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"ome we must stanin the place we nwo most of our moves are form unti ekenzie this is one of hers this is how she tracks Orohimaru and why they use chakra strings" miranda said they stood there he stod in his place thy replayed it "look" miranda growled out he did he aw me open one eye I looekd cockcin my head a bit i a his bak he saw al the love it meant for the world in my eyes he saw me mouth ill miss u in my new life ad they saw it then i droped my heart bet sirked and dorpe it and paled myself and did it "DO U SEE' they yeled out "but who saw" nasu siad helig mrianda she forced it "arius" they chroused and stormed off they got to him dante looked hadn up he tookt hem out so fat it made no sense heh the woman knew she trained the so claed dead me! i looked he ran through em an fliepd disaeprign they di the same nd fliped the skated of finvisable skaitngthrough mrianda was done wiht hers they anded in heir leader orders "u ids got mo- "yeah were the kis leaders nasu charles of the guys group the gilrls group iron fist group basicaly their first nad top and toughest leader miranda' hes iad she looked up and smirked  "auntie kezie be found oson" she growled out "otheleader niko my abby sister" he said it shocked em they showed it and let it dispaer "but shes fourth leather butt ae caahrge alot umm second leader is lunas kid her brother is of- "here what u ids doign here" he isd di u see it to" miranda siad "s- 'ID U FUKIGN SEE HER OPEN HER EYE DONT LIE BOY' miranda roared out ti shocked dante "yeah my kenzies got to this kids" he thought "yes we been investgating but someones been do- "were ht seomeons big bro" lunas daughter sid he looked "we saw it all again she alive and she htikns that douche dont lvoe her thats why" he siad 'HWO DOES- "BECUZ UR A DUCHE' he roared out LOOK KID I FUFCIGN LOST HTE IGRL I AS GONA PRPEOSE TO A YEAR AGO AND IM STIL NTO HAPY ABOUT IT AND NOW SHE HMIGHT BE ALVIE AND IM HAPY AND I WANNA DO ANYTHNG TO FIND HER AND UR TESTING ME I WANNA SEE MY DAMN KENZ-CHAN AND THIS BETTER NOT BE A FUCKIGN PARTY TO WELCOME OSME BUL SHIT OF A FAKE DANTE OR I SWEAR IM NOT THE SMAE WITHOUT HER LOOK IM EMPTY I NEED THAT GIR AND SHE NEEDS ME AND SHES OFF ROAMING THE STRE- "SHES OFF ROAIGNT HES TREETS CUZ U STARED AT THE GIRLS BOOBIES" the younget nped at him he turned "she- 'SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS PREGNNA- she got islent 'no epeat' dante said shkaing "she thoguht he was pregnat she draged us kids for comfor she walke out and she said she had a misscarge" he siad his eyes widened "so add that on would uw anan do it when u know u ah a babie and u lost it" miranda naped "nev- "thneu know her damn anwser" luna kid snaped at him "i see why the girs are iron fists the boys ae jut wathign msmugly nad twirlign weapons while they take charge" he htought he looked and shaodwe off he got to arius he eyed him "stil thikig of her death" she said "yes i mean how how can she die" he sia d"mofo kee leing i bust int here and tele the truth" nasu muttred they cuckld siently dante loked ocldly it hsocked em he looked spraying it so silently i shocked em they saw it "mmm im going to bed" she id nad swished out helooked they got through it "hey arius" dante said they turned 'd-d-d-ante" he siad shotgi up "havent sen u sincea- he lokoed away eyeing em they me out 'wtf ur parents been going nuts searching for u since a year ago" he roared out 'we knwo we been rogue sfucking sue us biatch what u gna do tell we know the damn truth so quite dur damn lieing about u sayign hes dead u saw ther fucckign eye open arius u saw it" miranda siad he got silent 'U SAW IT AN U EPT P- "IT WS A- "IT WASNT A SPIIT HE MUMBLED WORDS WE SAW IT DOWNSTAIRS SO U WANN GO AHEAD LIE TO URELF BUT IF WE FIND KENZIE AND WE DO RECLAIM HER WE OCMEBACK AND BEAT UR ASS PERSONALY" miranda said "and thats formt he damn kid and shenu group" ellaphinas kids ia walking out ntoig giving a dman abotu the beasm lunas kids gun cokced and hsit iot it it hit andd destroyed "dont fuckign try us we beenw orking hard solving this bull shits and I be damned if u ruined my promsie and my autnie" she said it shocked the hel outta dante "ul be kid u aint got no- 'LEAST I GOT DA BALS TO SAY I SAW SOEMTHING AND NOT LIE TO MY WIFE OR HUSAND IF I HAD ONE U NWO SHE WAS KENZIES BEST FRIENDD CUZ KENZIE WAS GOOD AUNTIE KENZIE SLUSHY PPL YEAHS BUT SHE GOOD PL AND U SAW THAT DAMN EYE OPEN U SAW ITs he screamed out napign they ran back 'AND U STILL FUCKING SAID NOTHING SO WHOS DA ONE WITH DA DIC AND WHO GOT DA PUSSYS U GOT DAPUSSYS I GOT A DICK U M BITCH AS AUNTIE KEZIE SAID OT THAT GUY U SHUT THEU FUCK UP AND U LOOK ME INT HE EYE WE FIND HER ALIVE WE KCK UR AS SO BADLY UR GONA WISH UR ASS WAS ALIVE' she said nad stormed out and saw her mother they cried out in joy 'hit run" thye yeled out they shot of with em disapering zooming out it shocked em 'why wa thye here were u- "no ur kidsahve gone nu- 'dont li" thye heard form dante "okayt hey think shes alive they think she ran off and i saw her eye open to" he iad it hocked em "so u knew soemthing fo what ru kis was saying why our kids may have ran off" rey asked "no i dint htink they were that kenie crazy i just htought they needed time like u guysd di  then thye came they poped upw th dante i heart a deep chuklea f ew hours ago so i put it on then al i hear is swooshsmy guards are dead ont he caemra and some kdis are tearing though in masks thye slid thier makss off and was beihidn that chiar  dante wa tiign in  thier on a pth to get kenzie" he sid "back no doubt"luna siad "they thnk kenzie di this cuz of dante" she siad "hat od u- "idk but ur kids are smarter hten they fcking let on to be" he said they zoomed in and parked by tmy grave dante shifted back and eyed it tears streaking down 'SHUT HE FUCKC UP AND MANUP WERRE ON BUSINESS' mirnaa growled out it hsocked him he needed that he did he looked and sighed he dug it hit shwoed my goldcascet with my nin rank on it soon tobe hokage soon to be aincee to it al shwoed an it was goreous pure gold with diamond my sword aws gone "her swords gone of it" dante whsepred "another thng auntie kenzie dont go without that damn sword" nasu siad hwo do u- "we knwo when she became goddess she was so proud she caried the old reusted hting in her body and took ti out when it got heated an she needed it" miranda siad it shocked him thye opened it and cheke it thie breahing psike liek dantes "this skeleton is.....


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