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'dante dante" I said he looked down at me "its fine" I said my hand gliding down his cheek as I wipped the tears away he llooked his eyes wide "im im sorry" he whispered over and over I looked at him sitting up "im fine dante" I said he looked down at me his eyes watering again i healed myself so it would help him come to terms with I was truly and still am fine i looked kissing him he kissed me back his eyes no longer watering i had a vision I went rigid uh what was going on I looked "i do" I heard dante said I looked turning her around it it was.... me and him at the alter wtf I saw a women break own crying waving us off for our honey moon o-o wtf I came out in shock he looked at e "what did u see" he asked me I was speechless he looked snapping "kenzie" he said snapping his fangs jumped out gliding down i didnt oan I just sat there my eyes wide jaw a bit open "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled when i was outta it the girls ran back he was shocked "what the hell" lena said my eyes wide "haha I think hers was longer" lina said "yep" ali and kat said "do u guys wanna know what we saw" lina asked "whatever it is it sure is freaking kenzie out" lena said pointing to me going frantic and screaming alot of cuss words "AHHH THEY DIDNT TEACH US THIS IN SCHOOL" i yelled going nuts they all raised their eyebrows he was just as shocked he watched me just go nuts "shes not gonna stop is she" dante asked "uh.. no" lena said they shook their heads "u try" kat said "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH TODAY WHAT THE HELL F MY LIFE WHAT FUCKING AGE AM I THERE SHOULD BE A BONUNDIE AHHHHHHHH I HATE SCHOOL THEY NEVER TEACH U ABOUT THIS SHIT OR BEING PREGNANT FUCK MY LIFE AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" i yelled fainting they just looked at me unconcious "wow" kaden said "yep" jacey said "wonder what she was yeling about what had her so freaked out" lena said kicking me "think shes dead" kaykay said I shot up she screamed i laughed so hard holding my stomach she hit me "THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" she yelled the guys and girls were laughing "sure it wasnt kaykay" I said standing up when I felt a little light headed I stumbled kat them did the same "whats going on I feel weak" lena said I looked down before collasping with a groan he darted over "kenzie kenzie dont joke kenzie" he yelled shaking me the guys seeing their girlfriends jamie came up "master they are tooken out what do u want me to do" she asked he turned "U FUCKING TRAITOR!" he yelled taking out his sword the guys took their weapons out they fought she was better I need to wake up help them I looked strength flaming from me she looked over they all did my eyes shot open I stood up "hm u shoulda never crossed me u see I got things that help me im a pureblood babe lets see if u can take me" I said she glared but her eyes showed fear of me I snickered on the floor played we were outside now I opened my eyes getting in my stance pissed off he looked at me I ran at her I was better I twirled slamming her head onto the tree I threw her twirling around I kicked her she flew I punched her then I grabbed her kneeing her I kneed her up she flew up I looked raising my hands lightning struck her I smiled ruthlessly I looked lena woke as I gave them strength they jumped in the guys were stunned I looked "I want her" I said looking at lena she smirked nodding they steped out I jumped up slamming my foot in her she hit the ground I span on her emmitting fire I fliped back yanking her up I kicked her she went through several trees I hummed walking over to her bodie I kicked it "get up" I said coldly she stood up panting "I told u not to cross me jamie u see im not weak anymore u shoulda kept ur trap shut and stayed away but now im gonna show u what happenes WHEN U CROSS A SHENU!" i yelled my hand in the air a sword floated down she took hers out mine hit hers everytime lightning going in her she looked at me "what the do u see that" blaze asked "what" dante asked "everytime kenzie strikes shes putting lightning in her" dean said in shock lena chuckled "thats her power hm this is only 10 percent I think shes useless she shouldnt even use that much" ava said coldly rain over me came on as she shot up power flarring i twirled my sword circling her he looked at me "how much strength does she have" beth asked "hm ud be surprised" lena said eyeing em she struck I hit the tree she threw the sword it went in me he shot over she grabbed him "master wants u" she said I looked and took it out I looked jumping through "kenzie" "dante" they both yeled "okay now its on" lena shreiked ava caled kate she came up pissed off "they got who" she said "kenzie" lena said she turned the clouds striking all over she was immensely pissed "U MEAN TO TELL ME THEY GOT HER U SHOULDA JUMPED IN LENA NOW SHES FUCKING CAPTURED HOW STUPID ARE U GUYS!" she yelled "forgive us" ava said she glared "kat" she said "hideout a couple miles south" she said I was chained up with him I looked healing instantly he walked down "troublesome girl" he said going to kick me I glared his foot stopped he hit the wall I smiled "master" jamie yelled she turned glaring me down "oh yeah im so fucking scared hey master" i called he fumed "u wanna know how she got us" I asked he looked at me "she was gonna betray u" I said his eyes went wide hers did to "liar" she yelled "my cell is in my backpocket go to the speaker and click number 3" I said he did she was saying it he looked her eyes widened i laughed "dumb bitch I aint going down alone" I caled dante chuckled "im loing u more anadmore" he said to me "awww" I said he chuckled smartass" he said I snickered "i love u to babee" I said "haha u must be kidding her" he yeled pointing to me "haha I did stab u brah" i said he looked I snickered he took it out gasping "my own invention ya like" I aasked him he slaped me dante fumed "oh yeah that hurt alot boo fuckity hoo" I said dante laughed he was mad he kicked me "yeah u think that hurt" i asked him he fumed "shut up u wench" he yelled "im so hurt" I muttered dante was laughing at my comments he put a knife to dantes throat my eyes went wide "will u shut up now" he snarled I glared him down "their gonna be here sooon babe" I thought sending it to him he looked the portal opened emma jumped down "hey em" i said "hey rose" she said braking the chains I smiled breaking his he sighed I rubbed my wrists smiling he chuckled we looked guards ran down "im not stupid" he said coming down "are u sure" I asked him dante chuckled I looked around for jamie I took em out easily i ran for him i like it playing on my ipod we fought my strikes powerful he tried sucking it out but I knew what to do he was stunned it idnt work I kicked him he hit the wall I ran throwing my chain I yanked it he flew to me I smiled punching him when death eaters showed up I took dantes hand "lets go" kate yeled we ran in I opened it emma slid in like the others I shut it bellatrix was to late with her spell we landed on hogwarts grounds I was panting I walked over to kate she grinned at me I smirked "nice to see ya big sis" I said their jaws droped "big sis?" lena asked "yeah" kate said i smirked "u guys shoulda figured it out by now" kate said with a yawn "go to bed kate" I said "kk call me in the morning" she said "kay" i said walking over to dante he looked at me and smiled hugging me I hugged him back "hn" a chick said ""oh babe this is amara" he said few months later amara had been acting strange towards dante I walked in on valentines day to see him and his dad argueing "amara is gonna be ur wife u have not preposed to that wild girl" he yelled "dad give us more time" he said "no I will not" he yeled "hm amara isnt anyting that i want she lies she steals she cheats kenzie doesnt do that shes amazing dad unlike amara who only wants sex and money im not gonna share a bed with that that thing" he yelled "she is not a thing" he yelled "yeah she is dad I hate her I totally loathe her shes nothing but a hoe" he yelled his dad glared at me beth beside me shaking her head "she wil never be my sister in law" dean said "mine either" beth said the others agreed "yeah kenzie is much more better oh hello dear' she said "hey" I said with a smile towards her amara turned she glared I glared right back she stood I was covred in purple flames her in her own flames our eyes red as we glared each other dad beth chibi looked backing up his grandma smiled "see this is why I like kenzie she has spunk oh boy amaras gonna get a beat down" his grandma said "grandma" his aunt yelled I rolled my eyes she glared "watch ur back biatch" she said "u should watch urs u never know what can hapen u could break ur neck and die when u lleave" i said coldly "haha damn!" katlyn yelled "is that a threat" she asked "no babe... its a promise" i said in her face she fumed "have a nice day" I snarled venomiously she walked out I smirked "hey everyone" I said with a smile they grinned I sat down next to his aunt "ooo nice shoes" she said to me "sale" I said we highfived his dad fumed "no no no no wild girls on our couch" he yelled okay ouch "why do u hate her" blaze asked him "becu she is not the right girl for ur brother" he yelled "she is" dante yelled at him "uh I can go if im causing anything" I said everybody said no his dad said yes I looked down standing up "kenzie u dont have to go" dante said "I dont want any trouble" I muttered looking down he smiled "ur not" beth said I looked at em his dad glared at me "no ur trouble as I was saying amara is the one for u" he said "NO SHE IS NOT I DO NOT WANT HER I HATE HER DAD WHAT DONT U UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT HUH ILOVE KENZIE IM GONNA WAIT FOR HER U CAN KICK ME OUT BUT I WIL NEVER EVER EVER MARRY ANY OF THE GIRLS U CHOOSE  I WANT TO MARRY KENZIE!" he yeled I was outside watching things fly by when a carrage showed up a women got out her breath caught at me i smiled at her "hello" she said kindly to me "helo" I said back being polite I bowed in respect she did the same "what manners u have I am elizabeth" she said "my names mckenzie" I said smiling at her she smiled back "well kenzie what are u doing out here in the cold" she asked me "waiting for the argueing to stop" I said "oh no no no come in" she said I followed her in they gasped "sister darling" she said to his mom they hugged I stood there looking down gift in hand for dante he looked over he smiled at me i smiled back "hm I found this beautiful well mannered young lady outside" she said his dad fumed "her to u little- "bill u do not speak to a youn lady that way" elizabeth said I stood there "hm who might this young lady be dating" she said "dante" dean said "oh I aboselutely approveI can also tell she has spunk" she said with a wink his mom laughed "boy does she" his grandma said I smiled at them "hm dante shes a keeper and U know im not easily approved of she knew exactly what to do" she said he looked over I was looking down at the gift "what is that" he asked me I blushed "ur valentine gift" I muttered he smiled walking over I handed it to him he took it out his eyes widened I smiled "it can turn into any weapon that u think of" I said smiling "who made this" dean asked me "um kinda me I always have spar time after training" i said he smiled "I love it" he said I smiled happily elizabeth smiled "when might u two be getting married" she asked "they are not getting married" his dad yeled "oh but why not dad" dante asked with a sly grin he fumed "U SHALL NOT BE DATING THAT THING! THAT MONSTEROUS THING!" he yelled my eyes widened I ran out tears streaming down "kenzie" they all yelled "thanks dad god I hate u" dante said drting out after me he saw me he ran over  to see me crying he bent down "hey" he whispered I looked up sad "hm ur not a monster kenzie" he said "why does ur dad hate me" I asked him he looked at me "hm he thinks ur changing me he thinks that im having to much fun and i need to g bac to that soilder soulless heartless emotionless soilder yeah I used to date other girls but they were the same as me not fun and ur actualy fun a free spirit adventerous gorgeous beautiful girl that I dont want anyone to have I love u kenzie" he said I looked "I love u to" I said his eyes went wide I looked up smiling I scooted closer elizabeth came out ur hands together "oh I see u found her" she said he nodded "why did u run off dear" his mom asked I looked down "when she was a kid she lived in this nin village thats how she knows how to fight there are things in her things kids teased her hit her jumped her for she was calle dmurder monster everyday she was hit by parents to told to stay away from their kids or have no contact  then her uh mom died" he said knowing my story their eyes widened "im so sorry for bill saying that" his mom said "its umm fine" I said they looked at me he stood helping me up "hm so what did u do to be called those things" his aunt asked me "nothing" I muttered they looked so shocked "nothing at all" his mom asked me "no I was caled that becuz I had demons in me there are demons of all villages and well we werent normal so they picked on us hit us for no reason but we had power there are still shenu girls out there other then me and they wil know what we go through they know the pain other kids with them in us ddo to  they know why we fight everyday I want to be a role model to kids who have those things in them I want to give them a message not to give up hope" I muttered they looked at me in awe he was looking at me adoringly elizabeth was in awe of how intense we were how we looked at each other "and have u" his mom asked me i smiled "i think I have" I said she smiled at me I smiled bck we walked inside lena called "kaito struck again huh who now" I asked he looked at me "hm what hes got who" I asked my eyes went wide I droped it ddarting out I sunk I loked walking in "report" I said seriously "kats been gone for a while like ava" lena said "anything he left anything" I asked they nodded handing me a note he picked up the phone "lena is she there" he asked "yes shes currently tracking kaito" lena said "we wil be there in a few" beth said "kay bye" lena said hanging up they came through a portal I was floating the note floating there I continued tracking him dante hoped through like the adults his grandma wheeled in "got him" I said landing in a crouch lena smirked slyly "where" kami asked "hes currently on the move" I said "where do u- "hes gonna give them to the akatsuki hes made a deal with them" I said "change now ill call kate" lena said i nodded changing i put on my headband straping my pouch on I walked down the parents looked "report sis" she asked me "their near the hideout we need to get their now kate" I said "elts go" dante said we hoped through the portal I ran in and then I did an epic move the adults came helping us I stood there konan smirked I eyed ava who was struggling I threw a kunai it cut their bonds they stood up I was fighting konan soon you make me feel came on as I got serious "sharingan" I said itachis head shot up I used it to my advantage i had bended it to my will I smiled floating up I looked doing my new jutsu it took out four opppnents at one shot I smiled twirling around i kicked itchi "plz" I snarled going for him I threw many kunai it went boom he collasped i snickered sliding I twirled kicking konan his aunt sllammed her into the wall I looked my hand up I took out the oppnent that was about to tab his dad he turned I smiled slyly "lena" I called "get back" she yelled at em they did I looked doing it they were to busy in the genjutsu konan ran screaming about spiders in her hair "lets go" I yelled opening the portal we went through I twirled keeping it open they al got in i smiled kat jumped in I grabbed dante by his collar we left we came up I sighed in relief I smiled at ava them "thanks u saved our ass" kat said "all kenzie" kate said I looked "a ha no" I said "hm yes" kate said I shoved her she laughed I smiled walking upstairs to change "hn who was that who savd ur life" dante asked raising ihis eyebrow "she did" he said "whats her name" beth asked milking it "mckenzie hm wonder why" he said "shes not the type to let anyone die" lena said "yeah she saves our asses everytime we get captured" kami said "so is this usual" katlyn asked "no not realy" kat said i changed jogging down drying my hair "hey u guys karoke night is tonight" I called "yay" ava yelled I laughed they ran up to get reaady "hm go have fun with ur g-g-gir-" "girlfriend" dante said he nodded his mom smiled patting his butt he chuckled he went to get ready man I looked good I put on the heels and fishnet glove I smiled "hm so what hapened" his uncle asked his dad "oh sorry we had to help someone" his dad said "like" he said "mckenzie them that girl is powerful beautiful and indepedent" elizabeth said loving me "haha everybody loves that girl" his dad muttered "hm dont be so sad she did save ur ass" his grandma said ""ooo how" he asked "she shot it with lightning" his mom said "ooooo think he will prepose soon" his grandma asked "lets hope so" his aunt said dante stood there his eyebrow raised he was in the shirt I loved him to wearhe had it unbuttoned showing his new abs and bodie kaden them walked down "hey cme on dude the girls are waiting" eric said hanging up with kaykay we loked fine as hell "uh ur not going like that are u" his dad asked "yeah kenzie loves this shirt" he said shrugging his aunt giggled they left eegar to see us "man I have never seen those three eegar to see girls" his mom said arms crossed "mmmm" his dad said "come on kenzie says shes got ur birthday present" katlyn caled they al left "dont wait up daddy" beth said kissing his cheek with pjs in hand "ur doing a sleepover" elizabeth asked she nodded "kenzie is so cool she has this backyard with a waterfal and everything u can imagine" gena said she was around lenas age "wow shes famous with them" his uncle said "yes she is" his mom said giggling "give kenzie this for me" his grandma said handing em it "kay grandma see ya dad" they all caled sinking dante was shoving his older brother I was looking fine I got out shades on as they came up sitting down we walked in talking "kenzie" katlyn caled I looked and grinned waving I jogged over handing her her gift "sweet" she gasped "omg i always wanted this" gena yelled i laughed "I know I found it a few weeks ago" I said she hugged me i laughed dante sat with tay them I breezed by he looked his eyes wide he turned I giggled winking at him sitting down he chuckled turning away "kenzie" jess caled I turned and shot up hugging the team "oooo whos he" unis said dante was checking me out I laughed "stop undressing me with ur eyes" I whispered in his ear "im sorry i cant help it" he said I laughed shoving him he chuckled "there is nothing wrong with that dude I do it every night" tay said thrusting they whooped howling he was howling to he laughed highfiving jason we sat I was nodding I snickered when he grinned "hey babe" dante called from the mic lena hit me i looked she nodded onstage I looked on "i wrote this song aout u" he said I laughed "corny much" I called he chuckled  music started he called it sexy can I he sang it "omg" kami yelled I shook my head "hes crazy" gena yelled i laughed tay raped walking out he sang it "omg their nuts" ava yelled I laughed puling her up we got on dancing on stage he danced on me I rolled it back he grinned bcking up checking my ass out he continued singing "haha shes so bold" unis said ava dancing on tay jason walked out doing hte next one he ocntinued lina smirked I grinned she got on highfiving me we did the handshake I rolled it around with ava and lina they looked back he grabbed me by my short shorts I rolled it around on him they ended we walked down sitting down "u guys are bold as hell I mean I wouldnt be able to do that" lauren said sitting down I laughed they got on doing some dance moves hs older brother with em they did this handshake jason went me and lina went to get our drinks I got the food I set it down smiling at em lauren sliped me the mic I smirked at him he grinned I smiled getting on the bar counter dancing to it temari taping it I took out my mic doing it the girls around me I continued they turned he was shocked it was me I continued "he say rosey dont stop u the bestest and I just be coming off the top as fastest" I sang changing it he smirked I turned away continueing to dance on the br counter with lauren kate walked in with a guys arm around her I smiled "katey dearest" I called she looked she grinned waving I laughed waving back I rolled my hips to the beat krisy walked in I walked over to her his eyes went wide "hey hoe nice race" she said to me "thanks urs was badass as usual" I said she hugged me I hugged her back I smiled eva grinned they ended I smiled onami hugged me I hugged her back "how does ur girl know krisy them" his brother asked "huh krisy them what the hell are they doing here and what the hell do u mean" he asked krisy sat down by kate they hugged I smiled they giggled hugging me tightly I walked back "hey babe do u know krisy them" he asked me "krisy yeah we umm race together an shes a shenu" I said he looked shocked "u race" kaden asked "kaykay and jacey and I were kidna like orphans we got into that like 2 months later" I said shrugging "wow" eric said I shrugged walking off sitting down he looked at me he was eyeing krisy okay major jealousy she glared at him walking into the bathroom he stood following "why r u here krisy" he snarled "what I cant see my best friend" she snarled "stay away from kenzie" he snarled "why u afraid I might spill u kissed me" she asked I heard it my eyes went wide "no I was shoved on u by dean" he said "oh uh huh" she said I looked taking my stuff leaving I looked i was at home he fumed "god damn it krisy I swear im teling the truth I wouldnt do that" he said she looked "ur telling the truth hm" she said lena was wondering where I went off to tyra called "hey" I said "oH MY GOD TRULY" I shreiked I hung up screaming my maids ran down "Im gonna be on victoria secret and the cover of their new magazine" I yelled they shreiked in joy I grinned hugely someone knocked i anwsered it it was dante he sighed "whyd id u leave" he asked me "go ask krisy" I snarled walking upstairs he banged on it "nothing happened I swear dean was being a asshole drunk and shoved me on her our lips met and I instantly stopped kenzie" he said he broke down my door to see kaito choking me I tried he riped him off thowing him through my balcony windows I layed there he used his powers I tried getting air he laughed I passed out I changed so hed think i was dead "one down" he said darkly my eyes flashed open I gasped for air I coughed "what the helll happened" he asked me "I came in to see him looking at my pictures I couldnt fight back he was to fast" I said coughing more he nodded he saw the mark I had when I was born "how did u get this" he asked me "u never noticed it before" I asked him he shook his head "I been had this dante" I said he sighed "uh we need to see dad tommrow" he said "I umm cant" I said he looked raising his eyebrow "im gonna be on the victoria secret runway" I said his jaw droped "u got it" he yelled I Nodded he swung me round I laughed "thats awesome" he yelled I laughed noding wait I was mad at him I slappedhim he fell holding his cheek "never do that again" I said he sighed "I didnt mean to"  he said i nodded sighing I layed there "come on back" he said eyeing me "gimme a good reason" I said he chuckled "plz" he said I looked he stood there "ur lucky ur hot" I said standing up dropping my clothes not caring he starred at me lust filling his eyes I looked back giggling i walked into the bathroom he went for it i shut it so fast he growled "ur such a tease" he said I laughed he looked ppicking the lock I was turning on the shower he walked in shutting it I turned he smiled kissing me i kissed him back we made up all night I was asleep on his chest when someone banged on the door I woke putting on his shirt walking down I anwsered it it was dean his eyes went wide "hes asleep" I said "umm uhh ill come back later" he said walking off I shut it cooking for him he walked down walking around the corner he smiled kissing my neck I moaned softly "hm ur brother was here a few hours ago" I said he looked 'dean" he asked I nodded he chuckled "who cares" he said unbuttoning his shirt it droped he smiled a devilish smile wow tay caled he anwsered I was kissing his neck "hm what is it" he asked "dude dean called" he said "uh huh" he said "hm dude he said kenzie was in ur shirt and we all know wht that means" he said "so what man" he said "haha good luck" he said "get off the phone" I said he chuckled I took it hanging up he threw me on the bed smiling i woke up again to hear a kknock I put on his shirt walking down I anwsered it it was ava them their eyes went wide like kates "umm hey u guys" I said "hey biatch u better dish" ava said I laughed "shut up hes asleep" I said they grinned "oh yeah the sleepover we postponed it" I said "yeah we postponed it so i see what u been doing al day to make u miss practice" kate said i blushed smacking her she laughed i walked upstairs getting ready I was brushing my hair him watching me wide awake "glad ur awake" I said he chuckled i threw him his ticket he caught it smiling at me I bit my lip they were ready tay them knocked I anwsered dean smirked I smacked him he felll with a thud the gils broke out into laughs I smiled he jogged down "hey babe seen my shirt" he caleld "yeah im wearing it"I called my head on beths lap she looked i smiled she laughed he looked he smirked "u already know its gona be tore tonight anyway" I said he chuckled walking upstairs "wow" katlyn said I blushed they laughed "u nasty hoe" amara screamed "amara why r u here" he snarled "i wanna marry u baby I love u" she said "bull shit" we all said she fumed he chuckled "ur bul shit" she said I pulled out my glock "u know what this does" i asked her kate laughed "put the gun away kenzie" dean said "why" i asked him "haha dean likes her" gena said "oooooo go to dean stop chasing my man" I said glaring she fumed "u still get al the richs gold digger" hinata said bluntly I busted out laughing "shut up hinata" lena said llaughing she fumed "ur nothing but a shy no good slutty bitch" she said okay thats it I tackled her dean grabbed her dante grabbed me "no im gonna pop a cp straight up that bitchs ass" I yeled "cool it" he whispered to me I looked at him "no nobody talks to my friend that way ur lucky he grabbed me" I yelled at him she went at me I went for her it tok all the guys to hold us back kate watched grinning "haha smackdown" lena yelled taking popcorn they ate some "what the hell kate help us with ur little sister" her boyfriend yeled "haha no one can stop her" kate said "want a bet" dante said yanking me up he pushed me against the wall whispering I sighed cooling down I was calm "I aint saying sorry though" I said he chuckled I sat down whispering naruto looked mad at her he helped me to stop make her crying I let him take over she nodded wipping her tears I smiled "lets go dean keep ur bitch in line" I said walking out she fumed "man she hates u" blaze said looking at amara "u did kiss her boyfriend" sakura said "haha yeah I could barely et her to forgive me" ino said "thats hard u never cross her" temari said "haha yeah shes awesome though" hinata sai quietly I got in the limo he pulled me on his lap i smiled soon we left I got out they grabbed me I was on tv I put up peace signs giggling paprazzi got pictures of dante he sat down next to his bass player he was eyeing jacey they had a thing but now she was with kaden he glared "keep ur eyes of my girl on the runway" he snarled at him he glared turning away I laughed waving with jacey and kaykay I smiled putting it on they did it I walked out he cheered for me I walked back man it was amazing being on the runway I put it on it was red his fav color I smiled walking out "she looks amazing" a women said about me "yes shes currently the it girl shes suppose to have a magazine out" lady gaga said I smiled and they asked me about dante "uh what can I say about him uhhh hes amazing awesomely hot- I went on "and he understands me its all I could ever wish for I love ya babe" I said waving he smiled I showed off the one i posed in this sexy way giving a seductive look while showing off the thing they is held by my one finger I smiled walking back I put up a peace sign giggling kaykay walked out eric cheered for her I smiled changing quickly I put on the boots I smiled brushing out my hair I made it look like i died it it was snowy white then went own black i smiled they did my makeup soon I walked out he stood up cheering they showedd him he grinned i patted my heart pointing to him I walked back soon we were done we walked out I was in the line i smiled brushing my hair out changing they gave me the goodie bag wow it had all the outfits it all "I can use these on kaden" jacey said wiggling her hips I giggled I bit my lip giggling "ah we know ur gonna use it kenzie" kaykay said I laughed shrugging we set it down in the car he ran out hugging me "u were amazing" he said i laughed "come on dude" kaden said "uh il see u tommrow" he caled i waved bye us girls got in we pulled up walking in laughing we changed they had gotten some to I was in my fav one it was red satin I smiled we had fun playing t or d "truth or dare" ava asked lina "dare" she said "haha dare u to kiss kenzie and send it to the guys!" she said I broke out into a laugh "omg they would probably be jacking off to it" lina yelled I laughed nodding "do it" tiana yelled kate nodded we did it they got many pictures we sent it else where we all got texts I fliped my cell open it was kenzie and lina making out! "wow!" jason yelled "haha yeah" I said "haha wow kenzie is naughteeeehhh" dean said I smacked him "its true though dante she is" jason said "so is lina" I said they Ohed he shoved him "haha lets go uhh give em a surprise" nate said "in" neji said him and tenten had been caught making out "u only wanna see tenten neji" naruto yelled "haha u gotta choose naruto hinata or sakura" chouji said he blushed they laughed we lefft to see em shirtless back to kenzie them we heard rocks being hit on my window I looked "kate u go check it out" lena said as I changed I giggled my hair down and howhe likes it she looked "omg its the guys" she said "oo let us see" jacey said we ran to the window looking out I looked seeing him he smirked at me i smirked back "lock the doors and windows" I said "aw come on we wanna see u and lina kiss" tay yelled I put out my middle fingers walking off I shut it we laughed shutting the windows rosealie darted down liek alice locking it we laughed I giggled whispering to jacey and kaykay we teased em I laughed so hard they growled "let us in" he mouthed I laughed and grabbed jacey we kissed his and kadens eyes wet wide we made out right there lena them laughing "haha look their going nuts" kaykay said we laughed running off "haha look their gonna break it down cast the spell" lena yelled we did it all together we wathed eating candy I was sucking on a lolipop watching "haha do it do it!" we chanted they fumed at us amused by it "break it down" I yelled kate laughed so hard at how I said it I laughed when all of a sudden someone opened a portal "shit" I said blaze unlocked it we took off they chased us i hid in the ceiling kate saw me i put my finger to my lips "where is she kate" dante asked "I dont know" she said "kate we know u know he only wants to f- "shut up tay" he said I droped silently so silent I slid down latching on swinging up as nate looked "sly" kate thought lena grinned hugely sitting there at ease like the girls "why are yall so calm" dean asked "cuz theirs one more left and that one more aint gonna go down easily" kate said "damn right" I said behind him he twirled I had him I took em all down I giggled tieing em up "this is caled bondage" dante said "u dont see me begging u to- "tmi!" beth yelled I laughed cutting em loose "girls are always smarter" kate whispered I giggled packing I took him "have a nice time" lena said taking hers "u guys to come on" I said grabbing him we went through the portal it was my most private mansion he smiled I giggled cutting him loose he grabbed me up man we didnt get out the bedroom for a while i sighed waking up sore he smirked I roled my eyes walking into the bathroom lele called "hm yeah im up for the beach" I said leaning there "see ya then" I said hanging up he got in I smiled kissing him he kissed me back wow I kissed his neck he smiled "im going to the beach" I whispered "tay them is uh coming over" he said I smirked getting out I got on my biknni slipping on my short shorts i put on a loose shirt I grabbed my board throwing my hair back he smiled I kissed him as the limo pulled up the guys got out I walked off getting in my car I threw my things in the back drifting out I dodged tay he jumped out the way i laughed speeding off I drifted in circling parking I got out walking to the docks they pulled upp I got on sighing we all looked fine as hell I was sitting there drinking my drink "so how was yalls time" lena asked me i snickered "good" i said "hm i bet u two didnt get out the bedrom much" beth said i laughed hitting her kaykay and jacey waved they got on I smiled hugging em "oi u guys are glowing" krisy said getting on I turned "even kenzie gimme what u got" eva said I laughed "what i got is caled- "haha we all know what its caled" onami said getting on I hugged her laughing we spent our time having fun when dante called "hey babe" I said "where u at" he asked me "im on kates yacht" I said we flirted on the phone I laughed 'so u up for a poolparty tommrow" he asked me "sure im up for anything" I said he chuckled "ooooooo lala" dean said "shut up dean" he called "nah nah who is that kenzie!" blaze asked "maybe" he said "haha kenzie u know u got our brother glowing right" I blushed "haha it musta been good" kaden said "u to" he snarled they Ohed "that kaden" jacey mouthed i nodded she had her hand out "kaden jacey wants to talk to u" I said I handed it to her I put on mindless behavior my girl I giggled they grinned I was dancing to it they watched me soon lena joined in we continued dancing to it "whats that" kaden asked "oh the girls their dancing to mindless behavior" she said "they in biknnis" tay asked "yeah" she said roling her eyes like stupid question "i hate them" dante said "whhy" I caled "well our girlfriends are dancing to them in biknnis" jason said "so what" ava caled "tell ava shes gonna regret saying that tonight" tay said she had her hand out "PLEAAASEEEEE IF U WERE HERE U CUOLD SEE I WAS SAYING KISS MY WHITE- 'omg tmi" I yelled laughing I took it "nah I hate em" he said "oooo jealous much" i asked I did the solo I was working it temari taped me and jacey ad kaykay getting it we swung our hairs working it I shook it with em we laughed about it "nice moves" savannah said highfiving me I smiled I smiled turning it up "who turned it up" kaden asked "haha kenzie" she said "tell kenzie shes gonna get it" dante said "OH BABE PLZ U CAN KISS IT HAHA i DONT CARE U AINT GONNA WHUP ME" i called lena highfived me laughing "want a bet" he asked "haha hell yeah" I said taking the phone he growled I purred and hung up "omg ur nuts" kami yelled I smiled we danced the guys cars zoomed in "oh shit" I said "haha kenzie u shouldnt have said that" jacey said I laughed "I didnt think he would come" I said dante wlaked down "damn" I muttered they broke out into laughs he saw us I was dancing to mrs right with ava they grinned watching us on shore soon I put my cd in I sang bulletproof kkaykay them sitting their listening i was just sitting their singing they smiled nodding to it "HEY" dante yelled we turned our eyes went wide I looked around I did handsigns he got it he growled "UR GETTING IT!" he yelled "bring it then!" I yelled he took his shirt off "dante what did she say" kaden said "something she shouldnt have" he said running "omg drive drive" I shreiked at kat "what did u say" lena asked "just fing drive kat" i yelled he came on I looked "shit" I said "got that right" he said I ran for it he grabbed me "AH AH AH!" he yelled I looked "I was uh kidding babe u know I umm love u" I said kat got it she did it I heldd on he fell in I laughed we zoomed off I waved bye he hit the water I giggled we got on the docks laughing about it he leaned there shades on he walked dow with the guys "u and ava are i ntroublleeeee" kami said "yeah we know" ava said I glared they giggled I looked "ur not getting any tonight" he whispered to me "whatevs" I said walking off mad he chuckled "ooo shes mad" eric said I got in  my car krisy caled they had left i parked walking in he walked down in pants I walked upstairs passing him I got a shower putting on this lacey night thing I layed there talking to eva on the phone he walked in he looked me up and down lust filled his eyes "mm I cant make it eva" I said "hm what haha I can" I said standing up "oh um excuse me" I said still mad "come on u cant be still mad' he callled I shut the door he sighed I put on the one that would make him regret it I brushed out my hair walking down kaykay them whooped i laughed pressing it my carss came up I got in the one I zoomed out I zoomed in doing a dangerous move shades on "omg omg kenzie is here" a girl shreiked I got out flipping my hair back they crowded aroundd krisys car I scoffed "hn" i said "so cool" a girl said I droped my shades they handed it to me I flicked my hand they left "wow shes famous" dean said about me I was talking to kaykay and jacey when she zoomed in she parked his eyes went wide at his girl idol I walked over to her she smiled at me "hey biatch" she said "sup" I said we talked I smiled "ur race"  she said to me I grinned highfiving her i got in pulling up 'shes racing tonight" blaze asked 'i wonder how she knows jashline" dean said "what wat do u mean she knows jashline jashline is top girl here and she never talks to anyone never she barelly talks to krisy" he said she smiled walking to krisy she leaned there I took off I was bad ass he was shocked "damn shes badass" dean said I looked zooming in I won it I parked in my space revving my engine I got out shades on i highfived them we continued talking "yeah call me soon I gotta go meet up with ur brother" she said "josh" I asked she nodded "hm hes trying to get me to believe hes in love with me" she said i laughed "josh is in love with the fact of being with u the girl nobody in this lot has touched or kissed" i said "hm haha like u can talk nobody has touched u" she said I shoved her she laughed leaving "so u know jashline" I turned dante stood there i smirked turning away "night girls" I said they waved I got in leaving I parked walking in he stood there shirtless on the phone I looked away walking into the bathroom I got ready walking out he saw me his eyes widened I leaned on the balcony he wanted me badly 'hm I umm gotta go kaden and so do u" he said hearing jacey cal him he chuckled hanging up I leaned there he walked over leaning there with me i was looking for moms star i found it I smiled at it it glimmered brightly I looked "I miss u" i thought with a sigh he looked at me "hm so ur torturing me" he said I looked over coming outta my thoughts "hn" I said he chuckled "ur stil mad at me" he asked me I looked at him "u did it" he muttered I walked off going to bed he sighed I woke up going downstairrs I teased the shit outta him just for the hell of it I was naked looking for my biknni i found it the one I wanted I put it on slipping my shorts on I put on my top throwing my hair back he eyed me laying there wide awake he wanted to hear me moan his name he wanted me our bond was truly truly strong he bit his lip blood flowed out I turned "why are u biting ur lip" I asked him he sighed "u damn welll know why ur torturing the hell outta me" he said I giggled turning away brushing out my hair he looked doing it that drove me nuts on the inside i shut my eyes sighing he smiled devilishly and turned away I did something he couldnt believe I id he pinned me kissing me roughly I kissed him back I was so fucking sore when he was done he was driving me wild I kissed him shoving him down he smiled wow did we go at it I kissed him after we were done he kissed my neck his fangs gliding down I moaned softly he smiled "dante" i moaned he chuckled i got ready for the poolparty we got there I was looking out the window our hands playing we got out walking in his arm around me he knocked a guy opened the door "duuude u said u couldnt make it tay them is already here and who might this be" he asked I looked up my eyes more peircing then usual he looked at me blinking he chuckled "this is my girl mckenzie" he said I waved a bit silent he chuckled "ur silent" he said "hey I got a shy streak every now and then" I muttered he laughed "yeah sure u do u were the one makin smartass comments when we were captured" he said "thats usual for me" I said he laughed so hard at that we walked in ava jogged over hugging me he was next to a crowd I never recgonized near him I sliped my shirt off and shorts I ws sitting by kat shades on lipgloss shining "so dude who have u been sleeping with lately" one of his friends said "dude" he said like realy I looked at ava sticking my tongue out she laughed "ooo u got it peirced" kat said "yeah" i said showing it to her she grinned epic" she said i laughed nodding I was listening to music I stood up whispering to kami she laughed "omg that would be epic" she said we walked outside we got the boombox out walking in "whoa chickys" he said I glare at him he backed off I smiled walking past fistbumping lena kate danced in "kateykat" I said "rosey" she said "why do they call u rose-chan and rosey" he asked me "hm its my middle name i used it alot back then" i said he chuckled I threw her a cd she caught it us doing lcick clack came on "ah turn it" kaykay yelled "no no I wanan hear it" his friend said I clicked it off "come on" he said I looked "haha u wish" jacey said in the pool "who did that song anyway the beats are epic" his friend said "them" dante said nodding to kaykay jacey and me "wait chicks cant rap" his friend yelled we looked "yeah u cnt" I said they Ohed like damn that hurt he fumed "if ur so good u and ur little groupies go up and show us"" he snarled jacey smirked at me I smirked back "thats what karoke night is for" lena said i laughed nodding "which is" he asked "tonight" kami said "we will be there then" he said "who the hell invited u im confused" kat said i laughed silently at that he fumed I grinned having fun soon we left "see ya babe" I caled before we left we walked in getting ready damn I looked fine as hell I walked down they wolf whistled i laughed we left we pulled up "their here" tay said his group and him looked I walked in last shades on like em "damn whos that" his friend asked "my girl" dante said their jaws droepd damn dude" his best friend said they were all emos I sat there talking to em "haha its timmeeee for u guys to show us" his friend snarled "oh go fuck ur- "nah jacey lets just do it" i said she smiled we went up I threw the cd the dj caught it we changed we walked out i had on my barbie necklace jacey took it she started it she continued killing it they watched us she ended walking back kykay went forward I smiled highfiving jacey "u better kill ur part" she whispered to me she did her part they were shocked "dont worry I will" I said they watched "their servving u guys" his sister said "haha hel yeah its kenzies turn" beth yelled I walked forward i took the mic sighing I did my part I continued killing it I was killing it I smiled droping the mic in his face I waked back with em wavig my hand llike u aint nothing he fumed "another one" he snarled at me I laughed "okay jace or kaykay"" I said "nah I wanna do one with u" kate said "cool come on" i said we went back she memorized it i walked out n.i.g.g.a.s started I started it taking the mic off I continued josh walked in with jashline they sat down I continued crystal walked in his arm around her shining a engagement ring I continued killing it I was on the edge I continued "damn shes good" his friend said "haha ur girl is badass" his friend said he laughed nodding they watched me crystal smiled watching me i continued kate was in awe of me I continued I continued I worked my hips she sang it she had an amazing voice I smiled walking down "ongrats sis" I said she laughed 'of course ur the first one to notice" she said i laughed I smiled odding I jumped on "I admit defeat" he said they laughed I did my part kaykay smiled she sang it I stood there I laughed a joyful laugh pointing to crystal I walked back she sang it she joined me backstage after ending they cheered louddly I highfived her laughing we had so much fun I smiled when someone turned me around I was stunned i backed up "what the fuck are u doing here" I asked him "oh u should be happy i mean I searchedd for u an searched for u after u left" he said I glared "leave me alone" I snarled at him he chuckled shaking his head dante looked and saw me yelling at him to leave me alone he walked over "there a problem babe" he asked wrapping his rms around me "no vince was just leaving me alone" I said he chuckled "why would I do tha babe I love u I want u back" he said I looked at him "I got a song for u" I said he smiled dante fumed I got on my music started I sang my song jar of hearts christina perri was my idol I continued singing my eyes closed as I walked out I put the mic on the stand I sang it dante watched me "why the hel is vince here" lena asked he looked "how do u know him" he asked "well him and kenzie dated he was the guy alll the girls wanted and kenzie had but then well he cheated on her and preposed to a girl infront of her now im guessing hes here cuz he wants kenzie back but he cant get her back becuz wel shes devoted to u" she said he fumed "did he ever- "hit her" kate asked he nodded they looked down his eyes widened i sag my fav part I held it I continued singing he was stunned I continued singing pppl were in awe of my voice dante watched me adoringly I held it I ended they cheered loudly I smiled "and these uh songs are to my boyfriend I love u forever and always" I said he smiled hugely "I love u to" he yelled ppl awed I laughed at that I smiled the music started I walked out in a beautiful dress I sang a thousand years I layed guitar singing his face lit up vince broke the glass shutting his eyes I sang it kayla played jacey joined in playing I continued singing to it I held it I smiled lena puled him up they shoved him out I tured and walked to him I sang my fav part I took the step he smiled I took another step I sang it I looked down he walked to me onstage I sang I played it was like it was just us two I sang it kayla stood up dancing with eric jacey went to kaden I stood there playing and singing to him I walked to him setting my guitar down he smiled I walked to him he took a step towards me we hugged each other slow dancing onstage til it ended they cheered so loudly I smiled up at him he stroked my cheek "I love u so much" he whispered "i love u to dante" i said soon my music started I sang arms in my true voice he stood there I continued singing to him looking in his eyes I wrote it about him truly I sang it soon lena typed a screen came down all of our memories played ppl were in awe kayla played eric by her jacey played kadens arm around her I continued singing to him I played my guitar all of our memories together me freaking out and yelling then fainting pl laughed at that I continued singing my bestest friend walked in with her bf I hadnt seen in her in years I sang it I looked twirling around he smiled I continued singing it it played him chasing me on the beach the others laughing watching me run he grabbed me spinning me around I continued singing to him he took my hand I held it kayla and jacey did the backround voices I smiled singing to him they sang with me to their boyfriends he smiled "I have made my choice dad" he thought his dad sat up hearing it "what might it be" he asked "I want to marry.. kenzie" he said he chuckled "follow ur heart son" he thought he smiled at me I smiled back the most dazzingly smile my face lighting up like his I sang to him it was only us spinning aroound I sang to him our hands going up our fingers went into each others hubs as I ended he smiled at me hugging me we went back they cheered so loudly she knew it was me she smiled "kenzie" she whispered "that girl u always talk about and her making comments" he asked she nodded running back "let hr back" dante said they walked back "roseylina-chan" she said I shot up at that name i looked at her "maya" I whispered in shock she smiled "omg" I yelled she laughed we hugged tightly "omg how have u been its been omg I cant believe this" I yelled he chuckled "hapy um birthday" he whispered to me my eyes widened "u brought her here" I asked he nodded I kissed him he kissed me back "wow rosey-chan u have changed" she said I laughed "u have to" I said smiling she laughed "haha we were always the shy cute little school girls" she said I laughed "look at us now" I said we laughed the guys looked "cute shy school girls" they both said we laughed "yeah haha unbelieveable I know but yeah we would always walk to schol together me kaykay jacey and may we would be quiet do our homework mind our parents then well then alot of things happened which caused us both to speak up and do alot of things" I said "like" kaden askedd I looked down snickering wih her "omg omg i remember that" kacey yelled we laughed so hard "omg I couldnt believe it was u two at fiirst I thought it was someone else pinning it on u then u blurt out yeah it was us u biatch" kaykay said pointing to mme "and then may says haha ur hair is weird" we all said then laughed "oky tel us" eric said "well we got sick of these chicks being mean to us at first we tried hitting her with a bus" I said their jaws droped I laughed "kidding" we all said they nodded "haha okay we did alot of things uncalled for we even broke into the princeaples office not caring about the camerasand went to the speaker" may said "she was the mastermind" jacey yelled pointing at maya "haha yeah but I didnt think that we would do it I just thought it would be fun and then next morning rose pops up and says lets do it today yay!" may said I laughed at that he looked "encourgment much" dante asked me I snickered "jacey and kaykay had nothing to do with it I gotta admit that" I said "then they do it andd u know what they get in and maya is to chicken to say it so rose sits in her chair acts liek the fucking princeaple for a while then she clicks it on an shes like kacey ur mother is on line one she says ur pads are here ur ointment is here to for that special problem then everybody in the lunchroom breaks out into laughs she runs in and next thing u know shes getting srreamed at and her and maya start cussing at the princeaple and I cal her a fatass mickeymouse with no hair" maya said their jaws droped they laughed so hard "what did u call her" dante asked me "nasty things" I muttered "haha real nasty" jacey said "like" kaden asked i whispered it their jawss droped "WOW U HAD A MOUTH!" eric yelled "haha I was no better" maya said I laughed nodding "she really wasnt she was in the backround yelling fight fight fight" I said they laughed "and next thing u know she body slams the princeaple on the desk it breaks out into a huge fight then I hand her a bat and she takes out a lighter and lights her wig on fire it took the firemen to put her fucking hair out!" maya yelled i laughed "wow u were realllly bad back then" kaden said to me I laughed "its not my fault the princeaple was a biatch" I muttered they laughed ddante smirked "I can still punish u" he whispered "mm I like the sound of that" I purred mayas eyes widened I looked "come on come on go show maya those two songs" kaykay siad I laughed "so are u two dating" maya asked me ad dante he nodded smiling at me adoringly i returned it "so intensee" maya thought I smiled walking out handing them a cd I changed I sang hit the lights it started I continued singing I pointed the lights flashed around I continued singing lena them grinned they danced maya smiled in awe of my voice I jumped down singing I smiled a guy fliped around I sang it temari taped me for youtube she smiled hopping on the table I sang it twirling around the guys watched guys around dantes table girls dancing around I continued singing i shut the lights off I flashed around a flashlight they joined in as I handed em out I sang it they flashed it around I sang my fav part on the bar counter maya made a fce on hers u saw it I laughed and held it I continued singing crystal dancing when all of a sudden she gasped I looked over I ended soon I walked over "my waterbroke" she said our jaws droped "UR FING PREGNANT!" i yelled she nodded "okay lets get her to the fucking hospital" her bf yelled I helped her into my car we all zoomed out I zoomed in dodging alot of cars her gasping I parked runing in "my sisters waterbroke" I yeled they hurried out I looked sitting there worried "hm she can see ppl" she said I shot up walking in I looked she smiled looking at this beautiful baby boy he sat there I smacked him he looked "aha hes alive everyone" I yelled they laughed she laughed to he glared "smartass" he said walking out "touchy bro" dante said "did he know" I asked she looked down "I was gonna tell him tonight" she said I looked "imma go talk to him" dante said they ran out I smiled picking him upp she smiled "so kawaii what u gonna name him" I asked I smiled it giggled at my face we all awwed "so cute" I said "hi im ur auntie" I said I blew on his tummy he smiled giggling I rocked him to sleep I set it in her arms she held him I looked dante walked in with him "hes asleep" she muttered as he looked his eyes popped open touching his face he chuckled i smiled "so cute" I said he looked at me as I held him he smiled watching me adoringly i smiled "try to get him to sleep againr rose I sure cant" "me either" they both said I got him to sleep they were in awe I set him down "so cute" I said he chuckled his head on my shoulder "hm maybe u should be a mommy" crystal said "dont make me hit u crystal" I said she laughed he looked "we can always try" he said I snickered "lets start tonight then" I said he laughed at that I giggled "ur joking right" geo asked "yeah" I said I looked at him like retreat retreat we ran out they laughed we poked our headds in "dont kill nobody while im here" crystal said "no promises sis" I said she laughed I smiled "anddrew" she said I giggled "cute name" dante said we walked out "oi what a night" he said I was asleep he looked and smiled at me asleep he picked me up the maid opened the door he brung me in i changed sleepily he smiled his arms out I snuggled closer he smiled someone knocked he woke up walking down "hm is uhh she awake" geo asked "no shes still asleep" he said "hm good man I need to tlk to u" he said he looked opening it wider he walked in 'sup dude" he said "look umm I wanna prepose to lena but I dont know how and I know that big mouth" he said "hm I have the same problem" he whispered "wait ur gonna prepose to my baby sister" he asked he nodded he chuckled "goo luck u saw how she freaked out" he said he laughed "yeah" he said they talked about it I walked down they looked "morning" I said with a wave he smiled at me I smile back "imma go see what the chef is cooking" I said walking into the kitchen they talke more "hm ugh i dont know what kinda ring she would like" he said "ooo who" I said they turned swiftly I snickered "ur not that sneaky geo" I said he sighed "dont tell" he said i snickered "hm she is my best friend" I said he looked I smirked at him "wait for me" I said he sighed "no chice huh" he asked "nope Id know what kinda ring she would like" I said "oh makes sense" he said "no shit sherlock" I saidd he glared I laughed walking upstairs I put on clothes I walked down he was starring at me while I drove to the ring shop lena loved I parked getting out we walked in I looked at the rings I did handsdigns secretly "mind transfer jutsu" I thought I looked at things then I saw one gorgeous lena thought without knowing I smiled pointing to it geo looked "u sure" he asked me "yes im sure u idiot" I said "I want that one" he said "preposing to a young miss I presume" he asked drooling over me I was looking at necklaces smiling he glared "yes" he said "hm u knowher" I said bluntly he looked "hm lena"i said he gasped "oh I saw her yesterday she was looking at this expensive expensive beauty" he sid "i dont got that kinda money kenzie" he whispered "i do" I said his eyes widened "kenzie dont" he said "lie to her say u been saving up but im paying so shut up and butt out" I said knowing her favoite shape I told him it "hm I can get it done in a few hours" he said smiling I smiled back taking out my wallet from my bag I handed it to him he smiled putting it in lenas favorite color box I smiled "do it soon geo" I whispered he looked "I dont know how I can thank u kenzie I mean I can not afford it but thanks" he said "no prob its for lele" I said getting in we left we pulled up he sprinted in lena smiled leaning there I waved bye she walked to it "u gonna visit baby andrew" she asked me "shyah that cutie is to hard to resiste"" I said she laughed "hm come by pick me up" she said "kk" I said we left he knocked i anwsered it tay them stood there I opened it wider I took my keys "babe im leaving" i called "kay" he said kissing me i kissed him back it got sorta intense I pulled away leaving him wanting more I left he sighed and went upstairs I pulled up picking her up she got in we left we walked in "um here to see crystal" I said lele behind me we had presents she lead me we walked in crystal smiled she was feeding him I handed her tthe gift she gasped at our gifts we sat around gigling over baby andrew and stuff "'so kawaiiiii" I yelled with lena ava ran in "damn it we have to wait now" kat said "to little to late" lena called I smiled feeding him the bottle crystal burped him "oo that was a big one yeah" she said an awesome mother I giggled dante texted me i smiled texting him back when nade called "im heading to ur house u eed to know something" she said "uh ill ummm meet u there"I said "tell crystal I said congrats on the baby" she said "crisy nade says congrat" I said  she smiled i stood up walking out I puled up walking in nade sat there the guys had left it was just her dante and a women dante looked and smiled at me adoringly I smiled back sitting down "their love is like something i Have never seen before" she thought "okay sit down" nade said I laughed "ur freaking me out" I saidd smiling at her she looked at the seat I sat down he smiled when i moved he did to when he moved I did to my real mom noticed this "hm okay well umm lets see I dont know how to break it to u rose" nade said I smiled "what is it who is she" i asked "this is ur.. real mother kenzie" nade said 


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