a wolf an hsot of after me "oi hes so cocky about hr" dean siad i shifte and sliped it o and landed myars crosedd dante sat down we trained more then the we al ran on it I looked at em and walkd down the lake and chiled by i i looked at it tht hik was in it i growled "I NO WANTS U R MATE DONT ILL ME' hse siad hands up 'EAH RIGHT U SLUT'i groled out "u took amate u aint taking dante baby i di before he fucking leaves me hell i almsot did once so chu chomon my fucking terroity me and my soon to be hubands terroity and u try us with my father bamistake n tiken me off what do u wa- 'I MRPTINED ON THAT BALE GUY' she blrute out m wolf jaw droped i hiiib looke and shifted back she gigled a that "haha u were al liek loigin ind a pwater u pointe ur law a pbti chesd and shifted back haha omfg" hses iad d"i like daing that sue me" i i she gigled i do to" he hwisperedi fisbtumpe dher "now lets talk" i i dlsipign itoff she got it e tok it alkin in it with our heels in hand tlig about her position me negogatiog "man I see why ur their damn Luna" she siad 'what do u- "heh u take harge" hse siad "wh d u mean" is iad "when ur sexy alpha mate as u claed him over there is busy or s tied up u take ocntorl" hse sid i laughed "its my postion  and it also doubles i my mate" i siad she nodded "heh at times hwen he comes back i just know hes a hella good man and fightr" is id she gigled "is blae that way doe he- "hav a girlfriend yes shes a hoe she gona be udmepd any second no so duck under'i ia dshe didid "HOW OCULD U DUMP ME BLAZE' she yeled out "i imprintd on someone" he siad her heartbroke i eyed him and ahlf hid hse ddodi to we hid it our heartbeats "hat do u mean" she hisepred 'U DID TO' he yeld out she lsuhed "yeahs sebasiton but he wont- "maybe sister in law can hep if i ask er" hse siad "u thnk she would i mean i was a btih to hr" hse siad "yeahs she would" she siad "so who" hse asked she ha wlake ofgrumbling 'that girl who chibi shrugg and walked of into thewoods withher pack  shifted of nad just id whatevs man i hr mind and left theone- "hhahah ur sister in alw tore as on cuz of ante" hes iad he ndoded i poed udp thye turne din shock "i helps u both" is iad 'but go insdie tle dan-kun i fine hadn him this' is a haning it to him he loked "dont read it" is iadi eyeing her she blushed ndoing liek i il mkae sure 'we have a new pak memebr i ai he tope 'ht id u say Luna"he siad "we have two new pack memebrs og insdie" is ia he did her her brother nd lets find sebastion them I stood up int he water 'coem folo me if u pledge to this pack" i siad shifitng tearing of thye shfted some mroe shfted they ahd others hel yeah DAN-KUN GONNA PRAISE ME TIONIGHT!! i tore offf i ket ears I smelt for sebastiosn cent ofund ya i prowled outi yowle he ran out I ood here wiht them i looekd she ried his clothes hadnign it tome kneeling he got it i shifted back "sebaiton may u have a- she hande meit i put it on smiling "nyways i come to i eu this" i adhanding it to him he stard imprint gon her "whos- "kelly our pakc membr has imrpitnedon u" i iad "i impritedonehr to" he siad "u guys to" i aid thye tune di ahded htem pcitures they impritned 'all in ur pak the beuatys' sebastion askd "wel ye and i had apang of jealousy dan-kun nevr say ima beauty i work on that heh anyway i have a properstion" i iad they smirked nodign in i walked in sirking slyly them with me protective about thier new Luna i wahed it over and gae em th full do I looekd and smirked "heh meeing room" i aid e sat down in his office i smirke i took a smoke moing it "okay u ant kelly' i iad he noded "u join me and aMy sexy alpha mates pack" sia di "whats the- "u dorp tie with dad nad bring others iht u" isid throwin godwn fphtoos "it slaot of pl mckenzie" he siad "get em here" i gorwle out he id "btw it as my apcku wanted haha" hes iad "asshole" i said he laughdi tood besid ehim "so het ake u- "no she has my imrptin in her pack but wha tif we t- 'u wont u need this u stay cuz my dad protects u how about this information those three youngr ones flare xera and love lvoe the one u had is their leader all of thers seocnd in command lvoe takes chagre just loike me her family is recognized- i wet on naming al kidn of shit we have done "we have tooken out the shaodw pack nad plan on th fire pack we need more and plus kely htem wil be fighitng that night to" is aid thye yeed me "we think baout it" hes i "btw" i iad "kely htme likes bossguys like how u boss me aorund do it iwht ehr if u join u have hr in ur bed n a few hours maybe maybe eens econ u nevr know what can be possble with my pack" iaid taking ti of shifting tearing off  theykneeled we had alot more i tore through i smirked claing hi out wiht everyone I looked "where the fuck were u" he gorwle out pised 'well dan-kun i solved it" is ang out 'solved what may we ask luna" his mom said "pack memebrs heh" i iad hi eyes lit up "come pledge" ia di they al walked out he ye me liek u kcin goddess i gigld hand up they prowled out eyeing thie imprints aka sebasiton them thy shifted back he potind ot kely "i join if i get her' hes iad her eyes widened she shyed away i sired "an" is ia several eyes open "and if i get a god cco- 'we iwl discus this luan takes care f that" alpha sia dkely them eyed me i eyed insdie thye ent in tye shot up we wlked up i stod there "pack house" is iad slowly thye smirke kneeling "we pledge al our laleigance to the Luna of the pack adn he lpph of he pack" he siad I loekd and di it with alpah he di it o htem id int i siled at him he ckled we walked in it finihsed "u sho loyality to ALpha but Luna to luan is not to be trifled with she il train ur ass til dawn fi she feels like it if u stop ur ass iwlf eel nothgi but burning she gives u an asginament u do it til th tiem then ur homefree otherwise u will pay if uget ht ebring to stop u wil come oth emeeing or u ill be banded away form this pack" hsi istr siad he stared 'wait" hes iad hse turned "i am adresse as Luan PRncess "princesss whateva umm whs ru name he iad she blsuehd "heh wait" hse siad nad waked away i looked she nodded kneelign to me i smirked eyei ustarirs they went up 'IM A BARBIE GIRL' ely sang out "kely otp ebign high le Alphin" flare said they laughed at that i waked in "wha is iad "NOTHING' thyhcrused i laughd they llaughed to i walked out "come thats daddys ofifce' isiad 'BETTER BE RU DADY' he roare out 'YEAH EKEP TLAKIGN TONASONT HEM BABE THATS WHERE UR LIE EGTS U'i claed out 'WHERE- "IN MY- "DONT WNA KNOW' nason them chosuedd i laughed out and kept walking her gigling at that "so what is r deal wtih him u tore down our elaer for that guy nad hes cocky he barely- i had him pined "do not speak of my sexy dante that way"i gorwled out in a possesive ass way that terfied him 'down girl" dante iad "'wow if i s gay oh awit i am" hes iad i turned he jumped away kneeling "i am sory Luna" he iad "DO NOT SAY IT WITH FEAR IT SHOWS WEAKNES I WILL TRIAN THAT THE FUCK UTTA U HWMPS UR NTO ROGUE' i rooared out throiwng it baby girl u stl wana go to ru high- 'HGH  SHCOOL SO BDLY I MIS MY TEAM and haivn giglrs sream over me" i hcirped out "mm imma watch them then" hes iad I giggled he huckled "i got ur bags packed ealyim tkaing u shoping in paris or somehting or a world iwld thing u need aa- "one mroe hting i need to do then im al urs"i iad he hcukled "ooooooo i ant wait til break" he said eyeing me i smirked 'come" i id wlking in "there are- "other guests" i adi sitng in my seat "wow is that handcraffed" sebastion said "yeah daddy made it or me" i hcrped out  "ahha sheesm like dady mkes u and buys u laot o things' hse siad "oh no no no no i dont  do that i do that becuz i love him its not cheap hooker sex its makign lvoe to me" is iad they looked at me "im sure it iw e to for u guys" is aid they blushed "we have rogue wolfs" she said I looked "mm"i iad  "jump in or not newbs but we tel u this u try anything on our Alphina again" xera iad "heh"  flare siad love shto near it it curved aroud it hit by her face 'we will kill al of u" all of my girls chorused dante ran in "BABE GET UR IRLS' hes iad i shot out "ocol it i am soryr for the illecused- "nice' sebastion siadI sighed oi guys are onfusing" ekly whisepred 'vry muh" i a about dante howing off ot he ugys how much he can wiehg f hue beer cans  "babe we got it just lift ur beer" i iad "okay" he siad smgly i orle dmy eys wlking out "u let her" sebasiotn aske "shes capable i know it plus if i shwoed weakness shed slap me t" he siad "hah she owuld" dean siad s'hed di to" his ister siad she changed wantiing to protect me for some reason she tore off and wolfed up tearing thoruh emI di the wolf bon breaker i looked 'WE MEAN NO HRM WE MEAN NO HARM' it yeled i looked 'tlak" flaresaid  with her ugns the human ones showed no fucking weakness and traine just as hard forr thier wolfs! love shifted early so she was a wolf a guy walke dup shifitng she impinted i nded sheunshfited takign di down "im second in commander oliver" hes iad "im second command u uck wiht us u get burned i she not around im here lear that if ur gona be in our dan woods love is the name" hse siad "love luanni" she siad he stared at her i guess they impritned do u hear me or all guys jsut dumb Alphina may i" ishe siad "do what u may love' i iad layed back she walked up ad slaped him they growled I growled leitng it shift over showign i wa stonger my packs di to I showed my vampie eeth and totnnued growling "down" the leader wass ting at love "lovewasit" hes iad "YEAH BITH WHAT OF IT" she siad hadns out liek what! "u gona douche cuz i can tkae ur asses out" xera siad 'u dont get away with that in our pack" i growled out ciclig love he rowled i growled overr im he heard me 'see' he said nd kept plaing ivdeo game I snape he shut his ttrap he eyed him he looked "lok shif- "our lna shift back for alpha or when alpha ays so r we ask her to now u tle us what rights- 'we wan jin" oliver blruted out they al teyd hm he eyd her like i imprinte don love! they got it i looked at hm "alphina says get ur others out the damn woods nad she can playt his game iwht u and shift back otherwise she shall cla ffor her daddy aka ALpha and he willl tear ur asses ti ur ntohgi more ten little mangy pups my big bro is in that groups hes an elder and u knwo hat thye do to pl who hurt thei family a little growl and it sends elders off so fof that thier knwon as the elgods elgoddesses do u know my ister is to as wel is mymom nad dad oh an duhh ouo rlunas dad is very important if he knwos u got her for no ood and her dady cnt come then he willl or hermom narissa" ehs iad thye jumped away i chukled circlig her nd my little ones proective they got i was protective "protective of u why u sh- "alphian is liek r pack mom for now our othr mom ocoks us meal nad lets uw atch tv and scaary movys if we do ood" xera siad her imrptin wlake out hcukling at that so di zeras i groled as they tried walking for em they were ifnront the oens int he bak i grew up i stood there "no touch til u join our pak r u show no harm OR IRBATTLE' i growled out knwing they were all wolf "so u wan go or hsal i cla in our alphians dady to do he job" love asked "'cal daddy i miss him lvoe' is iad I looked she howled out he shot up adn tore off they folowed for thie rimpitns they ran out and sebraiton got worie he thre wkelys of i got in batlt edoe and got my pack membrs free i had him thye sotped daddy nuled my legs liek i praise u today I smirked "nows whats ur- "hmph we inten to join we just wantedt o see how strong" he iad "get roe hsoues" ig rowled thye ran off aftr kneeling he lcked up   i broke th genjusu  i glared now im pissed i lunhd for the youngest nad had him they stoped 'U ISED OUT ALPHINA OFF PRETEDINGTO BE HER ALPHA my girl yeledlauhgig "I CAL IN RELA ALPHA'i growled out and howled out in pain he loked at them I hwoeld again and waiited i looked loe shite and took over i layed there they broek it they looked shocked  i hwoeld out in real pain he tore through he looked hi gave aldned on me in olf form landing there passed out love pning him "who" he roared out after chcceking me sebastion saw kely he looked at them liek odds she ooked like hers alot he got hate did he touchd him i pen one ee nad rined guilty nad popd up licking him up he lhifted icking me "u cant do that" he siad "sorrys i jut know u cme inf i hurts" i siad he iped "jsut al me and im there" he iad i nodded prowling up him folowing m like a love sic puppy alpha it pleased me  I looked at em circling love them her rbothers ran in to see love down cuz of him hsoing her  he tore throgh them al andpicked love up he growld out they loekd aruod i growled bakc "JOIN OLIVER WE WILL- "join us to hahahhaha hreres a pic' i sent it he imrpitned "okay" he sia they eyd me lik whoa ur on ur a gaem thye had left a few mins hwen we saw we haw it i made sure ot uhh brush hi fru damn hsi fur makes me want to jump him and just have my slow time oioi!!! I glared "lets get this over with she want her  adddy"" my girl sia i plunged at em and ined em "do u pledge or not" i growled out using my alpha voice a tiny bit he yeed m he saw hardnes yet kindess he looked "we pledge we have othrs" he siad "lets go i wanna get hme to daddy soon a possable" i growled out we got so many rongus wanting packs it made no snee it was night daddy would be sick he howled shwoig if i wasnt cming home he was takig this tot he ocncil i howled out im fine geitng new pack memebrs baby! he chukled and hwled dont work to much i hlwed i woti save that for u he growld a bit "hes ifne" e sia his eyesbalkc I smirked and shot off "he neergses her u ALphina our luna is amaing shes cruel she tok royality downa ntoch hr first go now look shes a fulll on luna but now shes hungery for her dady or her sexy alpha mate tht no one can top her form geting on heh nyay hes giing her enrgy and shes uhh gona return it" hse sid he blushd she giggled "odo u want pups he asked her they al look dlike wow planning much "heh another alpha an alpha" xera iad he turned "i aint that ol and I aint ht badass as Alphian u knwo she teachs us everythig and we makes up neew tricks toimpras her sho those guy we mean businesss" she siad "heh thats why soon e have it before uhh alphian gos on tirp like we iwlll she says she iwlll uhh tke us out that night to experiance soemthing mroe better htne brign old house party so its alphian she wont dsiappoint" flare siad it shocked em "u barely ta- "ur pack membrs now i go on th ehunt i killl rogue u bettr believei was reayd wolf or not and i knwo if i go wolf alphian woul dhelp me na prott me if girls out alphian boss mommy to"she hciped out "then why boss  many sring aournd like she want to- "go to hr ddy" they hcroused htye go tit "mate" they hroused "yeah" they chorused I growled like hurry up thy shot off thye ketp up we stoped the rpwoeld out sh looked down "if u backtab me in this pack go near my daddy aka ALppha u shall pay for many reasosn that god will show no  mercy upon u to grant u the access to heal i shall train u in our ays and we shall win" i said "where u- "we heard big fo the pack hitin up fie and shadow and geting out there old pack membrs and geting new ones along with it this badass luna wel the alpha sent th luan for us hokr rightshe tears us down and is pised we apppolidge sh may have ur imprtin to" he iad "haaaa  u know ud be a math for jetts lil brothr calvin" i ai she blsuehd "i aint a ma- "oh yeah" flare sia d"yeah hes always htign n any girl hahhahaha he ont hit on luan though hes got tht uch ssense" my irl said is htoher a look "can we- "at he pack house" i siad theynoded "hmph im pised"i growled out we all howled out we got all our feminem howls bak of coure butwe want them nwo he hwoel i want u back now! I looked down "hes becomign psoseisve isnt he" love asked i ndoded hse hwoeld we be back hwenevers alpah but u get hue sursie just fix up nice abisn and beluans for a while thts what alphians ay he fumed he hwoled alphian be lu ur ass is int roble i glared down at love shegigle nd shifte back I flied the guyt he paw in theabck 'HAHAHA OH SHIT HE FLIPD U THE BPAW" love yeled out "pawww" the horused he got it then he fumed i showed it "omg how is tha tpossbale" one fo em aid 'ITS OUR LUNA' flare sid in her acent oliver brushed her hair bak "u got an accent' he growle din he ear her eyes got wide "hey lvoerboy wait til shes 18 or 20" I grolwedo ut "how old wee uw ehn u- i wlked of at that they laughed at that HAHA OUR LUNAS WAS WILD BEFORE SHE MET BOSS MANN AS HE AT ITMES CLA SHIM' he id a ntohr howl it said now 20 mins or im ocming and it wont be good  knew then what he wanted formm me ahahaha me! I looek d"dddy want messss" i sangout haily hsoting of i got em al in a few seconds "OKAY LETS GET THI SHIT DONE I AINT GOT TIME TO BE UR BITH AND AY JOIN DA PACK YOU JOIN IT OR U DONT OTHERWISE U SHUT THE FUFK UP AND AT LIEK U AINT SEEN US DAMN HERE" i said "what pissed her off" thier odl elader asked ndgeing me I snaped at himlike dont do that he looked liek why we do it in others thye agreed "if u do that to someoens mate tis claed rubbing  scent in another way its touchy well touchy for hte mate  so u do that u die beo eu join the pack" lvoe siad 'shes kjoking righ"  oliver isa din shock "no" thye hcoused walking off "their human to" thy siad "yes were human we trins till alphina trains us in ways we cnnot imagine so we trong and healthy for our wolfs laot of us get em so early cuz of alphinas leading" she hirped out "yeah abstard better nto fuc upa  dniss u" love siad "oh right ur- "hahaha yeah i known him for years as akdi he dises girls helvoes after prpesing at the tlar" he siad I looke at them in shock thy looekd "u dint know alphina" xera siad I wlaked off i took my sow time it hwoeld times up my yes got wie "uh oh" i thought when al fo  uden pws were on me i knew it astn dady i threw it off me jet them 'thy send us saying that umm ur all in roule hahahahhahh alphian ur as is gona be alla mine" he id hading it to me I r it i bunred it nad walked off "dman hwo pi- "she dint know about the weing game" she snape "oooooo hes i he dog house' jack aked i snaped he shut up kneeling I wa pissed i shot off i got there i howled they all liked up I shifted bakc inside and dchange to this sexy outfit in what i wanted he waked in smiling he slemd it shut i turned 'wha i havent seen- he lugned i punched him off me 'GET OFF ME" i yeled out 'DDADDDDY' i thoguht he hsot in ad threw him he smelt it he growld 't- "enhelples dumb rogue an that jakass tryin to try something" is aid to him he eyed him hes naped his enck aftr i poured it on him he lcked his lip "os whats the diss' i ia he sotped eyes wide "leas tle me o i ahve a chance to run yi wiht fkae tears" i siad "thee no diss i truy- "uh huh" i id stanng up he grabed me up poinitn  to his eyes "why dint u tel me earlyer" is iad to him feebly as we nuzzled him stradling me "becuz ud thinkI as a player like those other guys" hes iad "anyways where u going for ur guys night" is iad he eyed me 'souljas party" he siad i was gona go to nickiss show em what i do aroud  there' is id "yeah no stirpig hwile im nto there" he goled in my ear I slipedmy top off "ur here" i purrrd he grined and lunged at me we were asleep "ummm meeting" dean siad "ill be there dan-kun is t tied get the nebwie int here i want everyone in there" is iad i stroked his cheek setig down a note he needs rest for soulja i got rready i walked it them fanking me "how was daddy lt night" love aske d"how wwas olliver' i teased her jaw drorped I laughed out nad kpt walkig til they al walking it the sme wak hsowin we were near he sat there smirking tiwlrthe ote i felt hi presence 'dady daddy dadddy" i thouht "mami mami mami" he mumrumured hey ll loekd like what!! "not u mom i mena my luna" he siad ti shokd the hell outta them "umm my son hae u- "marked her well we been did it dad where the he u ebenin our live hahahah" jaceys siad "SON' he roared out "whaaat hes just so tumppting" he gorledo ut "oi oi breakfest aftr meet em moousie' i thgoth ehe huckled tiwrling outrorse we al stood and stood there mom wlake in lvoe walked in and stoo y her facing olliver he smirked she smirked bck he blushed that tiem she let out an amused gigle at that the elders eyeign hier baby istrs smugly soon my third in ocmmand sat there lean thems tood there "wy are humans here that do- "these girls train he most hardest jline jashlin ava sumi aniata ellaphina somhow welll adntes involed our alpha is invole wihta sshnu girl our luna" he siad 'heh" he siad not caring 'dotnu care" sesbastion ""al i care about is HER DAMN COMING IN HERE GET UR ASS IN HERE" i heard I walked in last theyaprted "traiing" i rowed out namign triangnthy ran out 'UR TRIANIGN NOW" i roaredo ut they began rainign I stood there smirking we walke to it me nuzlng his hard him loking rotctive he pledme on his lap I wa on hi lap "hmph e- thye saw us snuggling "wha" is aid gigling he hckled poing my ass I siighed "im not teling our game plan u guys know newbie girls all of em to th side" is aid they kneeld and got ot h eside "we serve u Luna and ALpha" they iad i stood up ken walke in 'UR DISAPLINE IS NOW' dante roared out "hti me again whit a truck oh wait tht was the lunas weight" he said I looed  "im iskc of ur muth about my PERFECT SEXY LUNA TO THE DOME' he roareo ut they gapsed his jaw droped "b-b wh- "baby" i id he turned 'DOME NOW" i roared out hey left i winke and unre around I nspaed they mached it already erfet in it i walked up i nuled his hea he smiled turing his hea I uled odwn i pecked him and waled down i jumped own 'IM DROPIGN U OFF AT SOULJAS WE NEED TIME ALONE' he yeled "OKAAAY' i caeld out wlaking off 'HAHA STOP' thye heard thye put it on I msirked ithye ran out to see me swag off swizlign my legs they shrugged and did it i was loose  tonight eh sue me we kept going doing that as e alked away 'what th ehell was she doing" his ad sid hsi mom as doding it perfeclty beside me "amanda" he yeled out hse turnd hse shrugged and did it wiht us 'MAMI' he roared out i stpe di turned he msirked iwnking I roed my eyes i realy swivled it he hckled leaning there btitng his lip I lead it them folwoing me lvoe beside me dong it she poe it a flame flew otu it same love was here us doing it i snaepd it said mami Kenize was here he growled down it i realy got it we et elft me working it i got swag to much wag thye folowed clampign it while i swaged it imosably wiht love and jacey the his mom to it hsocke em i msirked he shok his ehad laghig about hwo i left "haha ur luan slose if she does that as an exit' his rew memebr siad he laughed "hes goign to rihannas' he iad d"tshe one psyhco slut" thye gasped out "she is" i caled out they looke shocked "its saign soemhinig if she says it" a guy muttered 'she is she knoke me down just to get iht kenzie" dante siad "ho- "''like 5 times" she siad "then she kncoked her up and she just she overceam me" he siad thye looked "she overcaem uson swagger runs in the damn guy blood line show her that at htis party soulja" he isida 'SURE BABE LETS SEE U OVECOEM THE LUNA HAHAHAHA' love yeled out 'SWAG IS DA LUNA' thy heard he girls hrous an dme laugh out and yell swag it babe!  'WHY U GOTTA TEASE ME' he oared 'WHY U GOTTA BE SEXY ITS A MUST DO THING' i siad they Ohed 'SO I PREP MY HELL NAW LWOMAN U GNE CRAZY' he siad 'WOMAN NOW U KNOW U MAS' i yeled out sitl saging it "na she sstl swagging it honey THTIS GIR IS ALL SWAG' his mom yele out "yep" lzi siad nad shut it i got  hwer and we changed we wlaked down 'why do we- "we get ready over lenas" is iad "our snesai" thyehcroused "yeahs come on" jacey siad "hmph an be loose not fightr igrls like me im lo- "U FUCKING PAY FOR IT JET IF U UFCKIGN FUCK IT UP' i scrmead 'wait this ur ride" he yled out "my pimepd out baby damn it' i growled out strtig it i zomed away love  screamign due looks liek a ladddy fo fun us lauhgig 'THAT UGY LOOKS LIKE A LADDY' hse ang to olivers budies thye trjned oliver yeled wtf love "HAHAH BYE OLIVER EE YAAA SOON BABE she yeled out and it old u a ditnte out i shwoed em badaass ddiving I doged a car nd kept oging it hsocked em they shot fo it 'were ogign' thye hcorused sebastion noded "wheres alpha i havent seen em i a long itm since their conforntation" oen fo the nwbie siad I puled up lena them grinedd we wlaked up we di a hanhsake "so u brought em" she si d"others we dorp of to party they liked so yeah its us" I siad love gigling aving "oooo he be there" she iad raiasing her eyebrow "they alwa woon thats why jashlien an jaline and the magic finger 6 do it i ant them to loked pimped out to" iad "okay u got ur- "yeah" i iad walking up I gota good shower it was too good i got ou and id my hair i leit it dry I blocoked himout "dman it she blocke me" ericmutteed 'DAMN U JACEY' kaden yeed dante as just goign nuts of me in th buf brushgn y hair helooked thye relay pimped out ifi was gog back i as goig lokig like what my icon says!!!! I smirked and we went to be we woke nad got ready I was pimepd ot the max "we knowabout it all lena" love siad 'do u- "beers' hey siad "bos lady got us into it e sit around her ffice at times when they out diking beer and just lokig in magaine its nice" she siad thye laughed  hyewlaked down lal pimep to the sex 'COME DOWN' they yeed out to me i waked aound 'DAMN' thye horuse thye finishe my hair idid my amkeup we zoomed in them on mini ones we parked we saw souljas ca r"thire here" isiad i wlaked in freely lil waye turned i looked it ai daddys mami! their jaws drope di pased 'WAIT KENIE' loe sia i smiled liek good jobi aked  i walked out ""lunas look look" he nalred he turned his jaw droped at me I turned it sia daddys mami! he smirked 'YES U R' he cale i fliepd h ebird laughig wh llove shepimed around wiht me ont he boat sh posed Itook my hat back thye di my hair up "so thse u and dantes kids" a girl askedmy jaw doped dnates head hsot overlove looked liek damn u asking to get beat up!  'UHH u may do that but i dont so heres wha ti gotta say"i siad thy cut it off it shock the others "cclose ur legs soemtime maybe u wouldnt htink things' i sia nd wlaked off oclldy her jaw droped 'DMAN' suolja yele out souljas girl claping and cheeing love rpaing her as of damn xera walked up raping they were doing lcick clakc  "haha here ht eorginals boo" nikcie said the real music begna we stood there atuide on my face them in awe jacey turned she kised it and ethrw it off thier jas dored hse id it she ocntinued she di it she di her verion and aded the old one "i goes in ona  fuckca lieka entrance- she continued she pointed to hr brothers they got it they Ohed at that she potin touto xera girning mouhign e orginl she hwoled loudly about it kaykay tlet hrs all she di it pimpng up 'THATS KAYAKY' jet siad he conitnued eric turned he turned arund wahing a girl she pointe ot himt hey looke at him na kaykay she threw up diamonds she di it facing she tunred away pimping off 'OUR ELADEH' they yeled out i was swizlaeing around it i poped it nad hswoin him danin i parn around it flew off i begna rpaig it 'ITSKENZIE' they roaro ut i di it he turned he tunred mabck aourn talkingto a girl I eyed her their eyes widened I smirked i continued i dissedon him I uct my thorat i continued I put up the midle finger he saw that i waslke dof swizeling aruond in this seducive sexy wagerfic way that shuocked htem a we went around doing it i went arund and we jockei aound they looked shockd we pointed em out i pointd to dante he eyed me liek u dont wan do this i eyed her like u caused me about to pwn u  i sat thee I ffied my nails waiitng i loked bakc i put my hands out like what wong sared  mirked liek o course u r they fumed at that face i aughd ut fitbumpign it 'ANDD ITS OUR GIRLS WIN KA- 'wit we wil take it" ric siad we will take u" kaden iad and beat ur ass to a pulp to where ur eigng  for us to fuck u" he siad we looked at each oher we turned it siad wod hye poitned it id hahaha thats what ur screams said he fumed i laughed ou na walked down liek i dont care "hwo oucld he look at htat t-that hoe" ig rowled out 'again" i sccreame dout brekang it then he knew why i ws a thian dher thoat he sighed iek damn it i fucked up again he stood up disapearing he took me of thwing me in he shut it to quikly i role out he sighd and grbad me by my hir he slaed it shut we argued 'NO I DINT OCNE IN TO SEHER AL AGAN UP ON HER WHAT HAPENED OT THAT GUY IT HE WOODS THAT KICKED DIRT ON HER I WANT THAT DANTE NOT NOT THIS SOULJA BOY DANTE i miss my dante udintdo this when we- he looek down "o so u got me o u can teatme- "god i cant beleve u" i ieout his eye widened "hwo cuold u d-do that huh but  u know what im not gona ae anymore" i siad i shoved him out and changed to wha ti wanted not wat he liked  i looked it ha my number I wa sex on wheels jccey walked out thier jaw dorped kaykay walked out giglign waing to ther crew thye jumpe on my odl crew wlaked in he looked they juped on i walked out not caing I kept wlaking "bsos are u and umm lu- "jsut jsut a-arguing" he iad it wth reget rhis shok hs ead liek niny "GEOF ME SLUT U DI THIS' he oared out "actor much"t hey ehard me say thye laughed out "ude u brng back the party girls" tay siad "wha do u- "thir angry back in the past hwne they got angry or dumped tey go out trah places or do what thye want or go to our kaorkr enight ad umm act a ofo n guys" he siad guys crowded in I leaned up smirkign my signture pleayer sirk "so our luna was  aplayer" thye hcorused "yes" tya siad "she peyd to many guys infront of us" rick siad i looked I begnan raping on th edjd stand I di my han lie a jet it was ba he di it i thrw a paper i was kiling it nto caring baout him it turned him on hI continued i sang it i was kiling it i continued oign i I di my shoudlers I di it i was kiling it I claped jakyakay di it jayjay ont he end "fcks u man we got bitch i mean servilances' he siad laghigi out they alughed at htt she did it I smirked t'o be ocuntre'd I sna git soon he got thoruhg it he looked i shok my head and walked away in shokc "id u kis sone" tya sked "n- "he heartbroken down ther" 50 siad i slid down cryig he knew when i was he dispaered he was mes sing there wwathcing "why ae u yring u bet my heart nadj ut kept sotmping" he sid i looked up "thye iad they aid hes he ie" i ried out 'who" he asked "m brother not him not him" ic rid out and broke down he was shocked "i wantedd u guys to meet nn-now look" i said crying my eyes out i put it on I sang im ogign down my head in mya hns I sang it he turned listenign i sn it 'tun that of" nki sang i sang it i was utnring it out they di they ehard me singin it jae hem stoped crying to lsiten they put down i sang it i droped i sang it it was the lat itme he elft me now look he elft me again he hates me!!! he read tha thtought i sna gi ti sang it rihana in toal w them oding toit i sang it jace sang with me kaykay sang it jace thre her head bakc it hit it thye htought it was them 'goign downn" i ang they recognize me singing now cuz its edges i lit em fly off i sang it I sang it i sang it them smiling 'THATS KENZIE' irhansaid thye wee hocked i sang it i hok my ehad dorping own u heard a thud I ang it i twirle arund shaking my head "i wish this bithc would sikk nick i them make it but i woudlnt'i an it my had out there i sang it i looked i looekd aiamignging it sinking it shoke him i sang it jacce htem singin with me they got it I sang it his eyes widene he shut his eyes I sag it we sang together we ended I sighed i pt it on they turned knwoign it I began playing a piano in here he kenw it wa me i let the pain break the egde hes nto gona love me I sang it i ang it I sang it I was singng my as off 'vals yeah vla tien to them thre" she siad she put it out to kaykay she di it she put i out to jacye she sang it "egh fourtian" she siad she sang it thye sang together i was playing thy got theings that woudl sobttie we played  i sang it I wa sigin on my knes i loked tear streakign donw he shut his yes he a me cryintg singin in agony he went throuhg mymind pai about my brother paina bout my tohers thinkin of they gt hurt nad pain about his eye widene him! he got it i looekd i stoped my head in my hands i ang it her fuming at him ignroign hr she t otples pasing he hsook his head disgusted with her she fumed thye sang thir hearts out thy hear paios they ended quickly thye heard m bads voice they heard claps thye got lvoe them was with us Ilvoe sang it her head down xeraphase hte iano in she walked in hugign her cryig into her her cyrig into her lvoe wiht me we tood on it I sang it I put two ifngrs to my lips i wa son my knees i sang it love went around claping we sang it together I sang it love sang it i ood up popin out i wnt aorund liek it huts i wdroped she pope ait and was kiling it us daning nadinging out feelings out not knwoignveryne was litenign they zoemd coset they ndoed i sang it I puted my hand love sang it i to dp seh waso her knes hitng her knee she sang it i looked I di a osuher i sang it Hhti it my oice rign outta the socketof it shwoign iw as reayd iI let it rip i sang it hr anging n it in teas i sng it it as badass mariah careycouldnt ing htis i held it with love wecotnineud i stoping swiveing around u could see heartbreakin ti i i soped it faded "for ya babe" i thgouth wishign he could listen if he ela rope e i knew it cuz it felt ead i looekd I had an idea of what owuld hapen aftr otnight me dieing I sang it i wil alway lvoe you as i heard his chiar fly back i knew it want dead he heard it i changed it lvoe  laying there  her yes closed tears streamign down i sang it  i sang it beauitfuly she di the guitar lkign dwn feeling lifeless i sang it hyem eyend dante i sng it jacey them lokin dwn thinig the kayla sang it us al thinking fit i sang the memroies pat us hugging i sang it his eyes widde not geting me back I held it beautifuly love stoped in ae of my voice i potnied out it was xry i fineed lvoe di it soehow hseknew must be her brohers or sisters i looked dropown "i knowi know it i know ill kil myelf this il be h eliast night fo ever paiign  for love"i thgotu i sang it he knew i wa srious h hook in shokc 'whats our luan thinkin" jack hispeed "k-k-k sui- he sat dwn ilove i that part i hld it 'suicide' he got out beore tha "what' thyehcroused he nodded 'ITS UR AULT' jet yeled out poitng in his fac ken looked  and w behid him "it is ur fult lookat her htrhough ur thgoths brothr memebr them chierish em after otnight u knw hat shs htnking shes ot ht eugts" he hsepred disapering I held it y hadn where hi heart ouwldbe love did it hugign onto myknees i  i storke lvoe I sang it it began i was iging again i looked he remembred i was thkning of our ocea times i sang my heart illl go on i g it he was backstage he le it go i loked "e ill do it i can do ti ae this osng" we hcrouse they couldnt listne they thought we bokt he bond they shok in shock "i wnt hrut u if i go illl hurt eveyrone if i stay right thats hy"it hgout i sang it e rmemeebred it i remembed me purig nad nuzling him hi huckling i want that again is ang it i was rking it I pointed out i pintd down and up againn i poitn down an kepit i layed y head bak htikng fo ou ood itmes i kiseloes cheek i sang it hier asep i as ingin my heart up i looking feeling my selfk ingiking into an imosabl darknes I sang it love owk up to see me singing it and crying hse smiled knowing wha i was goign to do she shut her eye "ill mis ya" lvoe sia hty utnre din hsokc love kenw "i mis ya tolvoe" i iad and disapered we oomed off on baots theyshfolwoed int hiers  i zoomed up   i at there loign at he cliff i can be wiht big bro robably htats a godo side i smiled htinking of big bro 'why why owuld u thk of this" i turned it a sof croue dante "heh easy way to et out ontop hh throw it l away" i said he sw m eyes empty "no u dont throw it al away" hes iad "why do u care oh u got hr impr- 'MAYBE I IWL' he yeld out "have fun goodbye" i adtaking out the wod he lunged and swung up i aimed the gun he og t that "hang myself" is ad "DROWN U CANT AVE EM FORM JUMPING' i roared at him   "dont" he screamed up as i walked fo it 'u cant save me dante im the unfixable kenzie sitlnot the the LUNA THE UFCKING STRONG LUNA GIRL IM THE WEAK LLINK IM GEITNG ID FO A ROBPLEM LEAST I EE MOM NAD DAD NAD BRO SO THERES UPSIDDE FAMILY' i iad "we could have one"he yeed up 'NO U GAVE UP U BROKE IT U BROKE IT'i screame t hm "whees luna lvoe knwos hses sotpin us she says lua choose good andd jut goe to sleep oliver tried but he just gets a why dont u want me and a murmur why dont u love me nd thats it" he siad "shes not- im not luna is" she sid thye turned "u do know what sesh- "yeah i sure as hel do we all do we tld em throuhg mind it was there choice thees god thing sna dbad things ocming thre way anyway bad hting overcome it for kenzie so she take good thing nad end it thats how she thinks but godo thigns coem also if she tay bad htngs end so do u but bad htngs ome back u cant u cant el her this she just lok at ur as and ump anyway so either wa luna luna she luna she alah ur as nad u be goneslik that so ur a lose lose" hse mtutered 'WO ARE U SO- 'buz i know what lulu hcoe' s hecrpe out and wentto sleep with asoft snoe it shocked em "how is- "love ownt say shit sh just sAY SHES NOT IN DA SAEN MINE THA UR PUSHIG HR OFF BY BEING THERE SHES GONA JUMPA ND SEH GONA END IT BUT GOOD HTNGS STAY BADD HTINGS END  BD THIGNS END SO O U BAD THIGNS OCME BAKC BTUU CANT OR RCAN U then sh says soem things baout she knows luna chocie ake her strogner tis a win win for her nad a lsoe lsoe for us so we screwed and she says she an banish me but she say she an pas over pits if she die and she gona give her th ealpha sprit so chu goes and make a fool of urself by shing her go ahead dante u dies in the end and hten sh went to sleep" she iad 'WAKE UP' oliver yeed out she looked "heh" hse iad "ho can u- "u shutup u don ant me u imrpitned onsomone else infr- 'TO WAKE U UP TO MKE U JEALUOS TO KAE U ANT ME' she yeled 'I ID WANT U U JST NT WANTME I SHOULDA JO she dispeaered love was beside me hugign my elg 'we do it togehter' he hispered 'OV' he roaredo ut 'OLVIER LVOES HERE TRYING HR LFIE NOW' he siad 'OLIVER WHAT I U SAY' he siad "i tl her our plan and she said i di want u u jut idnt want me and then she sai di shoulda just joine dher thne she dieapred sayig it s ntoe to late to are u- "their t the edge' ehaid and dorped it 'LUNA I LOE U  LOE U FOR EVER IL LVOE U TIL I DIE IL KI MYSLF TO BE WITH U' he roared out i droped back nad shoved love on he cauht me "lemme go"i said "luna if u die" hesaid "so dio i" htye hard nad someone let go 'APHA LUNA' thye heard love yeout nd a splah we died togethr but that wasnt gonan end our love sotry!!! 

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