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"so you mean- "yes cal he mothr it hemorningget her siblings they ned to know of her suriva and of this" shes said i woke up and wondered what hapene to it i cocked my head to the side "thye wnn see hwo storng u r u kno" i turned it was his baby isteri chukled "fools i am stong neough to take on kaito andwin when i am wounded i am storng neough to take out- 'thier gona let u spar dante" shes iad i sitped breahitg "ya wha now" i iad she laughed noding "or ellaphian shenu or one fo th ebig ones" hse iad "ooo m scr dnow" i sang out thye lwake i whisering it "ru sparing dante" she hcirped outy jaw drope "'ur cocnil is mroe twisted htn my od one" i siad she buted out laughign "i aint fighitng him hes my ma- "WTF NEVAS' i roared in mymdin i looked my fist lehced "i woudal took on luna but okay" is iad it hsocked her she ran out "she syas okay she says she wasnt gona hten sh sotped thought neva wil ig ive up a fight neva then she said she ouwlda foguht lluna but this is fine o shes fighitng against big bro" hse sid it shocked em "bold" the ept hcorusing "love id u- "yes" i iad fliping up hsowing my sprig outit "u chose to spar me" he sia dwiht amusement "i so owudl did luna though me nad her battles shwos me off alot" is iad with w ink he laughed out "heh be rady to fight" she sid "does it  umm mena we cant snuggle i liek nuggling" i muttered he got in bed we snuggled hi mom wlaked in with his dad shwoing it s time we turned from snugglign and got out i traped on my weaposn wadling around to see tit want dante it was a irl who howed immense powe she thew it of a fellow shenu "biatch" i roared out she turned htier jaw ont eround dante ready to protct me word out gun out to watchng she chagre dand doed him huggin me i hugged hebak hse swung me around "KNEW U WERE LAIVE KENZIE I KNEW IT" she siad i laughed out "yosh lets go freak out my mom hahahha wait wait di u tel ehr' is iad "no" thye hcorused "heh good" i iad nd sipare dimade her htinkk i was a ghost the watching dante lhgi the whole time "is there som- his dad smiledd it out "semhting wrong" hes iad ipope dnick they looked hoingin there laughhterr "a host  GHOST OF BABY SIS' ik yeled out I snkae it around 'ahhhh"i sang out "yeah its nto a guhsot' nick isid poing me i gigled "ooooo" i san gout waving my hadn my feathers fel "dman this gona hurt" iaid i fle iht  ahtud they laughed so ahrd at that his dad was racking up "ghost dont goo ooo and ahhh baby sis" big bro siad i was to by lauhgg abut it 'HAHHA UW ERE A FREAKED OUT MOM WAS LOKIGN REAY TO oh hit m screed hey hey babe" is he looked up i sighed nad walked up storking his ceek "ur tired'' i mumrued "n- "dante" is iad he nodded it shocked em it took his mom hours i nuzzled him 'rest for abit he siad he eyed me "but my duties u cant- "i trys then rest" i chirped out nad claed his ocldest sister he showe up "help me on dantes dutys' i ad "okay hes iaad we wlakedofff i i em perfetly we walked up and sighed i change to a nce kimino that lflowd out I winked she was ina we i igggled nad she di y ahri up I shok my head nad let it down shwoing i was beautifl but serious i di my makeup is hut it smiling I di a new shade i made up we wlakd out my heels clicking hers to she walked in siting down I lwake din it shocked emi looked at em codly eyeing it they lined up thye kneeled in hiralegense I eyed her she eyed me smirking nad kneelign giggling ikept on a teely face "go to ur eats he meting shal begin soon" i iad to coldly it made soem flicnh 'that oweakenss iwl be traine outta ur ufkign bones' i growled out and wlaked of fhis mom an dad in the dorway in awe "best damn chicce u made" hes aid to his mom she laughed out he sat down i stroked his cheek he looked "i ca- "no i got it babe i id it all eh eh" si adi he eye dme "al of it di u need- "wel ur sister guided me around mom taught me soemt things and tuffs so i knew mostly what to do" i siad he ndoded isng my cheek i smiled go rest'i ia shoinign him on the bed he eyed me shakig his ehd "ret' i growle out in my alpha an voice he sighed geitng back n bed goig to sleep I walked out thy cekce dhim he oke he puched em 'SHE IDNT PUT ANYTHING IN ME' he yeled "oh ell if ur awake enought o puch us lets go wath her fail" he iad he uched him he fle out i kept wlkinghe gurmbled I turned nad shot tere i had my swords out "u disturbed him form sleeping it takes fucking progress nad u disturbed it" i growle out hi iters threw them back nad in the guysdresed em on my commns and I walked in they eye dme i walke tto my seat and sat on i looked thye opene hem carying em i siled and thye set them  down thy glared me own it hsocked his dad his mom smiling hugely at them li them walked in wiht the elders oh no a meeting with them I sighed "child let me" my olf said "ur ass better notg on a raging rampage about lut or dante" i groled "i wont" it siad i a guilty tone i stoo up  and sighed leting it take over i eyed em thye left it was a good meeting "ur hding something orm me' is id as a human it shocked the hel outta them "i see it what is tht' is iad point to it in her hands it took strength heting her to kneel todante she eyed me "u will- I stood up i think i will" is iad peeved now she eyed me smriking liek ocme on I looked sighing "give it to me" is aid in a forceful alpha tone that saed ht elving day lights nayone weak ones "trianing" i rowled out at hte ones "u iwl stat at 3 am and end at 5 pm if ur luky na ur comrd give me that i iwll take it down to 3 pm and let u eat ur meals" i growledout i threatened her brothers i got soewhere "U SHAL NOT LIVE IN THIS DAMN PACK' i roared out seh hande dit ot me in  second i took it smiing thank u" i id kindly "hmph and ur traigin is 2 am til 5pm" i iad she fumed "wait no 6 pm since u can stop and try to sie me up o u want me to maek it eeight" i doign apper work she looked "no luna i am sorry or myi- do not foc eit" i growled out   'say ur sorry in the right proper way it is 12 pm" i growle out thye kneel liek yes luna "u wi ngt eat but the nscks i ake u"i growle out he noded "yes luna" the horused "out" i growled out hey left it shocked thier father he wasnt htat ahrsh yougner ones out i want to tlak to the elders i wil hod a meeting al the pack hsla be there nadu shal tle them outside" i aid oclldy in my apha tone aelrt nd offnseive "yes luna" she siad and walked off like hel yeah shes an awesome luna! his dad noded i sat down 'hmph wat is this"is iad waving it "hmph ur mtohr must be here" his mom said "get my mothr ont he double if u come back in hmph 10 seconds u wil be rewarded greatly" i said they left thy got bakc in 5 it shoked em mom gasped out tears spriled out i eyed seats my ahddn out thy sat in em II eyed ht ebiggest seat as in mom she sat down n shock i eyed eats with alpha in my eys they at in em I looked at thm "uru reward u wont train til 8 pm or ur lares naddisrepct u wil train til 1am" is iad coldly hir eye wdened "dante isnt eve this ocld" liz thought i smirked she blushe i wrote down works 'i am waiting" is iad drawing "el ur father isnt ur father ur ather tok u on ur real ather as to mch alpah oryaity so he ws hugely bumped up ur real father made a mitake in makig me pregnant gain therefor we had u he wa nto thre but he came he saw u as a beauty a true beauty utta alt he kids" he siad tye looekd dow I gigled at tht"look up" is aidn my harsh playfl voioe they siled at me i smirked and looke ndoing  "at the age of 1 we were sent a girl hi updater we sent her back but she til came a dupdated itl we tok her in her name was mooonlila her motr s a ebauty" he iad "beautifl name" i whisepred thye agree eldes nodded I looked t it ontinuing to writ i put y ahdn out i lsitened "yuki ur name is Lunlila urr named after moonllla becu moonlila was ur half sister but u half ur fathers blood not I so he hsal want to claim u as hi aughter take u away and mate u to naother- i to dui a rage 'I SHAL NOT SPEAK OF MATING WITH ANYONE BUT DANTE DO U HEAR ME' i roared at my mother she nodded feircly "nobody is to speak o f me that way" i siad nd sat down I snape "get dante awake for th ebattle in 50 mis if u go now u ward iwll be for u rfamily i knwo  need it" i ahe hot off then I smiled "2 seconds ncie" dean iad i looked at hm colldy i hsook my head he got it he looked "for soemone that need the training" he snaped coldly they looke with teely gazes now not grins and jokes the girls mainly "may i- "no" ishe rowled out his family withhim "u sit next to luna" he said seing me eye a seat hse gapsed out eyeing me me sitng there clok off thye ame me tkae it off ehhhhhhh dante wa wel wake he tood up "alpha we have heard word of luans hage we pledge to her also"he siad "hm' he siad he lwaked out many pledging in my servce "hm go on sit" isaid kindly she blushed i bent dn and looked pointing it was her draawsig it came to life I eyed his it cme to life he grinned and walked to it 'do not be afraid i only attack when attacked sees my mate in danger or i feel liek it" is aid they lookd eye swide "i ont feel likeit" i whispered poking hr tummy nad his cheek repeaedly thye hculed or giggled at tht they bowed in respoect kneeling ti shocked me 'we pledge to u luna when we grow" thye siad "and my net genraeraton kids" i siad thye nodded "u pledge to me and my mate then" is iad thye nodded 'sit" i ai thye did i sat down smirking at htis i ndoded to seats they toke m "hmph u hav eben ahving trouble wiht the youngests training" is i thye blushed "hmph niky"" i siad he looke dup 'cna u traint he boy wiht big bro htm" is iad "yeah lu- "heh its baby sis or kenzie nickyyy" i ain  aplayfll cold voice he bushed "sory luna" he siad i nodded it hsocked em "bing him in fore or not" i iad dante leaned in the doorway in shock he hid away thye brung him in kiking i stoo they looked at him like uh oh I walked to him I looked and punche dhim harshly he fle and hit the wla "do not fight to see me u shall bow down or u shall be punished do u pledge" i growled out he looked at me and smirked 'hehsomeone worht it to pledge to yeah i pledge to u Luna" he iad it hsocked em I looked "up" i growle out to nick htem they rna in "line"i rowld out they did i walked down it "u all shal be trainng these young pledges i want the youngest damn pledges out there traingn wiht u guys nd u girls' i adnaming his iters "unless u want to go againt my power" i siad they looked "no luna" thye horuse it hsokced him "then u shalll form them in 3 seconds or u shall pay"i golwed out the pay ina  lpah way that mae em stand strogn "dean" is aid coldly he turned "yes luna" he siad "u shall be working weapons" i said "for the younger ones I want tha tbatlte yard damn clean in fucking 2 seconds ken" is iad he ame outt he shadows "dante baby i had it" i muttered he huckled "wow" e aid he  smiled leting em lead it shocked em "ken u should eb gone ur cnsquines are gone be severe" i grolwed out it shocked em i was istl this cold infornt of diante "sue me" he siad i looked at his mom like i he disreptcting me "NO NO LUNA NO' hse sia dhsoting up in shock "are u disrespctig me Lua ken" is adi 'do u want my title now u oculd fit he feminem but u cant fit ht ealpha"i siad with alpha in my tone his eyes wide he fumed "second' i iad "anothr ken" i asked'YEAH ADD ON MOE BITCH' he yeled out they gapsed out i smiled lahgigng at this thye were shocked "bring in the beehaders' is id to them they ran iou "luna u cnanot- "DID I ASK FOR UR SAY' i roared at him "no luan but- "BUT NOTHIGN TRAINGIN' i growled out he oded walking out i looekd at ken "imam enjoy this' dante said they looekd shocked kens eye swide thye kneeld "we ledge to u- "and my mate i do not acept ppledge who do not pledge to my mate ur alpha" i ad thye kneeled "we pledge to u lUna nd alpha' tthye sid "afte hits word bettr have spread of y pledges uor u shalll be treated seeraly' is iad turing to eye the huge ones I looked "kneel" is iad they id "low i want tu to be my fucign height" i growld out hey id I walked up poting to em "dont betray me" i groled out in a voice that sent shives of pleasure down dantes spine thye bwoed 'we are sory Luna we hla not betray you and alpha we shla- 'GO UNPLEDGE IN 3 SECONDS AND HAVE MY MESSGAE CLEAR I WANT THEM TRATIORS HERE OR THIER HIDEOUT SHAL BE TORE DOWN" i roared out thye kneel dand left I msirked t him and walked to dante he leaned in i nuzled him showing my kidnder jokier side his arms aorund y waist i purr n amusemnet he chukled they ame in 'second"i siad thye looked down ''we are sory luna they d not" THIRD' i roared out snpaig tugrd had em pined I walked up I kneeld "i do this in myc rew change human" i iad "CHANGE' i roared out they did i ripd it away smirking I took the blade that could kil from his iters sheath and ut it they looked "hang vampire and werewlf and human" is iad thye did eah time a i caid change whihc was quik a tea hit 'FOURTH' i roared out slashig across I was to cold they dropd beeding "merge' i murmured they did form one thye gapse out in shock he siled at that humming our song twirlig ur rose "up with them" i growled outeyeing hte neest " and i do not lie back talk kids' said ad helped em through mind they alked up and did  as i siad i looked at em noding they changed nad pined em the weakiest had the strongest by himself as i said for him to he looekd at me nd him i sirked 'fightte kid i do not care but u shal not win thi if u beat him an u shall be puniehd in training  so id put myself to use at this time show me" i growled out they nodded "yes luna alpha" thye siadnd and sized em in he sized em in harshly to where h couldnt breath I smirked and di it 4 stirkes "each strike i put on ur arm u hand if it does no heel u iwl be kie din battle oif they see the uselsss' i growled out they noded 'we are sorry luna" thye hcroused i looked at mom she wa hsocked i eyed it hse clened it nd put it back in i sheathed it she put it away in my luna offie they fixed up more I lokoed at them coldly "whee are the traitors" i said coldly "Luna thye have- 'OI DONT CARE WHAT NAME' i roared outken shaking infear of me now what i plnned i eyedhis back hmph what to ahh yes my target! i smriked pointng to him "bring in chiansaws and the knee brekaers' i siad it hsocked em they id it was a dnageorus cmbo 'NAME' i scremaed out in this mixed tonehalf hited they yelped out i ploek i slashed i kept doing it til i got tired "kil em if i dont get a name" I sia to the seocnd they kneeled "wepledge to u Luna ALpha we shalll be back in 2 secnds no less" thye siad and they were back in no seons "next time i WANT THIS DAMN RULE DOWN IF I TEL U TO GO RUN SOEMTHING DO IT IN ECONDS IN WOF FORM NO SHIFTING AT LAL FI U HSIFT U SHALL BE PUNISHED AROUND" i growled out thye noded it s around I loed at em "TULU' he blruted out 'AND ZEST' he yeled out I looked i looked nspig they walked up 'KIL EM' i growle out i toped em "no tortue them as long as ossable let thir familys wah in the dome of thier beheaded nd let them look thier sons and aughters in the eye before ieing" is ia dto coldly "yes luna" thye sia dand idspaered I turned 'chiansawrs dean" i siad he looke dup "hl dhim down al of u daddy dear u to" i said it shocked em he smirked and kneeld "yes luna" he siad it shocked ht ehell outta dante alriht they did his mom looked he looke "Mo- "arm brekaers"i oared out they went of and came back "u" iaid to the youngest aka aoy daughter "yes Luna" she siad i gigled "so cute"" is iad she blushed "hmph u shall be the ones to tel the family fo theirr deaht and u shall chose the death date" i siad "yes luna" hse sia din shock "do not show fear in this" ig rowle out i her ear "yesluan" he said more ocnfident I noded she rose I turned sirking "cut his hair off" i aid "NO' he yeled out "alll of it BALD" i roared out they took it out reving it "ait' iiad thy sotped "dante babe an u cme over to ur luan" iiad he chueld besdie me ksing on my nck "u tel the when imam go get a burger" i siad caaelesly 'have fun" is iain a dark alpha luna tone 'ANTE PLZ PLZ SPAR ME" he siadd i ws eaitng abruger sitnigt here at it it hsocked em i smiled at him he smirke at me wanting to show off "NOW he roaredout they d it "break his bones heone he dances for" he snarle out harshly they id he droped "let him live" he growled out "u shall be in batlte still ken" isaid stadngn up walking into dantes heembrace "or u shall pay and this time i take way ur face" i groled out he node crying out in pain as i presed my heel to it "walk on it al u girls n heels' i gowled out i looked "bring la girls with heels insid ht meeting room or they shal be punished" i iad thye brung em in "i wil alos explain myluan rules if u pledge to me" i iad ot them infornt my ahs behind me "yes luna" 'BOW U ARENT TO CUTE FOR IT' i gowled outhey kdid in shock "on both knees girls" his m said walking up they id "we are sory Lunas" theyhcroused "do not be sorry its pity pity IS WEAKNESS' i oaredo ut some yele "TRAIING' i roared out she thewher hair back 'TRAINIGNT IL 2 AM' i roard out not liking "no" i iad "get up at 4  am nad train til 3 am" i i se looked udmbfoudned "do not look a MY alpha that way gilrs thats what gets dat kitten dead" i gorwledo ut slashig ken shwoed no pain thats good i smirked "i cna ehal u mot can but they shall now royailty or not u shall be treated like eveyrne else til i see fit and MY  alpha sees fit to am i understood" i siad coldly "yes luna" he siad "u shal be walking to the meeting outside" i said to ken his eye widened 'aftr this u shlall walk ut nad bow down in pain whee i canot here u o this shal happen again do u hear me"i iad "yes" hes iad "pants" i gorwle out they did "get ur ftlaet shrpit nad if u have razor oot shave em out if u want to put on heels to join this party u may go be bak in 3 seconds or i shalll punish u in a way you nee see possable" is iad coldly thye left and ae bac in les then the beheaders they got em out "knife heels secon line" i gorwleoutthey were "RARZOR HEELS THIRD LINE AUTOMATIC RAOZR HEELS FOURTH LINE HEELS FIRST LINE" i yeled outi protescte it "i shall stomp on his tlimps as hard as u can girlfriend fling feeling sor not or u shall be in his position" i ia dinfornt of me AM I UNDERSTOOD' i roared in a alpah voice they looked "yes luna" thye hcroused he smiled at tha this dad amused "go" i said walking back they did it everyitm ehe let out a yelp i liend em up again "second line i wan u to dig in deep where each woud i breka  bone do do breka  abone if it shuts ill rip it out myself o My  alpha wil do it or i hsal find fit to find her"  siad "yes luna" thye hccorused i aw bones alot I lookd in his eye smiling and looked back "gils go again" he growled out puing me into him wiht his chiar w enuzzled a bit "thir lien" we roared out it hok tey gasepd out hi nuzzzling me me smiling to him i mouthed having fun he fumed WHORE' he siad I laughed out "DEAN YOUGNEST' i iad he otld me pad in hand "bring hr in" is ad he ndoded doing it she kneeld "i pwedge Lwua" hse iad i mile dhe hckled "cutie no kneel okay ur ogn ado somehtig good for luna" i siad she nodded iggling "BRING HR FML IN" i siad thye did "luna if we may ask why wa our daughtr caled n" thyehcorused "to show she is worthy fo training" i siad lena  'END FOR ELENA SHENU JAHSLINE SHENU- i named the hsenu name "I SHAL TRAIN YOUNGEST TO OLDEST GRL BY NOW FORTH"i roared out "yes luna" thye horuse dna dleft thye ot it around i smirked slylyl they got em they walked in tosing bal in sprot bras and short hsots they stoped em "luna needs ppl in h- "'THIRD STRIKE" i roared out iolently he kneeled nd Itok it out doign it "to many stikes i think or i feel like u do not belong or i feel like i am betray or I FEEL LIKE IT AT ALL U SHALLL DIE IN THE DOME FAING UR LVOERS OR UR FAMILY IMPRINT ORNOT IF THEY ARE USELESS THEY WL SHWO THEIRLIOVE BY HOOSING" i roared out they kneeled it shocked him thye yed dante he smirked utgn hi boots up he  took out my lolipop i pout he hckle noding to her I smirked "if u do this luna give u and u and ur family special treat do u thnk u strong" i asked lena smiling at her them al smilign at hr every woman smiing at her 'YES LWUA I THINK I STONGS LIKE MY BGI BROTHERSA ND SI STERS" sheyele dout "PICK EM OU I WANT THEM HERE" lena siad tkaing charge he kised on m enck we noded they shot off "baby can i start geitng my own ppls" i whine out he laughed "okay" he siad i nuzzled his neck I leaned down smiling at her "but u stlt rain my pls to right" dante ia d"ur sking a stupid question" iad he hcukled i smiled ather snaping th ebrung in a sword "try to lift it' i ia they looekd eye wide i soto dhte infont of em liek ot osmehtig to say as a clone 'ocme on" i siad se looked I helped he she liftd it she eyed me ndoing "go over o this ncie man hwo have disobeyed Luna" i said she waled up "do not drag it shows ur oppennt weak spots' i iad in alpha tone yet sot he ickd i tup he asped 'U SIKCO' he roare out she slit it "DO NOT SPWEAK TO OUR LWUA THAT WAY IT MWAY GET U ACWDENTLY KWILED' she roared out at him I smiled "i want her as my other death hand for her edge roup hahhaha" is iad she showed no fear nd ocldless i tunred her head hse kept it there "warrior" lena growled out "eh" ava groled out she showed no face but a face of fury and defiance i love her! i smiled hugely at htis thye sia dnothing him hcukling "u can keep her to guar our pups" he siad "mmmmm imma trian her personally for me if i do get pups' i iad smilig my head ocke to the ide as i eyed her she looked at him i stood up eyeign kami ad jaline 'NOT' kami oared out she showed nothing hse looked up in kami sheye "i may be disrwspecting our luna but ur not a warrior ru a cute odler chik tyring to be somethig hse snot" hse said kamkam msirked "wariror" hse siad nad walked off jshien and jaline looked whisepring i eyedkat he whisiepre "WARIOR' i roared ot her family 'BRING IT DOWN' i growled out aftr ginhim m potion she sliced his head off his mom shut her eyes I put my finger up it reversed but he remmebred it "od not trifle with lwua gain or lwua will kill u I will kwill u" hse siad it shocked him she hadned it to me bwoing i msirked ndoig liek i love her he hcukcled "u shal be on my Lunas special team she tke out if i am ot back soon" he iad seing seomethiin to she nodded "thwank u alpha" she iad smiling "heh ddon tlok at me liek that luna miht hurt u" hes iad they grabed her up she showed nothing "are u afraid" i growle out "i am not afraid to die" hse rowe out her mother looekd down and lokedup proud though i msirked "U WILLL BE MY YOUNGEST SPECIAL TEAMER SPREAD WORD NOW BY THE ITME OF EH 3 SECONDS' is iad she didnt wait for a go heh u amde a go coie baby" i ia dnuzzling his head he chukled kisng my cheek "aything for my luna" he said "hmph ALphaLuna has isued meeting do u- "al shal be there alll bow down to us as one" he growle out not liig that abe do u know of thi" i ad waing it he looked down "good can i get a few good bheadors for this daddy" i siad helaughed out about that his dad hculedi msiled at hat "yep im geitng me some" i said "mmm okay but tommrow ur going pet shoping" he siad 'aww why i whined out "i want u to have naother pet luna" he growle out i glred dotn want one" i said "u want one" hes iad "i do not" i siad using mine it hsoedem he eyed me i eyed him bak i leanaed in 'fine" i rowled out he smirked smaking y as "go" is aid they idit "be ready for it in 3 secnds nad be outside"i gorwled out snaping his sister wlaked out and itmed em "DISACPLINE CHAMBERS OCMIGN UR FUKIGN WAY' i growled out they nodded nad sat down i loed at the pl shakey he yed me pl all sat he smiled "u di cla togethr the whole pack" he sia i glred hi own he hucled ken aughed out i looked i came out he got sielnt then i put it to his wound i di the mark slahign em in kami eye her other youngest brother pointi they walked up iand turned theands and broke thier htumbs upand fingers  "u eat with ur hands since u thnk lowe are dirty dogs" i growled out he loked ndoing "yes lun" he siad acepting i had alt he power i smirke "u shal eat with forks lena" i she heled em I slashed the biggest and dslowest it sidinthey let him go and stood by other guest si had lines I tod infront i amed idspline for some aka all they noded "younger ones i want  more strenght and flare form u liek her u got that and i nto faovring im geting what h efuck i want in battle" i growled out thye noded kneelign thye shot of "not displine" i iad doing wokr on hs lap him nuzzling me soon enough i was ddone  was on his back "oi oi u too luna to the extreme' dean iad "heh im prou of u" hes iad "haha it was fun doing ken" i siad they laughe out he dodged me somehow in pain I tunred I smired "u shall be onstage" I said napng they werre behind me i hwipered line up famiyl girls they sht ofI walked in I looked o sey in my combt outit i hibi walded out "hey where ya going" a guy asked i fumed "who are u- 'UR RBOTHER STUPID' he siad i looked at him "ur notmy- "u know of daddy now thts where" he siad laid out 'get of our tuff u stand" i growled out he wa wiled he tied fighitng i looked at it he tood in it dante walked in to see me winng soemtng "no" isiad they stoped hes ighed "dont attack what do u want so claed brother' i ia d"das comign sooner then expected lila" he sia d"heh hope he know i iant doing the mate hsit i already got one" i siad helaughed out "u r" he ia di wlakedup "im not" i growled out and walked awya 'timeis aid he tol em "leav" is ai in alpha voice he di "he had rihe blodo then u" dean said i shrugged  "i wanna wlak out o my own" i whined out he laughed noding he walked out they kneeled he looked I had my two their familys al up there i walke out them flanking me the ones i added on flanking me it hsocked pl they were younger I waked onstage "i knwo their younger but soon i wil have oder if u want to be on my special team come to this yard tomrmow mornng at 1 am" is iad they eeld "yes alpha luna" thyehcrused his eyes widened he smiled a gil tore thouhg she landed giging 'IM HERE TO BE UR LUNA DANTE" hse roaredo ut I looked at her "hey kid" iaid "yes lwua" they hcirped oout it shockedhtier familys "ddont hodld me back' is ia they nodded i ran fo i shifted hse di to she wa tearing me done I ws behind her pining her down it shoked th ehel outta her and them i rowled "mine" i growl in my mind eyeing dante she growld i let out the most fercious oen i eyed he one with trainig "yes ALpha luna" thyhcorused she gaspped out she grew shit heh oh wel i grew bigger then her I stood here changing full she dint knwo how to i sood there hue as a mutha ucka i bent down growlng hse ran off yelping i shurnk nd shifte bck the is arll around liz handed me ades chibi girnning i put it on giglging i hugged onto him he eyed me i lookedd at him eye going shifty "when were u gona tle me ucan do that"" he siad oclldy it shoked pl but int them smirking 'i dont know uhh two three when we wwere married" is aid his mom began laughing he yed me behid him giglging at that joke! girls la lauhgign ad igglgign the younger oens convifused teen girls to some who wantd that gigld to heh ets finish this i wanna whip them into shape" he growle inyer "abe u aint gotta be whiped into shape" is iad he hckled "hel if get anymore in shpe id take u foff ora few years rmis sour weding" isiad he laughed I turned and walked up 'THSOE STAY ELDERS STAY OLERS STAY CHILDREN GO- I went on naming who without ht elist "stay"i growledout ken looked "but" i siad ken eyed me I smirked he walked up "u now ken"  siad irls melte i too it off throwing it "he shal be known a not roayilty but nromal untl we claim so those who defy wil anwser to- "the alpha" he growled out they shut up from stuid mrmurs then I looked aoud "do u nderstand" "yes luna alpha" tye hcroused 'I SID DO UFFUCKIN UDNERSTAND ME' i roared out "YES LUAN ALPHA' they roared out louder it heir stances like he was beside me I walked back "as u see thats our luan tkaing charge a of today those igrls are this wil come out in training uotfits after boys otherwise its normal afterward we ha join u leave" he oared out i sighed "imma go take a napp" i mtutered "u got- "hey hey u dudue hcck dude" is iad his dad ebgan lahgig like hs mom he urned he kneeled "i am sory luna" he iad "stand dddue kil this guard"" i sia throig it on him he did i wadled inside like it wa normal he me bak i shoked em ""u now whatluanhall do if u oss herhis sister snarled ot never one tot ake hage "luna shall at and wil od th ekiling herself if she feels it is neede Luna is known as Alpha Luna or Alphina" he siad "ALphina" the gusy hcroued her chocie in words u shal nto speak nles psoken to" hs eiad they wee al out there everyne she went on with my rule "u shal not size up luna on alha ocmnads or not fi luna sys ur her wrrior u pledge" liz took ovr "uderstood" they chroused 'UDNERSTOOD' they roared out like how i wanted them to seeing me in the doorway nuzzling dante in shrot hsrots and a bra top and o heels i walked off we nuled on the couch as we di file we haed a few pecks i peced him he leane own we pecked and continued "where might my brother aka alpha be" he aked "why of course in the lving room sir Nason" he siad "mmm" they walked own ken saw em"hey guys" he iad 'KEN WHAT HAPEND' nason said "u will meet her int he meeting tommrow morning" he siad it hsoked I nuzled him and dispaered he sighed misign em he got done setng i down lthiking of what i was doing I was wih hew new kids "if u r o be it then iwa nt u to cus and not care" i siad it shocked em 'as in say bad words' thye say "fuk yeah see" i aid they ooked 'fuck eah" thye siad i doed hadnig emit "uc u man wre team alphina may i- "go ahead wait on me ima folow itn he shados' i sid they giggled and di they glared 'WHAT U SHIRMPS WANT' they snaped 'wewant candy" he iad "to bad' they hcoruse smirking 'FUCKS U MAN WE TEAM ALPHIAN GT US CANDDY OR E CHOP UR BAL SACKS OFF" ht shy one roaredout i drod back lahgign silently soemhtign cgraped me "ocol abby sis its me dad wann see u tommrow" hes ia d"meet on my battlefeild" i growled out but- "no buts' i growled out he left "dad says okay and it snice to meet u" he siad "whateer"i growle out wathing em she left fuming "what" thy roare out 'WE TEAM ALPHIAN WHAT U SOME STUIDASS MENTAL KIDS NOW' the other one yeled out deans jaw droped at the book ad my anem signed on it he rran off "DUDE LUNA IS DOING SOEMTHING UCNALED FOR MAN HE TAUGHT HER SPECILA TEAM HOW TOCUSS' he siad 'he did what' he groaneout "yeah ocme on" he iad thye saw me int he shadowws cracking up luhgi "WE SIZE U UP KID WHAT U GONA DO NWO" thye siad "YO MOMA THTS WHT E DO T NIGHT' one fo emread "oh my god" ken siad beside tem somehow "h- he hso hseh head i looked nada! i traed ithealed! I looked 'meeting soon babe" i thgouth "hel yeah" eh thought "mmmmm" i thoguth he bt his lip it shut off "WHAT" thye roaredon "we do yos momaa" thye ad taking ti over thati dnt each em that hahhahha yay! they heard my yay motion they looekd lie wtf luan cant od this! thye lunged thye took out thier weapons ht do we do" we thought i smirked "u fight' i rang int hier midns "we follow in her ocmnads' they rowled out 'THE GREAT LAPHIAN' thye roaredout and took em down thier jaws dore di caem out "come" i siad nad wlaked of i shot a healign spell it hit hem thye shok thier heads we kept alking we went in it slame shut showig i was in busienss moode they did not hang around here "go job but im in th dog house with alpha" i iad "were sorry" they hcorused sheeishly "ey uties its good trouble isgood for me il walk u to u familysi iad i walked dout wiht them he looekd feeling em go outa distrant he was ifnront of me we al decide to go to girl tlak ont he wayback "somehting wr- "ur going outta- 'were tkign em home" jacey siad thye looke in awe of us I laughe i dint hink it as a problem mighty alpha" i siad he hculed stokring my cheek 'be careful" eh hwisepred "i iwll" i said and left off with them wait i stped em sinking "s what thye beheaded her lets go to the ufcking hideout" thye iad we folwoed score i tooke m home i ran in to see a hue meeting going on "baby"is iadhe tunred he smile ofingein me forward 'MY LUNA'he roared out vioeltlly o victory i smirked chuckling I walked out ad got my best girls i trained i hswoed em my plan if thye dint oe back "so we go form the forest psych em then they run out hte netranes we take the young ones nad threaten em get he alpahs outside girls i want u two in game" is i baout the youngest "yes alphina" thye hcrouse the kneeled he wlake di ont he knel "hmph ur well pplane babe" he siad "yes i think e shoudl od it quikc now they wl mvoe self cocncioous" he siad he nodded agreing we wlaked n "WHAT IS HTIS INSOLANCE"he sia d"ohdieout our alph an alphian has foudn it" they sia dthye hsot down we were al in it me standing there blaning i slame it down they nodded thye kneeld they were down I showe em iron fist they kneeled "it is done" she sia d'good go get dean" i siad they did i got the weapons form my ld masion i threw em hye laoed em "heh im soryr btu helll yeah" my girl said I msirkd i eyedhim nodingliek im ready it hsocke em i had oen to my sie my shifitng sword out showign a glowing white showing it was reaady for battle!! he smiled we nuzled a bit before whe went ini i was worie sick! 'prep" i gorwled out hy di dtye were downstairs preped thier faiyl around htem their  saorund em "be careful" her brother sid puting his dogtags on he was outta ocmisison "u" is iad point to him he looekd kneeling "u wil be in ocmission when i come back i am bringing out mot best oen si see it he files and trainign em til their batle sesne are overdrive" i siad "yes Luna" he iad ina  jyoful tone i walked out "go"i gorwled out we disapere they ran out lokign ruond 'ALPHINAA' they yeled out hey ran out suridoign em thye fakd the woos 'WOODS GET OUTHE FRONT" the weak ones ran out thye had em it shocked them the elders in shkc int he hadows I looked the had al kinds of em down who usrounded em their ugn to a good one head he hsook "u ebtray our luna ur scurm" one of em snarled out "alpha" i thought 'my luan where are u theire- "shutup do this i ad he did it they fumed sotring out i landed and took em out 'U LET OUR ALPHA GO WE LET URS GO" i roared outhteir eyes got wide knwign the alpha tone hise eys lit up he stbaed me i tok it out nd threw it sirking i took it on nd broke free i took em all out form my girls "NO' they roared out "U TOUHC MY ALPHA WENCH ND U DIE" i growled out she laughed out "angry- she was iled liek pland al my girs ent in an taked i breeed na dn cut it I dispaere and took it out so fast i too out my sword "get he elders" i growled out with alpah back to back we were kilign em the little ones not in torubel kiling to he lew hshe shot mid shift nice! dean thoght "DEAN LAOD ME Up i thgouth he di i tkami shtorled him of doing it jame walke in to help him she cotnnud 'U RLAODED GO GO GO' she orared out I shot em and span aournd doing it I looked 'GO GO GO' kami orared out ht eleder stped the guys handling business to 'GO GO GO' thye roared hte little oness lit up thier brother was an elder it shocked em they stared "attack" thye hroused thye i d" dont kill othat one love' i siad hse sotped noding they let him go pinng him I kile them walking up I tuck it it took him out i msirked "mission success eh  babe" iia he huckled noding i walekd off nad hghfivd the little ones "heh traign tomrmow will be good" she chirped out as soon as 10 hit i woke up it hsocked him he hcukled ising to i kissed his nose he mubmled o I mumbled training he sighedand ised my head nuzling em i sht of and got a shower i walke out and thew iti t went in they walkedout to see me stadnignt here weapons out they walked out and to me love nd xerra shto awake lie flare! they shot off and got ready immensely they head hsufling so they woke to se thier baby isters lal ine one kitchen thye ahd al di a sleep over o talk to elder about hier bttle  "u thnk we hsoudl turn it like the book says" lare siad "yes" she si chiib looking he did "oi little ones" i muttered soon they stufed it in tem and shot fof out the door it shocked em "even they do lets go" thier elder ister said they shaodwed inan out and stoo first they st down i smiled kneelign down "which" is id 'we chose love" thye hcoused she looekd 'as alphina says say wha now" hse iad they laguhed I claed dante "my da is oign this mornin though babe be reaay" i id "i am kenz im straig on weapons are u gona- "train before ye it wil improve thier battle senese uite  bit" i id i did to they were mroe weaty then guys thye ran track the litle oens they ran up i nodd in I taught em it we went insie we went in na di it  i walke down I just wish it int anothr hm he heard me thougink as iate fnaly "another hwo" i led up to meet  my sexy dantes eyes i smiled doig he sat down i gigled and snuggled into him i shok my heaad we went upstairs i nuled him "there was osmeoen who impritned on mebefore u" he si his heart stutered they hear a furou roar of readys I otuhd his han he ynkd awya "listen tot he story" i iad he yee ddme i told him al about it  some madde him snarlout word to the to be reaady othes dint "hmph then i came back from the leaf as planned but early to surrise him and he had a usrrise he had anew Luna planng wiht the pack ti paind me he tld em it wa over infrnt of my pwn pack friends at times iwanna recruit them othertimes i turlywan recuit them" i iadd he stroked my cheek "u htink if u do leave iwt ur- "dad ud get osemoennew" i hwispere so hurt darknes n my eyes he was hsokced he grabd me i loked up  "never i got my bags apcked' he siad i huggedhim tightly 'HEH ALPHINA THEIRHERE BY UR MOMS TENSING THEIR NEAR' flare siad "gooutside i wanna nsugl emroe' i aid he ndoed she told em "she wants to sngugle wiht her fathr is gona be here" she asked "yes get over it lad just cuz u alphinasmom dont mean u specials u ait luna we aint gotta liten to shits but ur daughter" xxera snaped she got islent then her in batle mdoe al of the igrls in batle mdoe they went into mdoe they landed "where might she be" a dark man asked "heh fo coruse he cant- it hsook vioelntly he truly stod there u knew it was my father! and dboy was i unhappy to see him!

My bad boy Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now