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The sunlight shines between the closed blinds. I squint open one eye, morning.. I look over and see Sierra sleeping soundlessly beside me. She's so beautiful, she looks so at peace. Her mouth barely parted, as she breathes. I scoot closer, my arm touching hers. A smile crosses my face, as I scoot even closer.

"Sierra.. You told me to wake you up when I wake up..", I nudge her head with mine, our lips almost meet. Should I?

No. You twos first kiss needs to be when you're both aware of it, my wolf scolds me and shakes his head.

I roll my head and shake her arm lightly. I sing," Sierrrrrraaa"

"Hmm", she grumbles and nuzzles her head against her pillow.

"Hey you're the one who told me to wake you up.. We have to be in the meeting room soon", I stretch until my bones crack nicely. Sitting up, some of the blanket comes along with me.

"Warmth", she whispers with a pout as some of the blanket leaves her. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was being.

"Come on pup. We gotta go", I slip out of bed and grab some clothes to change into," I'll be downstairs waiting for you. I'm leaving in 10 minutes"

She doesn't answer me, but I close the door behind me just in case she gets up. I quickly change out of Pajamas into a simple Tee and jeans. Us wolfs usually never wear shoes, we don't have the time or resources to rip apart every shoe we own when shifting. Plus they are a little awkward to carry by mouth.

"Don't leave without me!", Sierra bursts open the door, nearly running into me as she looks frantically around. Once she sees me her eyes soften," oh.. You're still here.."

"I won't leave. How about I make us some sandwiches for the walk?"

"Sandwiches? I.. I haven't had one of those since..", her smiles grows," since I was a little girl.."

"I know. Would you like one", I couldn't help but smile back at her, for some reason.. I was more attracted to her now- than I ever have been.

"Yeah.. I'll get dressed", she shyly turns around and closes the door. The movement makes my heart race. What was this? I've been feeling it more today than normal. Descending down the stairs I make my way into the kitchen.

I hear her start singing. Her voice.. I have to stop putting meat on the bread and listen. Why am I feeling like this? I have such an attraction to her. My hands start shaking, my body feels like magnet to her. I've heard her sing all my life? Why is it now affecting me different.

"Coming down stairs!", she cheers and I hear the small footsteps rushing down the stairs. I shake my head and quickly finish up the sandwiches.

"Right on time too", I hand her one. She smiles as she turns toward the door. I don't know what's happening.


"Hello Alpha. Sierra", Marcus greets us as we walk into the room," we have lots to talk about"

"She isn't aloud-", Tim begins but Ethan cuts him off.

"She isn't leaving", Ethan eyes him as we sit down. I frown at the action, but I realize that I really shouldn't be here.

"If need be, I'll leave", I grab the arms of the chair to lift myself up but Ethan grabs my arm to stop me.

"You aren't leaving", there's a certain emotion in his eyes I couldn't read. But to avoid anything bad, I slip down into the chair.

"Well. Let's begin. You don't know much about Aurora Australis, but its a lot different than you think it is", I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes," there's a reason we do things around here. Isaiah and the rest of his family have.. Many connections with certain people.."

"Connections?", I push the topic, I'm curious as to what it means.

"Well.. There's the vampires", Marcus starts and a memory comes up of Ethan and I.

"Hmm.. So then what would you do if you came across a vampire? I mean technically we're stronger and faster than them but they could just as easily break our necks and I'm not down for that",I lean across the table and take a few sips from the milkshake Ethan and I were sharing.

"Well.. See whether we're in human form or wolf form, our bite is lethal. So as odd as you might look, start showing teeth", he says casually and sticks a few fries in his mouth.

"There's the dreadful witches"

"What about a witch?", I ask curiously.


"How so?",I reach after and snatch a fry off his plate.

"Basically if a witch bleeds at all and its not part of a spell, its deadly to them. That's why you never see them in fights or really outside for that manner. They just can't risk it",he sips from the milkshake and then rests his head on his hand.

"And the demons..", he finishes with a sigh.

"I've never seen a demon either.."

"Well those only come out at night.. Right?"

"Correct.. In fact I'm pretty surprised we've never come across one.. I know that they want a soul in trade for you keeping yours.. Just give them a rabbit or something"

I laugh at his last comment.

The memories bring a smile to my face, and I can't help starting fondly at Ethan. Jasper gives me an odd look, considering how serious this meeting once- but oh well.

"Oh", Ethan clears his throat," this is serious"

"Very serious", Marcus runs a hand down his face," so serious that we even have a meeting with the vampires tonight.."

"What?", this catches my attention.

"Yes.. Sadly since you are not Luna, you can't come. But we must introduce our new Alpha. And you will be able to set new rules and boundaries to your liking", Tim explains for us.

I could tell Ethan's nervous. His leg was bouncing rapidly against mine. I place my hand on his thigh, and smile when he looks over to me. He doesn't smile back but he places his hand over mine.

"When do I need to be here to walk over?", he grips my hand harder.

"If you can make it at 9 that would be preferred. Considering we have to shift and run there. It should take us at least 2 hours. We have to be there before midnight", Ryan nods firmly.

"I'll be here at 9",Ethan pulls me up with him," see you then".

He practically drags me out of the building. I pull back and I can't help but to snap out of confusion," what the hell Ethan?"

He drops my hand and runs his through his hair," I'm not discussing this here", I feel bad once I realize how nervous he is. We walk back to our house, he locks the front door behind us.

"I know you're ner-", I begin but he cuts me off.

"Nervous? I'm down right terrified Sierra. I- I don't know if I can do this", he starts pacing, I can tell he's in a state of panic. I grab his face and bring it down a little to mine.

"Ethan! Stop!", I plea to him, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath," listen to me, you need to relax.. We've never seen Vampires before, and I know that scares you and that's ok. But Ethan.. You're an Alpha now.. You have to be able to pull it together for this pack"

His eyes open, meeting mine. There's an emotion that I couldn't read- like before.

"You're my strength", he presses his forehead against mine," I can't do this without you"

My chest warms at his words. I tilt my head up and kiss the tip of his nose," I won't be anywhere but beside you.."

"Where you belong", he hums.


Romance spicing up between the two???


Let's wish Ethan goodluck for tomorrow 😬

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