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he glared i turned lu them waved "oh its just- my jaw droped i shot backtage he stormed back 'WHAT U DONT WANT HIM TO SEE U YE- "BABY I DINT KNOW I SWEAR I I HOW CAN HE KNOW SOULJA BOY I MEAN- I looked i took ihs hand "plz baby plz dan- 'DONT CAL ME THAT' he roared I uted his face he strutted i pointed to my eyes he saw i was telinghe truth "i im sorrry my- "its fine baby its just i know the smae felegn when ur exs show up  wanan just punt thsoe hes nd ill em" i iad geint a violent glint he kissed me chucling in t though i Luhed out hugign onto him he looked shruging and kept fiting I sirked "hahhahahah lets show em we itl got it"" i chirpe out we wwas in poses jacey began singign it i sang it ppl eyes glued it was soulja wiht alot of singerrs she walked out his eyes wiened at her being hee kayla kissed his cheek and stood up on thier tbale hse di the oivce ppl turned she was on her nees she sread springs and pointed em they turned I was in a pose i flciked it up it hsowed a ircle i sang it and walked it it as ablood mood "look" eddy yeled out he turned his jaw droped his eyeslit up i sang it i was rokig it for my dan-kun she sang it i fliepd own em and ran for it i howle and kicked through it it lit on fire I cheesed brid aove it blew up and flaes danced aound us we did the dance routine with kayla us rockign it to falmes on us I msirked it formed blakc diamonds hsotout nad formed i walked down it i fliped up and skated it hse di it on a tiger laying thre she sna git hem setig it up cheesing she said it she was doign her body arund I sang it skating oarund i span aorund dimonds was framing it i sitl ha the god IN i sang it I showed fangs winking we di  a fight cene it broke out into dance it was amzing us rokig h stage ppl lvoing it soulja nodin his head to the beat she gigled hugign his arm he blushed at that we di it on tigers mine wa sin ht eair it howle we spread wings it did to webelw into sand liek it they cheered so loulyi blsuehd we hgihfvied nad hanged "i want him to know when u say itttt i dont want him wanting to jock on you beffoe"i siad "plsu its my job" i thoguth eh laughed at that whisepring thye laughed "heh" i thgouth he was laghig about it "watch" tay siad thye began rokcing it better then kaden them they had rokced rock and roll I was on it i i the voice pl turned i was on my tiger it prowled up it wa s huge my heel tapping it blew it out i landed nad it wung me around i fliepd and landed I sang it us rokcing it better then them my hair snowy white she rockedd it I smirked her  doing her tikc she twirled it around she threw it it hit she ran she threw up one from her botot which was baass she contineud she di her trick i sang it i was low rokcing it htem lal danicn around to it I looked at him he got it he smiled a bit I sang it "heaven" i let it rip shwoing him screaming she smirked i fliepd up I was mid air i wenththrough i was sturkc they gapse outhey wee to it hsoed her hair was lfowing around i skated off and shwoed em who iw as I sang it i was kiling him I showed him effects them roking it her into it her hai easlet down mien was up i sang it i let it rip i held it on hi table he shook in shock I kicked it it flew hitign by ehr head she ran fof last ex oh well one hugged him i aiemd it hse ran off i walked of slly liek id int do it dante ran back he swung me around laghg "haha amazing" he sid i laughed out "we di those kinda songs to if u diddnt know" i siad he huckled 'turn on" he said i leaned in i fet him he di to he leaned bakc smoking i sat there "hey hey" he iad i went in he disapered to it hokced him 'di she- "naw she owudlnt ignore u she likes u mybe loves u" he ia deing dante he ncikered hsig hsi ehad hiting him he hcuckled "mmmhmm shes mine' he iad I mouthed oh yeahhh! thye laughed i lauged sieltnly enjoying him raning baout how im his me makign ocmments about nail polatio but they got it "paint tht nail blak  blue" i gurmbled mtug dante before the got who wai st alkign about now "before it gets red" i sang out he looked like she strying meedy crakin gup at htier sutidness his ex ried me she sang a mj song I sirked htye begin doing bad "haha ante u gona have to wathc her" he si dthye ran off girnning hguely ena sang it walkign down she was in kaidens exs face "chomon" she aid ocking a gun iinfornt of everyone kaidnes eyes got iwde he shot up andused his pwoers she shoved him away she sang it waving it and a nife "hahahahhaha psyhco girl number 1 jet siad thye laughed i sang it they tund i did his head I threw my hat i sang it "whos badd" i siand an d smirked sllyly "hey it go go i wanna slsuhyes tese btichs" lena siad i skipe dup singng it they ran off oh ell yeah theyal hot it I took him out by the who we took e ma dns lsuehid em they gaped in shokc i oured hte rrest i droped the ucp and shadowed off 'HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA KENZIES BADD' soulaj sang out they laughed so ahrd at his tuid ocmment "hahahha slushie isle 3 osulja" is idh etook one and lshised his girls ex "hahahhahah ur right" hes iad di laughd out and dispaered dante stood up dispearing to "haha ru so fucig bad" he iad kising me i kissed him bak "eh ocminggg' eddysang out i was geitng reaady ""babe slushies" he said i turned "thts a bit dddelnquietauil" he iadd 'wait thats aw ord nwo" i sai din shock he laghed sielntly he raised his eyebrow "always has been" he said smiling like ur so cute "ohhhhhhhhhhh" i siad 'hey u up for a duet he siad o me sllyy "sorrys i cant were gona rap" i siad slyly "hwo about aftr u big annoucement" i said he hcukled noing ocols" he siad and walked off i mellted over dante into him ugh crepeo I walded in and shut it "stop playing the guy" lena mouthed i hit her giglging we had fun we walked out "okayyy wel this is to my secret girl for not for sepiallumm ppls" hes iad soulja them got his glanes he texted em it all they snickred i smiled they looked they began glad youc ame it went aout showing em he did hiss sign ehe ey me poitning ut they began rockign ti they clape na snkaed aroudn like big bro big bro sw me i smirked showing it a bit i wepd it off showing it his jaw droe di giggled nd jumped in he dragd em down i fliepd u and hugged me girnnign thye lOok ed "h- "no scene paprazzi" is id thy got i wa syaing fake I hugged em he san it them eyeing us secretly them nodingto it "eh i dont ee why my girl isdancingto this shit' e growled out i wa kipig aroun wiht jacey not able to help it we wave our hands nicki flahsed llight thye turned it siad club Ken jace adkaykay I was on it in  dj outit i snake around and had fun I put in the beats wiht the dj thingy ithye nodded to it loving it more I smirked and heped em out she put it in and poepd it in I did it i was kinling it i slamed it down and worked it I ws kiling it noding id rank a soda seitng it down   i got an idea it flashed in my mind he smirked he sang it they conected eysa quick moment we smiled i nodddd liek nice iut my thumbup they laughed slauting i ran off to jaey them talking about the new lccik clack "why were u daning" he growled out "becu it was a godo song" i siad in shock "dont dance' he growled out "but babyi was ut dancing" i siad in shck "i dn tliek u daning to other ugys ings but mine u hear me" he growled out i looekda away "why urs are kidna crapy" jacey siad he looked i shrugged like shes right fte kaykay got silent nad looked down and theres are kinad awesome" kaykay iad 'SO U DJ THEM' he yele out "pretty much yeah" i said "dotn dance" they growl out hye wre racking up i stormed off backtage 'i lvoed u rong" is id to pi shim off for fun he laughed 'thanks thanks" he sia di ran fof he looked and phased in "did u" he mouthed i nodde dkisng him he kied me back 'wrote it for u" he whisepred i msiled nsugglig into him them all arund snuggling he wa snuzlng me intensely menuzling againt his chest just lvoing his sccent on me "wait omfg them" i growle out "shit" he hwispered i shrugged nuzzling again he nuzled they laughd t 'WHO CAN DO THT WITH NAILPOLISH'they siad they sghe in relief "i dont know u tel me" iw hiend out laughig "next oen is all of us" katys guys aid nuzzling her nose her enjyig being udner his neck us ll nuzzlgn he nuzzled his scen on me more he nuzzled his cheek har on me I nenjoye t "BABE U OKAY' he caled 'fine" i gowled out "soundrf brah" isyeled out nad put on oundproof "nails polish unh yo yo- i raped ad ekpt trying them lahgig at me utign on shit nad maign mysel flook like hm  i pt it away when he kncoked thye disapere i hdi my cent 'GO AWAY' katy oare out "lus i gota tae a crap wait oh shit the soundpoofs off isnt t" is id 'yes" thye siad and a mics on oh yeahsh yeahs u beez in deep shit soulja" is aid they laughed sdo ahrd at that he laughed "look i dont know what ur roblem is with my girl but u betterr- "nothing i just love her msuic its aweosms sweet musc he siad eyeing my bdoy i licked my lips eveyrbody saw except the ones whod sntich and him I wiped his miind him glaring we wadled by shining hats nd shi to hide it changed i sat there it began they nodded they fliped out he id our walk out yukis sng ocming up noding it hadens guycame up liek genas it shocke gena he smirked she showed her iI was rokcign back na dforth they gigle t me they eyed us and eyed m liek ppush em I smirked and ighed i danced by giggling he did a doudble tkae he saw me goign around he sng it i danced up he sang it i couldnt miss his part he sang it i smirked ahving ufn daning he nodded al of us dancing having ufn ius infront them behid us they fumed i had my eyes lose waving my ahsn relay voigit  he sang it i looekd and dispaered I smirked i was daning on the dance floor with them us having fun all girs out there and guys iw as waving my hands nad hips he smirked and grabed my arm puling em up 'WHA' i yeled out he grined noding liek dance they di the dancce we danced onstage haing fun they ang it realy into it 'coem on" katys guy said sI was ahivng ufn meeyes hsut he held it shwing of his voce i was haing ufn he fumed at me having fun i snaked my head around i buepd hips with jacey t the end ou eyes got wide 'a haha yeah we were a da damn were caught nadfucked man  jut liek fish were gon go now" kayla siad i di the moonwalk by dodign the cod nad kept going idit he robot into the bathoomit lame shut them to ubsy ina we thye got what we did amn they plaeyd u" 50said thye stormed off bangign on it i chibi cried out "OCME ON BABE I DINT- "I TOLD U NO DANCING' he roared out "it was just fun dad- 'HE PUELD U ON- "EVEYRONE BODSY ULS SOEMONE ONSTGE BABE' katy yeled out yumi wavined and fainted 'OFG YUMI FAINT THERE GOES KENZIE she siad thye busted it down to see la of us fained I iwnked das i passed him he laughed so ahrd fsoitbumping him "o- he exted him it I diapered he shwoed me he ws ood so i was daning to him to it mde him proud him roling his eyes i waled back nad in dante folowed pahing in "why were u- "hha kidng" he iad i laughed out hugignto him he smiled nuzzling me i nueld him back i stoped ndoing out he nodded he phased back i was tilting my hat humming his song he hckled leanign there i turned i bsuehd and ran out he laughed he fo coure gotta ruin his songs by singig baby ugh i ahte that"damn justin bebieb sucks"i uttered they laughed os hard he was hsokced i wasnt a believer "haha ur a beleiber right' i said she nnode 'WHALEE oh wait thats ust u cu ur abeliber hahhaha" siaid she rna off cyring about it i laughd poitn ghkaing my head he was lahgi so ieltnly them lal alughig at my omment "haha u suck"  yeled when jutin came down he looekd around i was ong down he pointed i poitned back he fumed soon we ran up in biknnis "haha yay thier singin one song" i whisper about him  genas guys ang it katys guy sang ding it he twirled arournd he sang it hadens guy fliped out he sng it with yukis gguy he wa wating as alhis rbothers sang i asswingin my hans to it he sang it walking out thye jumped "man its sweet"nikci siad i swithced my hps wiht hands igggling he smiledd i  looked he hugs me 'CHIKA U GOT A CEL CAL' she yeled i ran down i took it "mmmhmm" i ia ddoing the moonwlk aroundthe dj thing "yeah yeah i mis u guys to haha mainy u big bro" is adh he lsitened he herd big bo he danced he thoght i as hurt by his attempt i ws hut by htem ot being back yet how could they not hear about it whe they walked uot he looekd "heh" he htought i looked he msiled putign a heaart up I smiled vinga heart aournd he ufmed at that he cuckled at htat he sang it them rockigni ti everybody up even jsutin dancing with selena to it i was gona ock my song like this he held it he sang it he otned they got me onstage i shruged nda waved it aound haing fun he ahd puled me up on baby ijust raised my ebeorw i girned brid up with mygirls they aughed eh turned he huckled at that "so annoucement isss el my seret girl come out" hes id i huged onto him his jaw droped 'UR HIS- 'girl yeah why dint u know" i siad "butu ere- "wast it friendly" jacey asked i was nuzzling with him onstage I pur in comfort hewrped arhis arms aournd me i sliped it on i was iswaying him humming it they waddled out na dhugged onto them  he llooekd katy peked out ad altched otno him he hculed "u were so good though dan-kun"iw hsiepred he huckled "i made thsoe song for u" he whipered i nuzzled closer purig they awwed at that him nuzling my head "hmph welll id be proud we beat it over these years on our break together we beat all the arugments nad al the na sayers nad no not beat htem up" he siad eyeing me i gigled "a girl an tyr" i mtutered melted into him he hcukled his arms wpaig tighter i turned he smelt it al ovr me him! he hook in rage  "WEL HOW CANWE SAY THIS' 'THIER PREGNANT' soulja yele his jaw droped shaking to ivoetnly "HEL NO' i yeled out htye laughed "i mean no soulja sit down... befoe i punt ur ass' i siad hte punt part thruogh yteeth nuzzlignh he sat down ing silentl they laughed we al heard it "junvinile" the girl i lshied said "yeahs hcika u learn it when bichs walk al ova yas i know ur tye u let pl do it i slhsied u for that reason grow a pear" is iad she wa sutne "ur right" she hwisepred i looked "im not gona be a ucking jailbird al my lfie imma make somthing liek be a lawyer' hes i dgo ahead honey babe ima super model so it dont mattr' i sia takign tmy caoookk hoodd down he gasped out dan-kun glared hwoign a tiny btis of his canine "dna-kun" iw hsiepred he eyed me i looked down like ur package he blsuhed and remoed himelf for ufnw e tease em by nuzling onstage 'OI OTP DAMN NUZZLING' katys guys aid "u sotp" he gorwled out pl in awe and awwing at us i blushed and shurnk into him shying away "WELL JACEY AND I AE ENGGAGED" he iad his heart droepd aw on the gruond "lets tlak aftr thye al cant be" "as we al are" katy iadshoign her ring onar them sho up jacey giggling happy i knew katy them from krisy somehow they became big issters "and u" he yled at me I loked the ring on flashign so fucin hugely its hard not to seeit wa blooded out thoough and as blak then inside ice it was beautifl I smirled "im engaged to the wedings um wel umm- "this year off ebuary on her brithday and yes she is pregnant" he siad thier jaws droped "ha no shes nto but she iwl be" he sia dnuzling my ehad iblushd hugely at that they howled baout that girls giggled at that ig aled at his ex hse eyed his besty and sflashed a amrk I eyed hima nd her aesing it i sw it i turne waynuzzling his arm as we walked down him huckling "sory" i aid impishly he cukle "o it al ya want' he whispered I nodded nuzzling his ar went around i nuzzled his side "eknie" he roaredout he fumed I wa huggin otno his waist nuzzling him when e sotped i lookedup with those innoent eyes "kenzie i thought we were- "huh dint u need a friend edy said soi siad eddy looked liek u muha fucking bitch! "ut BUT HE CAUSES SCENES" he roared out i looked at him lahgig a bti "i like his scenes frnakly thier cute and funny and devilish to me" i hcirped out "she comments on em brah" he siad grinnign at me i giggled nuzzlnig him long puing he fumed at that 'U SIA DU  ONT- 'as a kid now im gorown u im attrative to scenes" i said his jaw droped 'BUT I BECAEM ALL FUCKIGN EDUCATIONAL FOR U' he roared out at me i looked at him " id thats sweet buti hate eucational guys thye jut wanan tlak about history and not make out frankly he tlaks baout history and makes out with me good" i siad he chukled whiseprign shakespear n my ear he recited hard ones he reited expert ones eyeing him liek sorry! he shrugged liek sorry man I was nuzzled into him "can we go i hat epl awing at us"  muttered he uchukeld "okay" heis ad 'BUT WAIT WHY DO U WANT HIM' he siad "haha hes bad hes sexy hes bad he has long hair he hs cuts- i anmed alot "hes bad" i siad "hes sexy hes bd hes ummm sex on legs hes bad he got in prison" "sexy as fufck" a igrl sia even lwyer girl agreed as he eyed herr liek is it! "ha he has tats u dont he has snakebites u dont he has it all tht i want nd need he has my heart" i i smiling at him he smiled "and u have mien" he si dhugign onto me thye awwed ahu haduup" is iad they laughed he looked I loked downa dn took his hand he yanked out i yanked him to awyer girl "lawyr igrl lawyer guy fuck each toher on the desk shwo the ocurt some justice with ur- "BABY GIRL' eh caled i blushed 'heheh" is aid nd wadled over she was eying me she eyedhim "heh shes kinda nuts" he sia "cdy no doubt o a honeybun hahahahha it makesal uos us ypr" hes iad hse laughd "how does he- "he does hat" souja said us makign out on a mat on hs yaht 'DAMN HWOS YAHT' souljas girl sid "kennzies he bought her it" lena siad i ocninued i lookd nd turned they al were staing it sad DG "WHAT DOES DG MEAN" lawyer irl yeled 'DG MEANS DADDSY GIRL' i yeled out into the mic walking up 'dadys girl but ur-  "he died but uhhhh dante dint" i iad they howled to ldouly he hcukled hnadsup "btw dan-kun i gott shws u- 'does it invole ur otngue" ehasked "no body" is iad girls heered guys hwoling he smiled hugely turning noding nad tunring back rorudn 'OT THAT WAY' i yeled out the guys boed he snaped thye shut up i looked thye shut up so fast it madethe guys look like punk bitchs 'HWO OME U LIKE SCNEES' he siad "its hot" the lawyer girl siad i pointed  "see' he growle out he punched a giuy "hahaha btchpunched" is ia dthye laughed so hard  at my comment "haha pukbithpunt" i and di it for fun to the waior he fle wiht a dhu they looked i laughed and ised him he kissed me bac thye cheere I pled away leading him int the bathroom i hibi looked and locoked it hey got to loud it hsut off "kamkam set themooood" hse ag out "oh dear god" lena siad i blastd i liek i  like that i danced own him girnning chnged wathing me dance with kaykay them on a tbale we grinded eeyign thie bodys they cued rung away I sangit as we pmepd to my yaht i ht it it grew it covered alot of it he showe lawyer girl his hse giggled "i liek it" she hcirped out he laughed ndoing i put myt uhubup to her she blsuhed i danced of and waved my aple juice around she laughed at that she pointed ot me ancing bumping wihips wiht lena a pale juice in hand i cuahght a be i pt it in i poured soem of it out i took it gena did it they al turned we were to we were just lint ti up on my yat me dning around i smoke ndoingi ti 'HAHA I JUST WNNA TALK TO ANDY AT THE HOOKA BAR' i snag 'WHAT' he roared out i got sieltn i ran of and did it i anced away form the mic and danced dhiign behi girls he sloke 'NO WHAT ID  U SAY' he roaredd out possesive 'HAH UR SEXY WHEN UR MAD' i yled out they hwoled he blushed 'SHUT UP' he yeled out i smirked and had fun yeah tkae it off' ktys guy siad our girls howed upw e went around with our stuff like em me leading it lawyer igrl trying him wathing behind him he leaned over smackgin it na leaneing back he whoope he turned he saw it was my fiancee dantee i like that!!! i giggle waving her over i zomd forw it she shriek i grabed he and we zooemd around cruiisng aroudn floating us haivng our ufn lgihts flahsig on the insdie the girls seem to be lvign it up" 2chian said thye turned he saw me clack with me of my crew bmebrs 20 year lld girls that is I drank it it hsocked him i rank beer i mixe it with my vodka i ran fof he chkled at that i loek walking up to lawyer girl siting there eing her big sisters aprty i puled her up "im to the- "parytign type i wasnt either i was  shy schol gil ten i changed hcicka heh come on ocem dane" siadd dhanding her it seh tooka  shot instead i whoped she laughed a bit he hcuckeld at that and waleked up "may we sit" they asked flahing thier impritn mark nad showing tey impritnedd thye kcked it it didged budge "dante chooses it"he sid "why imean if u chose it snt hse- "oss woman" ty sia d'yeah thats wht he bw snds for" is iad 'OKAY GIRLS IMA SHOW U HW T SHOW UR A GUYS' i claed out they a turned 'tirpign hoks us" crhis sid thye laghed all poitn to him him poitng "plzz stirp kitkat' he hwisepred hse turne her jaw droped like omg! she fliepd hte brid hsuting it he laughed 'OME ON KITKAT" heyeled out he pu i tup he was hrsutign on he iwndow "uh katy' th lawyeer igrl sid "yes lawyer iglr" hse id "turn around" she id hse di she saw him thrusitng on it eyeing katy the whole time dante laghig a this iwld brotherr me hsaign my head at him i roled my eye he mouthed i can rol ur as and ur- "okay dante kepe ru eyes of the merachindise for tongiht ka kay sit ur ass down" i aid he lokoe dsine- "ur da bitch im the pimp plant it" i siad he sat down "i lvoe my woemn feisttttty" dante iad "get me a bat" i siad he got silent bang bng mui bplayed I smirked i worked my body i twirled out howign my tats ping a bit they howled i sang it I poitne to danta shaing my head he was dsmoking and tlaking to hsi crew he nodded toem i sang it katy themd aning to it howing their tats she eye a tatto guy cheesingshe ran off an got one she waadled ons eh flaehone saying I be lawyer! they cheered she laughed i iwped it it stayed she nodded i alguhed about it I sang it I pinted "I potine to osuulja thye Ohed at hat duche i ang it I poped my coar bitgn my lip pimpign fo wiht lawyer igrl and katy them jacey and kaykay flanking me i jumped own our crews wlaked it i went around my hand titign my head i swizzled it better hten him "ebtter wathc ur girl dante" his frind siad he turned i sang it I sang it lawyer was on her knees she kciked a chiar haing fun we widned it up her to giggling he chuckled they smirked hebluhed turing away i sang it I uwng my hips he ran off "damnss dere go my abng bang banggg' i ng out laughig about it they laughed to i sng it I moved my shoulders soon u sw me on him stradlig im "OMFG' lena rored about it i laughed out "make sure dante wathing" i siad she laughed geitng rihana she mothed potin to dante "he willl wanan seee what she put on her tat man" hse iad and meloking at u fliping h ebrid to  it was kidna ba yet sexy yet keeps the lsut folowing o lawyer girl gasped at it "u u can do that to ur body" hse iad "yeahs" i siad preping my hair "i i di not know imean how can u put uself and the man ur ma- 'easy u get balls" isaid she blushed at that "i odubt hed lke that in u know what' hse siad i laughed at that "good one" i siad her isbligns ran back i was coering it "sorry forher bothering u shes a- "col person i lieks her keep her aournd" I siad ndoig she walek to my side in shock they eyed her liek dont cross her hse nodded i grinned 'so umm what- "ex bf andd best friiend til wel eh betryed me but since that ur man u gona hve to fight chika look" i id a girl was laeady on him she fumed I took her up "now what id i teach u" i sang out thye all looking at us dantes gae o my as 'top looing at y ass danteu can look at home"i he laughed "hey babe i can ook aytime iw ant ur beocign my wife' he siad "dont mean u contorl me noweh u ont contorl me orme yet antee so keep ur eyes off da ass" is iad "btw the hoopy cushion dont work" i siad she fumed I kicked her and beat her ass lawyer igrl saw her about to iss him she saw me pucnhig ehr she eyed me and her then he pucnh he thir jaws droped his eyes got wide hse kicked her 'STAY OFF MY MAN' she got out "why is our baby siter COOL' they yeled out and joined in our big bros walked own my siters iin on it with me grinning hguely they had poped up and wel yeah W'TF' they chrousee we tunre di turned to "oh shit" we hcroused wedarrted down i pcked he rup he let outa orw he let out a waning growl piinging him "uhh dont do that to her" a guy wolf whispered in alecs ear he nodded hands up he let him go siting down we ladned nad zoomed off lawyer girchiib cyring liek im so intorube i ran  voer dogding it panitng "dener drive' i iad he lughed ndoing we rran down "WHY THE UKC WAS OUR- "dont yell at me" dante growled out u heard a roar in thie rmidns they siddedback "s-sory"t heyhc rosued he smirked "alpha femaleeeee" he aid as a girl thinkgn s was much bette got dante eye my world crashd i lsiped the wing awaynd the dog tags nto shwoing it e saw i took notice his eyes iwdened he saw hte irng nd his dog tas off he shot up and ws beside me beging me to forgive him "i always do u and u keep ON OOGLING WHEN IM UR WIFE ARE UGONAN UCKING GO AND OOGLE THEN MAKE A MISTA NO  GO AED OOGLE HER U  GO AHEAD BUT UR LSING ME i growled out n walked offf 'BABY" he roared out 'KENZ-ROSE' he yeled out i stoed i glared and walked backtage stronger mui began i sang stronger I pimepd it out herr showing of hr new yaht howling I looked I looked it shadowed around it blew off "damn" his crew mebrs chorused I began rokcing the dande rotuien i worked out i lead the whoel girls hse stopedhe kciiked it "now good" he ia i shot it it went out "ur right" u saw me mouth she jumped away dn zoomed offf i sang it she caled her big b kaykay sang it I sng it i wung my hands and hwoed mbxoign skils i begna dogin it i wa rokcing it us rokcin the boat ltieraly we walked ot doing it i wasleaidng it singing it it was that chik i ived in we fght she sent a shrk i sent n eletic it got him out i stood on her other shark i sag it looking up at him his eyes wide i hed it his eyes widened i held it i hit it hard I di it her in awe of me she got it i fliped of nd hun off it i sang it I showedmy leg wounds nad my scars from surgery i sng it I shwed my h ones i was wshwoginem singign it nd was working it showing girs are strong i eded she raped t hers eyeing dante i sat there "it dont matter i fulfiled my purpose heh sex was good heh" is iad they looed lawyer girl as hshocked "is she- "no she used to it guy use her and mvoe on" lena said "oh" hse said "im leavign" i said wathng him stare at her he turned he saw our mate mrk he hot ff izomed in nad took my hit packing befre dante came back 'w-wha are u doing"i ehar i turn it was hm I looked backig way terfied of him "ur no longr use ifrape hmph il il u now"he sia i loked 'yeah i me not liek i got naythg to lvie for i shouda died the first time" i iai heard a heart sotp oh no dante I loekd i saw his eyes fil wth hut so u wanted ot- 'RIGHT NOW I WANND IE UR UR STRING U- "U BARELY RAP SHE DOESNT- "IM NOT SHWING FOF im tryign to get u in with good pl ur friends i seen em do bad thngs bad bad things to thsmelf" iw hsiepred 'ah to du- they use" i said he looekd wn "d-dante do u- he looek way I gasped out ur notht eman i know" i siad his eye widened 'I TPD WHEN I FOUND U GAAIN I SWER IM SOBER' he siad i looekd 'heck if ur sober then ill- "u wil be with me again he iad "if u oogle any girls its a low hance dante' I whisepred his eyes widened "im sory u barely- "thats cuz u never awake"i muttered turing away come otmmrow mornin aftr the test' i whsipered "unles u wan go party"i whisopered nad left i pared and mved back in slightly i wa danglig his dog tags in the limo for my ptho shoot that as late at ight i aw dante he w being beat up i stoped it i walked to it 'he mine" ken growled out "let him" hes iad eyeing me thye turne ken walke up soking my heek i kneed him he fle they ran atme i took emll down adn ran for dante strong hns grabed me damn them i looked up ken stood up he smied nad lenaedin eyeing me nad dante and kissed me i spit he umped away "asshole"I said it shocked him "dont u wan be wiht ken" he thouht "never i wan be with u dante why do u oogle girls hy cant u- "u barely- "what do u think ur clasy sisters are arund i do that hsit im of queen list' is iad he got it "otherwise' he thought "id dress as i leased" i thoguth and then a kick hit me I ocuhged up bood his eyes got wide i was the grl ken hcukle thts it i flied upa nd grabed her nknife to ehr neck they stope as i slit it a bit my gun on kens head  "DONT' dante siad i shvoed her down "baby sis why di u join ken she lvoed u she was seperating from u to help me out in geitng close" he sia hr eyes widened 'what" hse iad i aleyd there ken kicing me I grabe it and shoved him bakc he fel he fumed nd lunged he wasifnront of me gun to his head I was lagint here my rew al zooemd in tye beat the shit outta thme shwoing why i was top crew to ante dante stood up bleeding it shoced em he droed beside me i looked "boss owman fine dont touch he heater' myg ir snaped at him his eye swidened i ouhcd his hand  ken lunged at dante i had him nedd it shocked em i w itll in comission "u learned to deal wth pain" is iadn dspit out a bak tooh in hsi faeh fumed I beat his ass dante grabed me up my limo river sw u beat u h cled the cops i looked 'she hped us" isiad her eyes widened "she helpe us she siad hse was form hi crw but she helped us get hough nto dieing" i siad lieing my ass o the ocp let hr go "parol" he siad "can she atleast get  kitten" is he nodded i lead her out and shoved her down adn sirked i set ht ekitten down and kept it still by tlaking to it it meowed utely i giggled it wahed me yes I put it on the kitten it was home free! WHOOP "WHOOP RU HOEM FREE BTICH'i eyled out 'WHAT' she siad 'U AN LEAVE HAHA I GOT ONE FO THOSE HAHHAHAHAHHA  I HAD OEN FO THOE MN I GOT A CAT GOT SMART HAKED DAT BTICH AND PUT IT ON MY NOW HOUSECAT'i sid 'OHU FUCK THATS GENUS' she yeled out i noded fistbmping her 'wre- "oh yeah i am to" she iad "ima stay wth her" i iad soemthign maide me say "uhh u can send one of ur- "no i trust u' i siad he looked "and i trust u"he siad I looked at him ndoing to the door he fuemd nad uend arudn he ekdup and ised me int he halways i kisd back "jackass" i siad he laughed ou "i had to im sorry i truy am na- i looked horrfied he hcukled i hit him he laguehd "so what u relay p to"he sia dethrow a house pa- "hel- "kidn gbabe we hng aroud watch legaly blone and threw things at warnwar frot eh reeer" is aid shwoign it on the ktihchen counter he kissed my cheek 'we might be late we mgiht take care of alpha busienss" hes ia d"okay babe" i siad 'text em hen ur omign bak i wan tlak to u" i ia he  ndodded and left smiling hugelyhe got in I looked i picked it up and shoed it 'hel naw' theyhroused 'IM HOMEFREE TO RUN BABYYy' she yled outthye howled loduly "and nows wht we gona do truly" i iad d"hahha we htought u knew" she sia W'TF I DONT KNW okay kaoke night dirty asf uck" is aid thye ndoded we got dirty as fuck 'lets tle em" i ia i claed him "hey  babe u dont have to all were fine" eh whined out like a kid "i nkows im claing to tle u were going out as in ur baby sie to cuz i hacked the fucign anklet' is id 'U DI WHAT' he yeled ut "yeahs and now its on da nw kitten hahahhahhahahah hosue cas ftw but asks katys guy for expriance" is iad "wh- "u hes got a houe cat at night' is idhe  died laghig at that iwas ona  speaker "ur o speakr babyirl and there other ppl" he iad "othe ribsligns hwo is she go back" thye sid 'she wont be there she hackd the dman anklet she got it off nd put it on a kitten we bought i mainly got it cuz of the girls nad her she loves cats anyway we got one and she coned ht ekitten th kittens now okay wiht it as she says nad hses gona be doing WTF' he siad "where u at' he roared out "ooooo posesive' i growled out "ur on speakr again" dean aeld 'FUKCS UMAN' i yeled out "sos dante hwen u come back ocne i dne imma have my way with u u know' iid he hukled at thattkain it off he whiper yeled somethinkgs 'we wanan ditch it folwo this umm girl" he iad tkaing a piture he looekd he fond one he hanedme it "lady Mckenzie" he siad "yes" he id "okay"' he aid they h swihed they folwoed theres they puled up sem guirs waiting one a sexy s hel 'damn id keep her in my ebd o a hilwe" he said about me I walke down ante got out loing sexy as ufck he urned a dean dndoed I leand up he leaned own kiing me and showig his rbtoher i was his! his jaw droped "i thik thats mckenzie" one of the ilrs said as my name ws on my other leg and an MD with him as a wof it was beautifl i shwoed him he laguhed out i giggled i had gotten anther tat i lvoed remoed for it but its wht it I put it up on his table he lauhd out at that it as the other one "i shows u the new part" i whispered nad walked off he bit his lip "man im goign nuts for that mckenzie chick how can she be all dante" he siad he turned he had hm pinedd in the laley I felt destress i walked out "MINE U HEAR ME BIG BRO THAT GIRL IS MY PROPERTY' dante roared out I looked lneaing there thye saw me with hsi siters i di it he turned i msikred at  iglr she rn of i hcukeld and noded leiek go ahead iI aint stoping u they tried i jsut wathe "kenzie can u otp him" his bay ister said "yeahs"i id "dont" she iad dhe punched at him arousl flowed through me he was mroe the posesie he ws a psycho for me sweet! i giggled "u like my pyshco brothr itll" one of em akse d"no is hi sheart hstatered "I lvoe ru psho brothr sitll" i siadi roing my eye slike dur he smirked and choked him "im orry" hes iad "SHES UR FUTURE LUNA UR FUTRE QUEEN U TLAK ABOUT HER THAT WAY AGAIIN AND ILL KIL U' he roared out "yep i lvoe him so so much it pains me" i iad they laughed "but turly i dddo love him" i siad it shocked em "how can u" he iad he turned "oods baby bro i want ur imprint" he siad he iwnked "ugh" i growled out shkign dante smirked like atchand learn he smirked i blushed tunring to look he caught my cause he bit his p i looked going nuts for him hit was ina  smirk he lickd he bood fff i wanted ot jump him right there  walked up kising him u cuold tell by the way i wa curved don him he brung me up i wane him i kied him wht much ore need he kisse dback with the same need as me he pined me he let out a narl fo a come on to scare dante we kept makign out he eyed me tring to scare me i giggled nad onneud he gnded on me not caring he stoped nad went ac down with his well package they gasped ou realizng wha hwas ding hethrusted he began geitng farder he girep out tighter i draged it down thye saw my rkng down them shaking n shock he was this bodl 'BABY BRO' his brothr roare he urned fuming i blushe dnad ran back my face red shying away iw aited i roared he screamed and threw it i iked it it hit him i whistled he glared at me 'dont want her now" he siad "haha scre' is iad hsi jaw droped "u orped it u signd hits u donot want me if u want me gain or show any u wil eb thrown into he dungeons fo 10 centreys"i hcirped out his jaw droped 'U PLAYED ME U HOE' he roared out "yeahs" is id cutely na siped off i flid oer themuck they jumepd over it i jumped over osme dante icked me up wlking in em he set me down leading me insdie i sat on his lap hwen my winign ex walked in "uh oh here comes troublee" myc rew membr sia dhis rew laghgi him smokign me giggling and  kisng on his nk him cukling a ttime "kenzie that u" he aked in  hard ass way that hsows he wast aihapy i stoped "uh no my names kristen yeah umm he knows its me dont he"is iad thye noded "hey how ya been" is ad to him "good til now whos this" he said eyeing dante I looked "my umm fincee dante" i siad he loked at his hand smirked then tuned away ksing on me i giggled he sirked  "u hould umm go ur crew is antsy" i iad rubing myself downward he aw thugh 'STOP THAT' he yele dout ppl turned kidnad I looked hsoke dadnte cut hi eye to him he ponted to him to kden he nodded like eric he hucled "look" he gowled out it was suca tunr on i nuzzled into him 'dont be amd at me" i iad he eye dme "im not baby girl im not its da what oh yeah idint give  adan to care its you hat m pissed at u come up hre thikning u can size me up bitch plz as MY kenzie once said u shoudl know ur damn place s the garbage to me but im to good to telll u tht so il tell u it  by ooing this" hes iad taking shid rinkadn slluhying him "bye" he siad i was hugging onto him smirking about but nzuzling his rrm he hukled and yanked me down i was straddling him i cocinued hi siblings looekd sitign dwn "hi umm we havent- "I knows us u chik from youtube' she hiad "damn them" i gurmbled out yeah i am umm hi its nie to meet u uim sur eit wasnt anice meet sincce i was trying to umm yeah that heheh but yeah its nice to meet u im yuki but i go y mcknezieeee" i hirped out the eee cuz i elt liek it! "heh i can tell ur the oen to kick as na ask quiestio latr so hcek out li bro" he siad a gilr al up on hm i looked 'watch this is how u get ur mans attention" i i it ook out my gun shoting  it pl turnd i Blew kiss he shok hies hea laughgi thrsitng a bit "u thinkt hats gona sotp me bab watch" is n shto it more pgirls cheered me on i ekpt going i ladoed it nd threw it down i shot it ore msirking at hm him bting his lip with his fangs girls melted i hsot it at her head hse scrreamed it wasit hea r though "hahah scared much"i aksed 'UR PS- 'pyscho yeahs" s iad in my cent she ufmed "umm kidn sir would u give kamkam a knife" she siad "uh wow"he siad "nad yeah sure kamkam" he i "yes kami but i go by kamkam to sexy guys" she crped out he huckled "heh james" he said in a seduitve siky tone "no dirnk kamkams blodo kamkam to specila nad has special pls wiht her ike hers' she iad poitn to me i laoded my seial gun he jumped awa i looked at kami "kamkam okay" i claed she noded i taped it eyeng him tpaig my dirnk with it i tped it it droped i smiled kindly then it roared out they flew back "kenzken no hurt james kamkam like ass' he id "haha kamkam always lke as" i muttere she gigggledi srike dnd turned away ontiuing my talk my gun away  it hsockd him 'hes big ppl thats my- "rrothr i knows mckenzie" i siad "ohhh" hes id "so she the-- 'hcik of allL CHICKS KAMKAM ROLE MODEL' sh eyeled out leading him over "this jameseh he dante bwother" he said i eyed him cocking my head "dont mean i wont shot u" I si ddantes eye got ide it shocked hte hel outta him to "u see my glocks say r budies wotn attack otherwise ti gna be alo of imortla blod in this damn bitch so try me i dont care ifur dntes brother il mruder u for huritng kamkam in any wy aka keep ur caninesto ur fuckignself or ur dealing witha hgue as mutha fucing problem capeish" is iad he looek at dante "like her' he iad i pitol hwiped him "i siad capiehsh" i gorle out leanig in he noded in shock i walkd o f kamkam huging onto my arm like a kid wadling him hooked on kami instantly she sat down by her chibi loking she wadnered of he did to she wandered in on a bad gu "uh oh" she sai dhe turned he lunged she slashed he heel he stay daown "poison" kamkam hicped out he lunged i ahd him udnerr myboto dante nt he rof with his sibling smoking i looked lfiing him doignt he smae mvoe ment I loked my blod rose out it could kil hi an owuld kil him it touhed his throat "what were u gona do" kamkam chirped out giglging "FEED ON U THEN ILLL KILLL U LIKE THE HUMAN- 'thats it" i roaredout nad slit it he flew and hit the wal it went boom i chuckled and it sldd in as i walked ot kami i huged her "kamkam stay insdie rosy" she siad coem on" i aid leaing her in  then lean them zoemd in "lele" she chripe out "kami what tourble u got urslef into now the buer ringed" hse siad "kamkam fine"  she mutterd hding behind me lena hook her head "heh hey kenz been a while" she said eing dante dhcing ont he dead guy "haha dead guy clean uP isle 2" i mutered they laughed so hard he llaughed out bout it haearing me i giggled 'thats old" kamkma iad 'DEAD GUY WHA PUSH' we hcroued hiting it "voer there' we chroused poitngn ppl went sreaming all ovr him "haha lok at htat blod look at it gush i bet this kiler was harsh it just hcop off his mutha fukca- i wen tn heran of iwht hs bdueei throwig up i lughed so hard about it dante laughig aout t "hahahhha gore blooddddddddddddddddddddd" she ia dnt he bood in a creepy voie he rna fof pking "haha its a girl" i said hey died lauhgig dante landed swiing me up a girl prowled up hising her fangs ut i jmpe di hised out showing m cnaiens nad fangs blod on em shoign i kiled him she jumepd to the otherside I let out  feire roar and snarl "mie" i ii in my alpha otne hse kneeled i smirked nad walked off "u cant make a- "i can if i pcials" i sai na wadled off "she so cute' dante siai dn chased em "yeah hes in lvoe" hes iad a few months later that igrl been aroudn i walked in on her kisn dante i shook in rage she wa flung out by a nthr girl she liked him cheek i looked their jaw n he ground I broke the genjutsu and took down aito who had dante i got him bakc alright I toe through the udnerwol portals aldnign my coak hood up i st own tkaing it all out u knowkeznie was jut liek u girl" hismom siad "i know i was becuz i am kenzie" i adi tkaing it down hr jaw doed she yanked it and rubed it it dint cme off she huged me crying in joy his dad drpeoe ad huged me tightly "thoe mirand gils aid u wre ali- "thye found me in my hut i ran becuz i coudnt stan the fact of htinking- "he dint lvoe u" his mom siad i nodded 'so i petended liek i ws deadd and ran to  cabin trined mya ss off" is iad "ho did u- I smiled "u wil sees" i siad nad stoo up leaving soon it hi "as u know i prepoed and i lvoe he wiht all the hitngsi could muster' heiad eyeing hte two girsl smirking hugely "woudl u come up my luna my future queen future wie lvoer of the night" he siad I wasswooend by it they stodup "Mckenize" he siad i wlake up nuzzling onto hi arm flashign the ring muthign sit yo ases ddown they fumed nd s down as i used my alpah voice it hokced him i looked giggling "haii" ih rped out he hcukled hugig onto m em  nuling im misin hm I pured out he let out a ocntent rumble oooo I nuzzled close wanitng more he knew he ey dme I looke dup ndoing he held me I ws shying away "febuary if u may sk on valnetines day" she siad "her death date thats a bit- "romanitc even though i de that day" i siad it shocked em "shes the one for dante" ken sia thye laughed at that "yeah but u sit want ur amn pws on me" i growld out he got islent I nuzzled dante liek m his! he fumed "sooner o later u be nuzlng me" ken said "ken go to barbie" i gole out they laughed so hard at that ocmet his parents een loked own tying not to laugh he stormed of 'HWO CAN SHE NOT WNT ME" he roared out I looked swaing aound he saw yipod his mom giggledd at that seein i was saying naturl things a luna would say "and i thik we hould uhh- i took i tout "i o trak are nt- "no ur on trakc babe he iad lahgign out i hit him he whined kisng my hand i sighed he ised up "luna is a little danr" he i they snickered "luna kick ru ass ina f ew' is iad iwht a sweet smiel towards the crowd hi mom laughed a joyufl laugh thats her' his dd said son i shelded us and everyone it hit near me 'DAMN THE TRANSFER OF THE MIDNS TO BE HER ISNT GOOD NOUGH AMMY' tak said outloud 'U IDIOT" hse roared out I aited and kile dher o iolenty i hited back and tooka  wrpa sliign it on i snaped it had a moon on it i was wlaking in heels loing liek the gorgeous  beauty i as they gasped out at me "lunas a goddess" one of em whispered girls that is I leaned into dante murmruing i wanan suggle he hcukled "baby girl come on" he siad i looked i wadle dup shoving his ahdns away and dto my hips smiling "MEEITN FUCKIGN AJJORED' i roared out lie an lapha glaring at em so ocldy it made hsi dad feel  proud joy they left in awe of hier luna 'there elts go snuggle" wihined out he laughed out and hugged onto me "u cant od that luan"he iad "i can i i wnan snuggle" i ttered he chcuckled "u ealy wanans nuggle" ehiwspred "yes" i siad he huckled 'fine" he said we wa snugging hwile he got wok dont I was uzzlign him he elt out a pure manly dakrpurr oooo I nuzld near it he kept leting it out i ontinued he nuzeled into my mark ipued rumbblning leting it out he mirked nad i hit hi with my fang hwile nuzling it he purred letig it out it hokce a pck memebr he epeekd in to see us snugglig he turnd seting the file down hwoig it wa thir alpha his arm wetn round me "i thik she has- 'spll hel no" his sistrs groled out hswoing it us til nuzzling sweetly he nuled my chin i was in him leitng him nuzle  mme puign na dnejoying it him snuggling  with me soon hi dadd hem was heded here or the file u iont he lvoeseat me in his lap us snugging we went ba snugglina dnuzzling andd t was pure sweetness they walked in tey stopd int heirtrack i nuled near an inncoent look u he hukl i fud it i nuzled it he pured out i had ve mine i let uot an amused pur liek not i! he hcukled at that i gigled someen cleard thir throats we truned I  layign there shying away form the newbie "hwo i she" they asked about me "ur brothers future luna wie and his lover McKenzie" he iad thye went back we see us kisng while snuggling and nuzzling they kncoke he sighed "dman its snuggle time not dman ppl intrudcce time i ot this" i siad he laughed "sit odwn" he siad "No u" i ia dhe sighed sitng down i anwsere "heey we wana know who be u and what u r urly t our brother" he siad i opened i he sat there pissed offnow i nuzled his neck  bit he nuzled nea the door i left I shifte nd tore in i roled and got int hehwoer i got out and looked thuogh kiminos i lokoe nad saw it i melteit i smelt dangerou GET MATE NOW' my wol yeled out I put on a beatiflkimino no maeup on i was the most angelieci thing u ever saw "where mgith alpah be" ia sked his iter laughed leading me i gigled "whats up u sound serious and alert" hse siad "yeah i had this layed out' i i hsowing her  she took a sniff she gaspe dout and shot off wih e i shot of at ampire speed she busted in "what' he roare out "u oudl be nicer-dankun" i heard i thew  kunai it boomed she flew out i looked walkig in "dont like her'i siad he blushed at me he took aicture i laughed shaking my head orlign my eye "babe" is iad he urned his undieing fous on me i set it own he gaped fuming t it I eyed him siting here 'where did u- "it had a ntoe iwht my name n it my wolf told me to tel u" i siad "i id danger so i came" is id "good job' he hwipered nuzzling em i let outa pur i eyed he and growled loudlyi it shookth ehwole earth she ran whimpering in wolf form i turne away peeved now he nuled me i nhoved his head awya he nuzeld iti Purred in amusement he hcukled and kised my cheek 'come on" he siad I waite noin he htoguht i was oging back i ran adn juped on hi back he laughd out nad held me we walekd intot he elder meeting I was itl on his back my eye sgot shifty  hs ad was sutnned his mom smiling sweetly at me "our luna i in trouble" one of he apc membrs si "what is it" his mom got nspay "someone say kenzie ini trouble" lzi siad wlaking win wiht ahsitlaod of weapons "yeah truly where she at" his rnpma whined out they eyd me on dantes back asleep no "oi oi ur toruble" he mutteed tto me i giggled mouthig thnak u his mom giggled nuzzling his dads head he hkled he smiled  "so i it a one night stand" his rbother siad i looked shocked they looked jaws open I purt my adn up  it nspaed shut i looked "no i am not a whore o i am not a one niht tand cum guzzler slut gold igger- i named em all "so thnk u for asking me whne im around but i wouldliek u to think of me as wlll ur luna becuz i am now stop beign  btichy kid and get over it' is iad with a kidns mile "kay" i said it shocked he hel outt pl the coldest elder hcukled "lvoe her' he said ina  ocld otne 'HEYS HEYSSS' i yeled out he tunred "kenzie u arent deadd'hes aid hotig up his ife hugge me tighty ti shocked ante he yanekd me awya hwhisepring "kenzie is ur new luna amaing choie shes amzing well thgoth out she plans good she plans at arius thems bttle ball tels us the advantage it all shes amazign at swors u chose the best luna" his dad siad smiling towards me i cheesed ti shoked em "u do" dante asked in his turned on acent "yeahs" i aidn mine giggling he hcukled "oi stop fliitng" den iad we ighed "get a dick" said bluntly ti shocked th ehll outta pl "yes thats her" his ddd said huckling huely his mom broke out into aluahg many ocld moms did "hahaha thats what is iad to ru father when i met him thats gona be our line babe" i chired out he glared me down i got islent thy laugheds o ahrd at that cocmment "that was ur fathr dante" hsi mom siad he growled outliek neer rpeat that "itt ruly was he alked up said ur my mate mate me tonight and i siad fuck u get a dick" she iad i looekd "ahha ur not lieing and ur shakey about this u thkn of ur ocld position knwoign she not lieing it shows strenght that u stil got ur mate ind a end" is iad oclldy he smirked noign i ndoded back "i ired' wi hiend out he nuzled me an picked me up "what baout the- he slooked they brung in somehting me to lay in i yanekd him down and nuzzled u gong to sleep it hsocked em he sighed "oi oi umm she found this she said her wolf aid danger take to mate" he siad thorwin git and the note 'this cannot be her u knw what is out and cnnot be reached he is to ro- "no he wants to see kenzie one way or naother" his mom siad........


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