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"Glad you made it", I greet Lucifer and the rest of the vampires. I don't fail to notice a stern look on his face", Is there something wrong?"

"Extremely. Lee and I will speak to you once we've all settled in", Lucifer doesn't look in my direction for another second. Lee walks up to me.

"We passed the Witches on our way here. They'll be arriving in about an hour", and with that she races with her husband up the stone staircase.

"There's something wrong.. Lucifer looked mad", Sierra walks up to me," did we forget something?"

"Nothing that I can think of.. Although I can tell it's important. I want to have back up, just in case. Can you go tell my Beta's to prepare for a meeting. I'm going to make sure the guards are up and that the pack is ready. It's near midnight, they should be resting"

"Of course Ethan", she smiles before hurrying up the stairs.

I walk along the bottom of the wolf's side of the mountain. I see many families curling up on beds; some asleep and some awake. But when the awake ones see me, they are no longer tense. They send smiles in my direction then all lay down. They needed their Alpha to confirm everything is fine.

They respect us, my wolf proudly boast.

I'm glad they do. I was worried in the beginning they wouldn't even turn to me for an Alpha. Considering I knew nothing about anything, I admit to my wolf. I don't feel ashamed to tell him anything. He's my other half, and supports every choice I make. I respect him and he respects me.

So did I. But I think we make such a great team, my wolf praises me as I continue to walk along the walls of the mountain.

"Alpha", I look up to see who called me. Ryan stands above with a nervous look," we're ready for you"

Don't let him think you're weak. Walk up the stairs with pride and confidence. Give Ryan hope and reassure him you have this handled, my wolf commands me.

Once becoming Alpha my wolf's instincts are so much better. He's able to notice things- I notice things. The both of us have become such protectors of our pack. The most little things bring on another side of me to guard them with my life.

I look Ryan dead in the eyes, and take a deep breath. I can tell it's working cause a small smile makes its way to his face. Ryan waits for me at the top and we walk into a small meeting hole together. Lucifer, Lee, and his vampires stand on one side. While Marcus, Ryan, Tim, Jasper, and Sierra stand on another. There's an empty space between Marcus and Sierra, where I squeeze myself into.

"I'm glad we are able to meet before the Witches arrive. Things will less hectic", Lee speaks for Lucifer.

"As are we. And we are ready to hear your concerns, Sierra suddenly speaks for me. I look down at her, and nearly gasp. She usually sticks to the back when meetings happen. But here she is standing with such confidence with every word. Marcus's training with her is paying off.

"Fantastic", Lucifer's mouth twitches," I don't think I made myself clear enough when we laid our rules"

"You'll have to go into more detail", Marcus raises a hand in apologies for interrupting.

"Do you remember me telling you about that wolf pack in the way of my land growing? My vampires and I have waited long enough," he slams his hand down on the large piece of rock between us," I tried warning you and giving you a chance to save them. But it obviously doesn't mean anything to you. But very well.. Once the demons are gone and when I return. I'll be eliminating that pack"

My wolf curses in my mind as I realize I did forget about it.

"A lot has been happening. And of all people Lucifer, I expect you to be able to understand that", Tim growls lowly," we have the pack handled"

Why is he lying to them, my wolf's anger rises.

"Do you now?", Lee's eyebrow rises.

"In fact we've been waiting for this whole demon phase to run it's course. We didn't want to bring them to our land just for them to be in immediate danger", Ryan speaks up loudly.

"Oh really now?", one of the vampires behind Lucifer snarls," You're lying"

"It's the truth. And it was our Alpha's choice", Jasper jumps into the conversation," once we leave here, you have our word that they will be coming to our land with us"

I can't believe they are lying like this. Have they got no respect for themselves? Do they think this low of themselves that they can't take ownership and tell the truth? Where is their pride, my wolf rambles; clearly very upset at our Beta's for behaving in such a way.

"Great!", Lucifer smiles widely," great timing as well. I sense some Witches.. With a very.. odd.. Emotion?"

Lucifer inhales deeply, and so do the rest of the vampires.

"Blood", Lee snarls and is out of the hole in seconds. Lucifer curses and runs after her.

"A Witch.. Bleeding?", Sierra's voice starts rising with worry. I feel her heart begin to speed up," Witches aren't supposed to bleed!"

Sierra slips past me before I'm able to grab her.

She can't get between a vampire and blood Ethan! Run!, my wolf shouts.

Its my turn to panic. I run out of the hole and don't bother running down the stairs. I jump off the loft area. My feet hit the ground hard, the drop is more than 2 stories tall. My legs almost give out but my wolf pushes me forward.

"Don't!", Callista raises her hand and Lee starts screaming grabbing at her chest. Callista is using her powers against Lee.

"Callista! Stop! Its out of her control!", Lucifer runs to Lee's side and holds her. Callista does a forward motion with her hand and Lee's eye roll back then her body falls limp. Lucifer glares at Callista," was that necessary?", he picks up his wife and he's gone in seconds.

"Ethan!", Callista shouts to me," Please help me",She pleads with tears in her eyes. I can tell its serious, and I know blood from Witches is dangerous.

"I'll do anything I can", I follow her outside of the cave. My jaw drops at the sight of her mother. Her arm is nearly off and pouring blood out.

"I need all your energy. All of it. You won't feel a thing, you'll just fall asleep but I need it now!", Callista holds out her hand.

I look to Sierra and she sighs," if you're only going to pass out then fine"

I can tell she's faking a smile because my chest feels as if it drops with fear from her feelings. But I won't push it with people around. I grab Callista's hand.

The Witches start chanting. And I start to feel tired. My instincts tell me to look at Sierra and I regret everything at that very second. She covers her ears and I can tell she's screaming. The chanting is the only thing I hear. I try to reach out to her but I'm paralyzed. I try yelling to her but instead her and I both fall to the ground.


Making up the past Monday's that I missed <3

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